EIR Talks
Weekly Radio Report
EIR Talks was a weekly radio program which ran from 2001 through 2003, featuring discussions of the latest breaking developments in the unfolding world economic and cultural crisis. Featured guests included EIR Founding Editor Lyndon H. LaRouche, and other members of EIR's Intelligence team.
Beginning in late 2003, the radio show's content was folded completely into THE LAROUCHE SHOW, which continued through 2015. Please browse The LaRouche Show Archives.
Beginning with the April 17, 2003 edition of EIR Talks, the digital format of the audio files changed from Real Media to Windows Media. To listen to Windows Media files, install VLC media player. You can also use VLC to listen to all shows produced prior to April 17, 2003, or alternatively you can install Real Player or RealOne Player.
- August 21, 2003 program
- Recording of the August 16 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. LaRouche Campaign Western States Coordinator Harley Schlanger, on: Defeating the Governator Showing the Democrats How To Fight This Could Be the Battle That Determines the 2004 Presidential Campaign Facing the California Crisis, Means Facing the Global Economic Collapse The LaRouche Organizing Drive Is Critical.
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- August 14, 2003 program
- Recording of the August 9 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeff Steinberg, and members of the LaRouche Youth Movement, on "`W' Is for Watergate: The Campaign to Remove Dick Cheney."
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- August 7, 2003 program
- Recording of the August 2 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Intelligence leader Tony Papert on "The Synarchist Research Project."
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- July 31, 2003 program
- Recording of the July 26 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Economics writers Richard Freeman and John Hoefle on "An `Economic 9/11' in the WorksWho? How? Why LaRouche Says We Must Force Cheney To Resign."
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- July 24, 2003 program
- Recording of the July 19 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Middle East Editor Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, hosted by Harley Schlanger, on "LaRouche in Turkey and the Middle East."
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- July 17, 2003 program
- Recording of the July 12 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. New Federalist Editor Nancy Spannaus discusses Lyndon LaRouche's latest initiative in Washington, and Cheney's protection racket: the Democratic Leadership Council.
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- July 10, 2003 program
- Excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche's July 2, 2003 webcast. A transcript of the entire event is available.
Download Part 1 (6.7 MB)
Download Part 2 (6.7 MB)
- July 3, 2003 program
- Recording of the June 28 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Host Michele Steinberg plays portions of Lyndon H. LaRouche's presentation to an educational event held on June 27 in Pennsylvania by the LaRouche Youth Movement.
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- June 26, 2003 program
- Recording of the June 21 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. LaRouche in 2004 campaign national spokeswoman Debra Freeman, and members of the LaRouche Youth Movement.
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- June 19, 2003 program
- Recording of the June 14 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Law Editor Edward Spannaus and members of the International LaRouche Youth movement, on: "LaRouche Says Charges Against Cheney Constitute Grounds for Impeachment."
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- June 12, 2003 program
- Recording of the June 7 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Ibero-America Editor Dennis Small; Benjamin Castro, candidate for Governor of the Mexican state of Nuevo León; and members of the International LaRouche Youth Movement, on: Organizing for LaRouche's "Great American Desert" Development Program.
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- June 5, 2003 program
- Recording of the May 31 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Members of the international LaRouche Youth Movement.
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- May 29, 2003 program
- Recording of the May 24 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Sohair Soukkary, journalist, representative to the United Nations of the Arab Women's Solidarity Association, promoter of the "Cairo Declaration" to save the children of Iraq, and to ban economic blockades as weapons of mass destruction; and Mike Vandernat and Nick Feden of the LaRouche Youth Movement, on "Iraq: Mobilizing Against the Imperialism Madness."
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- May 22, 2003 program
- Recording of the May 17 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Colin Lowry of 21st Century Science & Technology and and Dr. Cathy Helgason of the University of Illinois, discuss "SARS: The Thinking Required to Combat Disease."
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- May 15, 2003 program
- Recording of the May 10 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. LaRouche Youth Movement Roudtable: Why Lyndon LaRouche is the Number One Candidate on Campus, hosted by LaRouche Campaign western states coordinator Harley Schlanger.
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- May 8, 2003 program
- Recording of the May 3 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Tony Papert and a panel of LaRouche Youth Movement organizers, on "Dick Cheney: The French Connection.
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- May 1, 2003 program
- Recording of the April 26 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. LaRouche Campaign National Spokeswoman Debra Freeman.
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- April 24, 2003 program
- Recording of the April 19 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. "Actor and director Robert Beltran, on "Why We Need Classical Art in a Time of Turbulence." Hosted by Harley Schlanger.
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- April 17, 2003 program
- Recording of the April 12 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. "Leo Strauss, Warhawks, and Gentlemen FascistsWhat You Need To Know About the Philosophy, and the `Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's No-exit War," with: Tony Papert, co-author "Children of Satan," a new pamphlet issued by Lyndon LaRouche's Presidential campaign committee; and leaders of the LaRouche Youth Movement.
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- April 10, 2003 program
- Recording of the April 5 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Members of the International LaRouche Youth Movement will discuss the "Leipzig Process" of organizing to change world history.
- April 3, 2003 program
- Recording of the March 28 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg interviews filmmaker Tito Howard, director of the film "The Lost of Liberty," the story of the June 8, 1967 deliberate and unprovoked assault by Israeli armed forces on the U.S. surveillance ship U.S.S. Liberty, and the subsequent coverup. Later in the show, Michele Steinberg, joined by a panel of LaRouche movement organizers, discusses the war on Iraq, and the LaRouche strategy for peace.
- March 27, 2003 program
- Recording of the March 22 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Historians David Shavin and Phil Valenti, and EIR Legal Editor Edward Spannaus, on "The United States Is Not an Empire: The Leibnizian Roots of the American Republic."
- March 20, 2003 program
- Recording of the March 15 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Dr. Najib Al-Nauimi, former Justice Minister of Qatar and currently attorney for detainees at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo, Cuba; and Edward Spannaus, EIR Legal Editor.
- March 13, 2003 program
- Recording of the March 8 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg on the new nuclear doctrine, the strategic crisis, and the latest on Lyndon LaRouche versus the organized-crime-connected thugs in the Democratic National Committee and the strategic theater.
- March 6, 2003 program
- "In the Aftermath of Jan. 28th," part 2 of Lyndon LaRouche's keynote address to the Presidents' Day Conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and the Schiller Institute, along with highlights of the question-and-answer period. Transcript
- February 27, 2003 program
- "In the Aftermath of Jan. 28th," part 1 of Lyndon LaRouche's keynote address to the Presidents' Day Conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and the Schiller Institute. Transcript
- February 20, 2003 program
- Recording of the Feb. 8 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Marsha Freeman of 21st Century Science & Technology magazine, and Bruce Director of the Constitutional Defense Fund, will discuss Lyndon LaRouche's response to the Columbia shuttle disaster: a Gauss-Riemann space-science driver to put NASA back into business on a firm basis of American System economics, and to kick-start the collapsing U.S. and world economy.
- February 13, 2003 program
- Conclusion of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union address, entitled "On the Subjects of Economy and Security," and a selection of the following question-and-answer period. Transcript
- February 6, 2003 program
- Part 2 of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union address, entitled "On the Subjects of Economy and Security." Transcript
- January 30, 2003 program
- Part 1 of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union address, entitled "On the Subjects of Economy and Security." Transcript
- January 23, 2003 program
- Recording of the Jan. 18 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Colin Lowry, associate editor of 21st Century Science & Technology magazine, on "The Plague of AIDS: The Challenge to Science to Defeat Disease."
- January 16, 2003 program
- Recording of the Jan. 11 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Jacques Cheminade, former candidate for the President of France and head of the Solidarity and Progress party there..
- January 9, 2003 program
- Recording of the Jan. 4 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Democratic pre-Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
- January 2, 2003 program
- Recording of the Dec. 28 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Harley Schlanger, Western States Spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche's campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination; Nevada State Sen. Joe Neal, leader in the fight to get rid of deregulation and return to FDR-style reconstruction policies to overcome the worldwide economic depression; Pennsylvania State Rep. Harold James; and leaders from the LaRouche Youth Movement.
- December 26, 2002 program
- Recording of the Dec. 21 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Historian Anton Chaitkin discusses the dirty-money connections of the Israeli Likud party and Prime Minister (but maybe not for too much longer) Ariel Sharon.
- December 19, 2002 program
- Recording of the Dec. 14 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Harley Schlanger, Western States Coordinator for Lyndon LaRouche's campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination, discusses how to organize a new Classical renaissance. He also details LaRouche's answers to the war danger, the economic crisis, and the threatened new dark age, and is joined by other guests from the LaRouche Youth Movement.
- December 12, 2002 program
- Recording of the Dec. 7 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR's Richard Freeman, on "Federal Budgets Out of Control: LaRouche's `Super-TVA' Needed To Deal with Emergency." Also EIR's Anita Gallagher on the crisis of the U.S. airlines.
- December 5, 2002 program
- Recording of the Nov. 30 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg discusses the international strategic situation following the Israeli elections.
- November 27, 2002 program
- Recording of the Nov. 23 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Debra Freeman, National Spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche's campaign for the 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination; and also members of the LaRouche Youth Movement.
- November 21, 2002 program
- Recording of the Nov. 16 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Edward Spannaus on "Homeland Security, or General Welfare."
- November 14, 2002 program
- Recording of the Nov. 9 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Lawrence Hecht, Science Editor of 21st Century Science & Technology magazine, speaks about "The `No-Soul Gang': The Open Conspiracy Behind Reverend Moon's Gnostic Sex-Cult Freak Show."
- November 7, 2002 program
- Recording of the Nov. 2 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Harley Schlanger, Western States Coordinator for Lyndon LaRouche's campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
- October 31, 2002 program
- Recording of the Oct. 26 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg discusses why, if we want to prevent war in Iraq, we'll have to shut down the Moon cult's dirty operations worldwide.
- October 24, 2002 program
- Highlights of the October 19 2-hour broadcast of The LaRouche Show, with Lyndon LaRouche and LaRouche Democratic candidates Nancy Spannaus (U.S. Senate, Virginia), Laurie Dobson (State Rep., Connecticut, 141st District), and Kerry Lowry (State Rep., Michigan, 19th District).
- October 17, 2002 program
- Recording of the October 12 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., pre-candidate for the U.S. Democratic Party Presidential nomination, discusses how, in the wake of the U.S. Congressional capitulation to the Bush Administration's demand for imperial war-making powers, the United States and the world can still be pulled from the brink of disaster, if the American citizens can force the President to adopt immediate measures for rebuilding the nation's shattered infrastructure.
- October 10, 2002 program
- Recording of the October 5 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. EIR Banking Editor John Hoefle reports on the implications of the just-concluded "hellish September" which Lyndon LaRoucheaccurately, as usualwarned about. Also, EIR Law Editor Edward Spannaus discusses the gross violation of the principles of the U.S. Constitution which the Bush "43" Administration is foising upon the United States.
- October 3, 2002 program
- Recording of the September 28 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairman of Germany's Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity party (BüSo), discusses the significance of the Italian Parliament's decision to call for a new world financial architecture as outlined by her husband Lyndon LaRouche, and also the significance of the electoral gains made by the BüSo during the just-concluded national elections in Germany.
- September 26, 2002 program
- Recording of the September 21 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Jonathan Tennenbaum, of the Fusion Energy Forum in Germany, discusses the relation of science and education in LaRouche's world infrastructure development plan.
- September 19, 2002 program
- Recording of the September 14 broadcast of The LaRouche Show. Dialogue with LaRouche Youth Movement leaders, hosted by Harley Schlanger, Western States Coordinator of the LaRouche Presidential Campaign.
- September 12, 2002 program
- Second part of "The World Will Never Seem the Same," the Aug. 31 keynote address given by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. to the Labor Day Conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and the Schiller Institute,and also portions of the following question-and-answer period. Transcript
- September 5, 2002 program
- First part of "The World Will Never Seem the Same," the Aug. 31 keynote address given by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. to the Labor Day Conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and the Schiller Institute. Transcript
- August 29, 2002 program
- Recording of the August 24 broadcast of The LaRouche Show, with wide-ranging dialogue with EIR Founding Editor Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
- August 22, 2002 program
- Recording of the August 17 broadcast of The LaRouche Show, featuring Anton Chaitkin, EIR History Editor and author of Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman.
- August 15, 2002 program
- Recording of the August 10 broadcast of The LaRouche Show, featuring Kerry Lowry, a LaRouche Democrat who won the Aug. 6 Democratic primary for the Michigan House of Representatives' 19th District; Harley Schlander, western states coordinator for the LaRouche Presidential campaign; and West Coast LaRouche campaign organizer Elisabeth Nash, who is spearheading the LaRouche movement's explosive growth on campuses around the state.
- August 8, 2002 program
- Recording of the August 3 broadcast of The LaRouche Show, featuring civil rights heroine Amelia Boynton Robinson and EIR Board member Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, on their recent trip to Iran.
- August 1, 2002 program
- Lyndon LaRouche is interviewed on the July 27 broadcast of The LaRouche Show about the necessity to remove "Clash of Civliizations" fanatics Joe Lieberman and John McCain from political influence as soon as possible.
- July 25, 2002 program
- Second in a series of shows on Lyndon and Helga LaRouche's June 11-15 visit to Brazil, where he was awarded honorary citizenship of the city of São Paulo.
- July 18, 2002 program
- Interview with Scott Endersbee, former dean of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and a leader in the effort to build great infrastructure projects in Australia and elsewhere, including the famous Snowy River project.
- July 11, 2002 program
- Highlights of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche's June 11-15 visit to Brazil, where he was awarded honorary citizenship of the city of São Paulo.
- July 4, 2002 program
- Repeat of June 13 program: "The Lessons of Wartime for Statecraft Today," conclusion of Lyndon LaRouche's opening address, and part of the question-and-answer period, of his May 28 Memorial Day webcast.
- June 27, 2002 program
- Repeat of June 6 program: "The Lessons of Wartime for Statecraft Today," first part of Lyndon LaRouche's address on his May 28 Memorial Day webcast.
- June 20, 2002 program
- More from the question-and-answer period of Lyndon LaRouche's May 28 Memorial Day webcast.
- June 13, 2002 program
- "The Lessons of Wartime for Statecraft Today," conclusion of Lyndon LaRouche's opening address, and part of the question-and-answer period, of his May 28 Memorial Day webcast.
- June 6, 2002 program
- "The Lessons of Wartime for Statecraft Today," first part of Lyndon LaRouche's address on his May 28 Memorial Day webcast.
- May 30, 2002 program
- Repeat of May 9 program: "The Middle East Blow-Back Effect," first part of opening remarks by Lyndon LaRouche on international webcast on May 1.
- May 23, 2002 program
- Continuation of question-and-answer session following Lyndon LaRouche's international webcast on May 1.
- May 16, 2002 program
- Conclusion of opening remarks by Lyndon LaRouche on international webcast on May 1, followed by portions of the question-and-answer period.
- May 9, 2002 program
- "The Middle East Blow-Back Effect," first part of opening remarks by Lyndon LaRouche on international webcast on May 1.
- May 3, 2002 program
- Address by Lyndon LaRouche to a forum of the Initiativa Italia in Milan, Italy on March 22.
- April 25, 2002 program
- April 12 interview with Lyndon LaRouche on the Egyptian television program "Good Morning, Egypt."
- April 18, 2002 program
- Re-broadcast of overview video documenting the historic August-September 1995 hearings in Washington, D.C. on the tyranny of the U.S. Justice Department, both in the persecution of targetted black elected officials, and in the 1986-89 railroad prosecution and conviction of Lyndon LaRouche.
- April 11, 2002 program
- "The Man in the Iron Mask," special presentation on the history of the "utopian" faction's decades-long, but unsuccessful efforts to eliminate Lyndon LaRouche and his ideas from the political scene. Introduced by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg.
- April 4, 2002 program
- Part 2 of "The Dialogue of Cultures," Second Keynote presentation at Feb. 17 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- March 28, 2002 program
- Part 1 of "The Dialogue of Cultures," Second Keynote presentation at Feb. 17 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- March 21, 2002 program
- Open discussion session with Lyndon LaRouche at Feb. 17 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- March 14, 2002 program
- Continuation of open discussion with Lyndon LaRouche at a Feb. 16 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- March 7, 2002 program
- "Is Enron `Cluster's Last Stand'? Next Comes the Cluster-Bust!" Continuation of Keynote address, and part of following discussion period, by Lyndon LaRouche on Feb. 16 to a conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- February 28, 2002 program
- "Is Enron `Cluster's Last Stand'? Next Comes the Cluster-Bust!" First part of Keynote address by Lyndon LaRouche on Feb. 16 to a conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- February 21, 2002 program
- Question-and-answer period of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 24 webcast meeting in Washington, D.C.
Transcript of questions and answers
- February 14, 2002 program
- Repeat ot Feb. 7 program: Opening statement and part of question-and-answer period of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 24, 2002 webcast meeting in Washington, D.C.
Transcript of opening statement
- February 7, 2002 program
- Opening statement and part of question-and-answer period of Lyndon LaRouche's Jan. 24, 2002 webcast meeting in Washington, D.C.
Transcript of opening statement
- January 31, 2002 program
- Strategic Briefing by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg, followed by presentation by Lyndon LaRouche and parts of the discussion period at a seminar held in Berlin, Germany on Nov. 5, 2001.
Transcript of LaRouche's Berlin address
- January 24, 2002 program
- Question-and-answer period following presentation given by Lyndon LaRouche on Dec. 3 to a seminar at the India International Center in New Delhi, India, followed by brief comments by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. (See Jan. 17 program description.)
- January 17, 2002 program
- Presentation by Lyndon LaRouche on Dec. 3 to a seminar at the India International Center in New Delhi, India. Introduced by Prof. Devendra Kaushik, former chairman of the Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and present chairman of Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Calcutta.
- January 10, 2002 program
- On Nov. 22, 2001, Lyndon LaRouche was the featured guest at a TV debate broadcast live from Rome, Italy, on Teleambiente's weekly program "Incontri con..." ("Meetings with..."), hosted by Giuseppe Vecchio. The other guests were: Prof. Roberto Panizza, economist and professor of international economics at Turin University; Emilio Galloni, director of the Italian Labor Ministry; and Father Ulisse Frascali, president of the Foundation Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo in Ravenna. This week's program presents the audio of the show, translated by EIR's Umberto Pascali.
- January 3, 2002 program
- Repeat of Dec. 27 program: Audio of The LaRouche Connection TV show, on the hoax of energy deregulation, and the "LaRouche factor" in bringing down the king of dereg, Enron. Interviews with LaRouche campaign Western states coordinator Harley Schlanger, and EIR financial writer John Hoefle.
- December 27, 2001 program
- Audio of The LaRouche Connection TV show, on the hoax of energy deregulation, and the "LaRouche factor" in bringing down the king of dereg, Enron. Interviews with LaRouche campaign Western states coordinator Harley Schlanger, and EIR financial writer John Hoefle.
- December 20, 2001 program
- Repeat of Dec. 6 program: Address by Lyndon LaRouche to the national congress of the German Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (BüSo), in Mainz, Germany on Nov. 17.
- December 13, 2001 program
- EIR's Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg discusses the global holocaust that is being launched by the backers of the lunatic fascist Ariel Sharon. Also featured: A Dec. 7 presentation by former U.N. inspector Scott Ridder, on the insanity of "going after Iraq."
- December 6, 2001 program
- Address by Lyndon LaRouche to the national congress of the German Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (BüSo), in Mainz, Germany on Nov. 17.
- November 29, 2001 program
- Roundtable discussion of crisis in U.S. public health policy, moderated by New Federalist Editor Nancy Spannaus, joined by three members of Lyndon LaRouche's National Medical Task Force: Lynne Speed of the LaRouche movement; Dr. Alim Muhammad, directory of the Abundant Life Clinic in Washington, D.C. and Minister of Health of the Nation of Islam; and Charlene Gordon, R.N., a leader of the effort to prevent the closing of Washington, D.C.'s only public hospital, D.C. General Hospital.
- November 21, 2001 program
- Audio of The LaRouche Connection TV show featuring Nov. 5 address by London LaRouche to a conference in Berlin.
- November 15, 2001 program
- Audio of The LaRouche Connection TV show. New Federalist Editor Nancy Spannaus presents the case for a serious build-up of Homeland Defense. Also, additional parts of discussion with LaRouche at Sept. 1-2 conference of the Schiller Institute and International Causus of Labor Committees.
- November 8, 2001 program
- "It Only Smells Like the Island of Dr. Moreau," presentation by Stanley Ezrol on Sept. 2 to the conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees, on the anti-republican, pro-oligarchic tradition of William Yandell Elliott and his Nashville Agrarians.
- November 1, 2001 program
- Audio of The LaRouche Connection TV show. Briefing by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg; LaRouche's opening remarks on Oct. 2 to the Society of Economists and Engineers of Peru, and part of discussion period; excerpt from Open Discussion period at Sept. 2 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
Transcript of LaRouche's Peru videoconference
- October 25, 2001 program
- International briefing by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg; and conclusion of `Why Americans Should Go There: The Eurasian Land-Bridge Determines Your Future,' Sept. 2 address by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees.
Transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche's address
- October 18, 2001 program
- Second part of Lyndon LaRouche's Oct. 2 videoconference with the Society of Economists and Engineers of Peru.
- October 11, 2001 program
- First part of Lyndon LaRouche's Oct. 2 videoconference with the Society of Economists and Engineers of Peru.
- October 4, 2001 program
- `Why Americans Should Go There: The Eurasian Land-Bridge Determines Your Future,' first part of Sept. 2 address by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- September 27, 2001 program
- `Calm Down! The Enemy Is Right Here in the U.S.A.' Sept. 18 interview with Lyndon LaRouche on the forces within the United States who on Sept. 11 used throw-away terrorists as the first in a series of shocks aimed at conducting a coup against the U.S. government.
Transcript of the interview
- September 20, 2001 program
- Briefing by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg (taped on Sept. 15), and conclusion of keynote address by Lyndon LaRouche on Sept. 1 to the Labor Day conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees in Reston, Virginia.
Transcript LaRouche's address
Audio of LaRouche's entire address
- September 13, 2001 program
- "You Have Nothing to Fear So Much As Denial Itself," first hour of address by Lyndon LaRouche on Sept. 1 to the Labor Day conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees in Reston, Virginia.
Transcript LaRouche's address
Audio of LaRouche's entire address
- September 6, 2001 program
- "Rally the Citizens Behind a Missiong for All Mankind," address given by Lyndon LaRouche to the Schiller Institute's Summer Academy in Oberwesel, Germany on Aug. 18.
Transcript LaRouche's address
- August 30, 2001 program
- On Aug. 2, Lyndon LaRouche, speaking from Frankfurt Germany, addressed a videoconference sponsored by the National Institute of Public Accountants at the Service of the State (INCOPSE). This week's show features the remainder of the extensive question-and-answer period.
Transcript of entire question-and-answer period
- August 23, 2001 program
- On Aug. 2, Lyndon LaRouche, speaking from Frankfurt Germany, addressed a videoconference sponsored by the National Institute of Public Accountants at the Service of the State (INCOPSE). This week's show includes LaRouche's full opening remarks, and part of the extensive question-and-answer period.
Transcript of LaRouche's opening remarks
Transcript of entire question-and-answer period
- August 16, 2001 program
- Continuation of the question-and-answer period of Lyndon LaRouche's July 24 seminar/press conference in Washington, D.C.
Transcript of LaRouche's opening remarks
Partial transcript of questions and answers
- August 9, 2001 program
- Highlights of Lyndon LaRouche's July 24 seminar/press conference in Washington, D.C.
Transcript of LaRouche's opening remarks
Partial transcript of questions and answers
- August 2, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV Show, on "The Guns of August," an in-depth briefing by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg on the ugly prospect of war in the Middle East.
- July 26, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show, featuring July 3, 2001 address by Lyndon LaRouche before the Chambers of Commerce of Vincenza, Italy.
- July 19, 2001 program
- Repeat of May 17 program: Excerpts of three major addresses delivered on May 4 to a conference of the Schiller Institute in Bad Schwalbach, Germany: (1) "Winning the Ecumenical Battle for the Common Good," by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr; (2) "Reconstruction After the Financial Crash," by Dr. Sergei Glazyev, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; and (3) "Russia Prepares for the Financial Crash," by Prof. Stanislav Menshikov of the Central Mathematical Economics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Full transcripts of LaRouche, Glazyev, and Menshikov speeches.
- July 12, 2001 program
- Part 2 the sixth panel of the May-4-6 conference the Schiller Institute, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany. Dr. Wolfgang Lillge on "Biophysics and the Life Process," and Dino De Paoli on "Is Mind a Mystery?"
- July 5, 2001 program
- Part 1 the sixth panel of the May-4-6 conference the Schiller Institute, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany. Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum on "Vernadsky and the Science of Life," and Laurence Hecht on "The Ampère Angular Force As a Discoverable Type of `Natural Object.'"
- June 28, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV Show. Review of progress toward realizing LaRouche's Eurasian Land-Bridge proposal. Presentation on New Bretton Woods system by Elliott Greenspan, candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for Governor of New Jersey. And portions of a June 13 meeting of the Coalition to Save D.C. General Hospital.
- June 21, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show, featuring Lyndon LaRouche's address to the Schiller Institute in Poland.
- June 14, 2001 program
- Repeat of April 26 program: Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. Special program on the principle of the General Welfare versus "shareholder values," and how it figures in the battle to save Washington, D.C.'s only remaining public hospital, D.C. General.
- June 7, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. An interview with Dr. Sergei Glazyev, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Two speeches from the second panel of the May 4-6 conference of the Schiller Institute, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany: Charlene Gordon, R.N., leader of the nurses at D.C. General Hospital; and Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, leader of the Coalition to Save D.C. General Hospital.
- May 31, 2001 program
- Excerpts of the discussion period following the first panel of a May 4-6 conference of the Schiller Institute, held in Bad Schwalbach, Germany. On the panel answering questions are Lyndon LaRouche; Dr. Sergei Glazyev, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; and Prof. Stanislas Menshikov of the Central Mathematical Economics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- May 24, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. Excerpts of May 5 address by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to a conference of the Schiller Institute in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, on the life and work of Nicolaus of Cusa, whose 600th birthday we celebrate this year.
- May 17, 2001 program
- Excerpts of three major addresses delivered on May 4 to a conference of the Schiller Institute in Bad Schwalbach, Germany: (1) "Winning the Ecumenical Battle for the Common Good," by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr; (2) "Reconstruction After the Financial Crash," by Dr. Sergei Glazyev, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; and (3) "Russia Prepares for the Financial Crash," by Prof. Stanislav Menshikov of the Central Mathematical Economics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Full transcripts of LaRouche, Glazyev, and Menshikov speeches.
- May 10, 2001 program
- Excerpts from an April 18 Town Meeting in Washington, D.C., on the battle to save D.C. General Hospital and the principle of the General Welfare.
- May 3, 2001 program
- "No Imports, No Lights." Feb. 18 presentation by EIR Economics writer Richard Freeman.
- April 26, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. Special program on the principle of the General Welfare versus "shareholder values," and how it figures in the battle to save Washington, D.C.'s only remaining public hospital, D.C. General.
- April 19, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. As the national and internal fight intensified to save D.C. General Hospital from KKK-Katie Graham and Wall Street's band of bloodthirsty "free trade" lunatic cultists, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) sponsored a special briefing on Capitol Hill on March 22. We present highlights of that briefing.
Full transcript of the Congressional briefing
- April 12, 2001 program
- "A National Mission to Rebuild the World," parts of a March 21 webcast address by Lyndon LaRouche to an audience in Washington, D.C.
- April 5, 2001 program
- "This Little Piggy Went to Market," presentation by EIR Ibero-America Editor Dennis Small on Feb. 18 to conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees.
- March 29, 2001 program
- Audio of "The LaRouche Connection" TV show. Continuing coverage of the battle to save D.C. General Hospital, Washington's only public hospital, with portions of a March 15 town meeting. Also, parts of a March 5 seminar held in Berlin, Germany with Lyndon LaRouche and other leading Russian and German economists, on the subject of "The Depression Collapse in the United States: Causes and Cures."