Conference of the
International Caucus of Labor Committees
and the
Schiller Institute
Labor Day Weekend
September 4-7, 2004

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September 4, 2004
Panel 1
A Moment of Epic Decision
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Chairman, ICLC
Founder and Contributing Editor of Executive Intelligence Review
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English video & audio
English audio only
English 300 kbps
Spanish video & audio
Spanish audio only
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English video & audio
English audio only
English 300 kbps (very large)
Spanish video & audio
Spanish audio only
Transcript of Lyndon LaRouche's Address
Panel 2
The Crash Began in Germany
Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Founder and Chairwoman,
international Schiller Institutes
September 5, 2004
Panel 3
Animating Dead Economics
Marcia Merry Baker and John Hoefle,
EIR Economics Staff
Panel 4
The War Plan for November
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Debra Freeman, and
Harley Schlanger
Panel 5
Lyndon LaRouche & Youth
Salute Sylvia Olden Lee
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Dennis Speed,
Megan Beets, Matthew Ogden, Jean-Sebastien Tremblay,
and the Boston LYM Chorus
September 6, 2004
Youth Cadre School Session 1
September 7, 2004
Youth Cadre School Session 2
The Sexual Congress of
Cultural Fascism
Youth Cadre School Session 3
Riemannian Geometry
Bruce Director
Youth Cadre School Session 4
Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche