Conference of the
International Caucus of Labor Committees
and the
Schiller Institute
Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-15, 2004

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February 14, 2004
Panel 1
"I Stand at the Bedside
of a Doomed Empire"
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Chairman, ICLC
Founder and Contributing Editor of Executive Intelligence Review
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English video & audio
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Panel 2
The Scientific Revolution and the
Fight for American Independence
Cody Jones, Sky Shields, Samuel P. Dixon IV,
Anna Shavin, Nick Walsh, MyHoa Steger, and
Mike "von Euler" Vandemat
of the LaRouche Youth Movement
February 15, 2004
Panel 3
Music As a Science Driver
Merv Fansler, Megan Beets, Matthew Ogden,
Timothy Vance, Jennifer Kreingold, and Jessica Tremblay
of the LaRouche Youth Movement
Panel 4
Let's Have a Second
American Revolution!
Helga Zepp LaRouche
Founder and Chairman,
international Schiller Institutes
Panel 5
Drama As History:
Clifford Odets' `The Big Knife'
and Trumanism
Harley Schlanger,
LaRouche Campaign Western States Spokesman
Robert Beltran, actor