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Volume 1, Number 31, November 10, 1974
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November 10
Round Two of the Great Oil Hoax in the Works
French ‘Scandals’ Dress Up Gicard’s NATO Dragon Slayer Masquerade
Where Is Gerry?
Agricultural Report: Dumont Calls for American Workers to Sacrifice
Agricultural Report: CIA Agent Dumont Peddles Rockefeller Food Line in Rome
Agricultural Report: “Export” of Canadian Farmers to Third World Urged
November 9
Fusion Energy Foundation Forms
Special Report: The Takeover of French Industry by Rockefeller and His Arab Allies
Kissinger Stops in Africa; Counterinsurgency Heightens in Angola
Cannibal Sokolov Proposes “Rice Ritual” for the Starving
November 8
Schlesinger Pours Arms into Israel
US Announces Pro-Liberation Position in South Africa
Bourgeois Press Uses Soviet Parade Cancellation in Psywar
East German Radio Warns of Nuclear War in Mideast
PCF’s Seguy Cowed To Surrender By Chirac’s Tough Line
IPS Special Election Report
Labor Party Vote Tops 300,000, Mass-Based Workers’ Party Emerges Despite Unprecedented Election Fraud
Preliminary Official US Labor Party Election Returns and Projections of the Actual Vote in 1974 Races
Labor Party Mounts National Legal Attack on Fraud
Ogden Sweeps Richmond Ghetto
US Labor Party Turnout Breaks European Demoralization
November 7
UMW Leadership Assists Government in Planning Militarization for Upcoming Strike
Black Lakes Alcoholism Conference Excludes IPS Reporters
Michigan Martial Law Model Enacted in 14 States
West Germany Pushes Its Workers to Saudi Arabia
Moscow Extends Welcome to the CIA’s Shah
SED Continues Internal CP Resistance to Polycentrism
Nationalist CP Faction Attacked in
Italian Press Pushes Reorganization of Army Amid Rumors of Coup
Rockefeller’s Tacit Support Worsens Effects of The French Fuel Retailers’ Strike
Schlesinger and Leber Plan “Tactical Nuclear Exchange” Against Soviets
West German President Calls for End of Advanced Sector
Amendola Shifts PCI Policy Toward a “United Left” to Implement Fascist Programs
Ecuador Protests Rockefeller Conflict Of Interests in Exxon Concession
Cartoon: Brainwasher Trist Sets Up The November Offensive
Cartoon: The Communist Parties Support Each Other’s “National Road to Socialism”
Cartoon: Crisis de Liquidez