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Volume 1, Number 32, November 13, 1974
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November 13
Rockefeller To Head Up Fascist Productivity Body
SPD Leader Announces That Coalition With Strauss May Be Necessary
Canada Embargos Wheat, Sets Up Food Bank
AP Blacks Out Richmond, Boston Labor Party Vote
November 12
Rockefeller Rigs OPEC Anti-Imperialism
Defferre Announces End to “Unity Of The Left” Coalition
How NBC Turns Its Views into News
UAW Goons Attack Labor Party in Woodhaven, Michigan; Police Refuse To Accept Charges
The Shah Joins the Anti-Imperialist Camp
CIA’s Coal Strike Brings Widespread Layoffs in Steel, Rail
Chase Manhattan Plots Overthrow of Indian Government
Israeli Army on Green Alert
Jordanian Government Increasing Threat of War
Tito Warns of Pre-Emptive Israeli Strike
US Navy Augments Mideast Forces
West German Media Links ELC to Rightists, Terrorists
Brzezinski To Discuss NCLC with Journalist
Mondale’s Detente Speech Dictated by CIA Agent Brzezinski
November 11
Hussein Pushed Back from West Bank in Move To Panic Israelis
Red Scare, Terrorism Campaign Escalates in West Germany
Israel Put On War Footing; Pound Devalued 42 Percent
Hungary Submits to Capitalist Penetration
Governors To Meet Illegally To Plan Energy Crisis Contingencies
AFL-CIO Hobby’s Goon Convicted in North Carolina Court
Labor Party Gains 10 To 20 Percent of Vote Among San Francisco Workers
PSI Leader Announces Labor-Intensive “Development” Projects
PSI’s Mancini Backs Trilateral Commission Policy
UAW Bureaucrats Demand Short Weeks as “Answer” to Layoffs
ELC Declared ‘Incompatible’ by German Social Democracy
Starvation Planners Demand Soviet Capitulation at Food Conference
Special Military Report
An Analysis of the 1973 October War in the Mideast