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Volume 1, Number 34, November 20, 1974
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November 20
PCI’s Amendola Confirms He Is a CIA Agent
Mideast War To Cause New Oil Embargo, Officials Say
CIA-Induced Hysteria Mounts in Israel
Arab Regimes Mobilize for War
Banks Force Dairylea Milk Coop Collapse
Rockefeller’s IEA To Bypass Congress in Oil Emergencies
Danish CP Leader Retails Anti-ELC Slanders
Mass Strike Ferment Grows in France; Giscard No Longer Useful to Rockefeller
November 19
Rockefeller Banks Food Supplies, Starves India
D’Ornano Concludes French Deal with Shah
Rockefeller Fires Chase Vice President After IPS Exposé
West German Police Raid Home of Communist Youth Leader
Resignation of Indian Minister Marks Decline in Soviet Influence
East German Food Conference Delegate Scores Capitalist
Who Is Incompatible? ELC Polls West German Workers
UN Report: West Germans Inflame Mideast War Hysteria
Brandt Calls for Corporativist “European Crisis Management”
Israeli Labor Federation Demands Wage Cuts
Italian Workers Respond Enthusiastically to Anti-Amendola Drive
Canadian Workers Spurn Rockefellers Nationalist Propaganda
Chrysler Plans Extended Thanksgiving Vacations
November 18
Tito Meets with East German Communists
Kissinger Speech on Energy Provokes French Fears
D’Ornano Bartering with Shah for French Telephone Contract
North American Labor Party Polls 14 Percent of Vancouver Vote, Expands Mass Working Class Machine
Australian “Reforms” Prepare for Increased Slave-Labor Projects
Starvation Psywar Hits West Germany
Saxbe Covers for FBI Post-Election Harassment of Labor Party
Labor Party Demands Congressional Probe of Vote Fraud
Club of Rome Member Proposes Recycling Human Hair
IMF To Control World Trade for Rockefeller
Pentagon Alleges Soviet Treaty Violations
New DOL Project to Test Slave Labor Apparatus
Jackson Meets with NATO Agent Rumsfeld
Will Chrysler Be Shipped to Iran?