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Volume 1, Number 42, December 22, 1974
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December 22
Brzezinski Confirms That Trilateral Controls PCI Amendola Faction
CIA Escalates Counter-Terrorist Force in Israel
CIA Journalist Announces Massive CIA Domestic Operations
Ford Retires, Hands Rocky Government
Vorster and Kaunda Prepare Way for Rockefeller “Redevelopment” in South Africa
Railroads Plead Bankruptcy, Can’t Pay Workers
UAW “Explains” Suit; Incites Workers vs. USLP
Defense Production Act To Be Reactivated on Alaska Pipeline
CIA Reactivates Fascist Terrorists in Italy; IRA Bombs Heath Residence
Ethiopia: CIA Gets “Socialism” Underway
Agricultural Report
Farm Credit Squeeze Guts Production
Dairy Farmers Clash with Citizen Action Groups
Farmers To Lose Control of Canadian Agricultural Marketing Boards
Farm Credit System in Trouble
NFO Head Moves To Destroy His Organization
December 21
East Germans Send Politburo Member to Portugal; CIA Steps Up Attack There
House Vote on Rocky Shows Labor Party Influence
Mideast War Escalation To Force U.S.-Soviet Joint Mideast Planning
Egyptian and Syrian Armies on Alert To Back Lebanon
West German Press and Media Cover Opening of ELC Conference
Factional Warfare Continues at Budapest Conference of European CPs
Iraq Strengthens Mideast Position
Production Collapsing; Ten Million Layoffs Estimated by March
How Far Can You Go?
CIA’s Shah Pleads Arab Loyalty
Will Chile Declare a Debt Moratorium?
Job Trek to Iran Studied over Past Year in Britain
Shah’s Crisis Threat Fizzles
December 20
Loderer May Be Implicated in Mexican Kidnap
Marchais Speech Emphasizes Left Turn, Hits Mitterrand
PCI Faction Fight Builds Against Amendola
West German Right-Wing Moves on Schmidt
Rockefeller, Fang Choose President and Vice-Presidents