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Volume 2, Number 3, January 9, 1975
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Special Feature: A Brief to Congress on the Organization of Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy (The Murphy Commission)
The International Setting
Chart: Renovated International System
How the Murphy Commission Was Developed
Human Politics
January 9
Special Report: What’s Behind Rockefeller’s AEC Watergate Operation
Disclosure of Louis Gold and Fusion Chart
West German Metal Workers Reject British Social Contract Experiment
Dept of Labor Official Feels “Good” About Unemployment Situation
N.Y. Times
Omits Echeverria Praise For Rocky
January 8
Rockefeller Condemns 30 Million Mexicans
Mexican Police Assassinate CP Member
Carli Proposes Corporativist Economic Solution for Italy
Soviet Press Reshapes Public Opinion on Detente
Chrysler Starts Dumping Autos in Depression Price Deflation
Energy Projects on the Rocks
“Leftist” Benn Moves Toward Fascist Merger
Chavez Hated in Mexico
Vietnam Offensive Runs on CP Turn
Gandhi Opens Attacks on Fascists in India
January 7
U.S. Population Slated for Triage Death Lists
European Finance Ministers Fumble; Dollar at All-Time Low
West German Ruling Parties Crumble as Crisis Mounts
CETA Slave Labor Program Hits Snag
Ogden Acquitted of Riot Charges in Virginia
UAW and Reuss Propose Phony Reconversion
Rocky’s Choice for Attorney General Exposed as War Criminal
Cholera Epidemic Rips Bangladesh, India
Left Purged Throughout Mideast
Rockefeller Powerless To Stop Economic Collapse
BRD Admits: No Policy on E. Germany
Labor Party Battles Daley Ballot Challenges
Famine and Cholera in the Indian Subcontinent