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Volume 2, Number 47, October 31, 1975
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Political Economy
International Bargaining to Build the IDB Gets Underway
by David Goldman
Congress Gangs Upon Rocky’s New York Banks
by David Goldman
Wall Street Analysts Warn: New York Banks on the Brink
by David Goldman
East-West Trade Now Only Prop Holding Up the World Economy
by David Goldman
Special Reports
CIA Primes Syria To Invade as War Wracks Lebanon
by Robert Dreyfuss
MPLA Counterattacks Multi-Front Invasion of NATO-CIA Forces
USLP Presidential Statement: Stop CIA-Run Invasion of Angola
Portugal: Civil War Is Already On
Rocky Terrorizes Brazil To Collect His $4 billion in Blood
Peru, Under Fire, Leads Bloc of Anti-Fascists at Military Conference
Labor Party To Win 20-30 Percent of Vote in November 4 Elections
Special Feature
Stopping the Holocaust, Part I: The Approach of Ecological Holocaust
by Ned Rosinsky, M.D.
IPS Weekly Financial Newsletter
The Way Out for Japan
IPS Daily Reports
October 31 early