Volume 6, Number 3, January 24, 1979


This Week

Iran: The Uncertainty Continues

Bakhtiar faces threat of civil war, generals’ coup.

London Places Israel Back on Path Toward War in the Mideast

State Dept. Dirty Tricks Against Larouche Belie Vance-Brzezinski "Split"

by Konstantin George

French Foreign Minister Takes Chair of the European Community

Special Report

Cambodia: The End of Kissinger’s New Dark Age

by Peter Ennis

Collapse of the Pol Pot regime shows dead end of China card policy.

The China Menace: Then and Now

by Daniel Sneider

The New Cambodian Government’s Program

Green Light for Mekong Development

Vietnam: A Case of Chinese Expansionism

Inside Pol Pot’s Cambodia

At the UN: Everyone Attacks Pol Pot’s Rule

Vietnam, U.S.S.R., Cuba say Maoism Is To Blame – Young, Sihanouk Defend Pol Pot’s Sovereignty Rights.

U.S. Report

Lyndon H. LaRouche Declares for Presidency

by Nancy Spannaus

“Break U.S.-London tie, reorient to Bonn-Paris EMS To Stop war.”

LaRouche’s Adversaries – and Competitors

Hanania-Freeman Goes To Congress

by Edward Spannaus

Fight for EMS, against vote fraud hits Capitol Hill – What Congressmen Are Saying About Vote Fraud.

Freeman: Why I Must Lead the New Congress

by Debra Hanania-Freeman

A Message to the American public from Baltimore’s Congresswoman-elect.


EMS Leaders Organize Europe from Atlantic to Urals

by Garance Upham

France, West Germany dethrone imperial Britain.

François-Poncet: Latin America an Important European Ally

France and Germany: Global Diplomacy for Peace and Progress

Schmidt Sets German Reunification Course

Count Otto von Hapsburg: China Is ‘National Socialist’

An exclusive interview.

Ceausescu Lines Up Behind China and Cambodia’s Pol Pot


Science Is the Driving Force of the EMS

by Leif Johnson

Why the British can’t stop the new monetary system.

North Sea Speculation Used To Attack Dollar

by Judith Wyer

Soviet Sector

Soviets Explain Why SALT Must Work

Three articles from Novosti blast Britain for war confrontation.


Countdown on U.S.’s Mexico Policy

by Tim Rush

Industrial development the issue on the eve of Carter’s visit.

Who’s Saying: ‘Mexico Could Be Another Iran’?

EIR Editor on U.S.-Mexico Relations

Two interviews with Fernando Quijano-Gaitan.

EIR seminar: "EMS Is Here To Stay"

Mexico’s oil and its relation to the new monetary system.

Behind the Surprising Iraq-Syria Unification

by Mary Jane Coates
