by Daniel Sneider
by Nora Hamerman
Can Britain be saved?
by Mark Trisch
While the Carter administration shoots the U.S.A. in its own foot with trade embargoes, credit sanctions and related measures against the Soviet Union, America’s allies–and in particular West Germany’s industrialists–are quietly, but urgently signing trade agreement after trade agreement with the Russians, some of them unprecedented in scope. It’s not just a matter of good business. It could keep the world from going to war.
by Peter Rush
by Alice Roth
by Richard Katz
by Lydia Schulman
by Uwe Parpart
U.S. in-depth war-fighting capabilities have fallen far behind the Soviet Union, because of a massive erosion of U.S. industrial and research-and-development capabilities. Now, the President has issued a call to arms–arms that American “volunteers” can’t wield, that American industry can’t produce, and that are of the wrong type for use against the Soviets anyway.
by David Goldman
by Dr. John Schoonover
by Dr. Steven Bardwell
by Susan Welsh
by Alice Roth
The leading nations of Europe have made clear their continued dedication to detente with the socialist nations, and their proposals and the Soviets’ are increasingly converging around monetary reform.
by Paul Zykofsky
The President Interviewed: ‘Our Task: An Effective Nuclear Plan’
by Edith Hassman
by Umberto Monteverdi
by Richard Katz
by Robert Dreyfuss
Three Democrats, beginning with President Carter, delivered “State of the Union” addresses last week. Only one appears to have proposed that the union should be in a different state.
by Vin Berg
It is the first sign of sanity on the energy issue seen on Capitol Hill in years–and even more, it could help prevent war.
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
by Kathleen Murphy