by Josefina Menendez
Straws in the wind for 1982.
by Robert Dreyfuss
Mossad faction plans Iranian pogrom.
by William Engdahl
Tarheels take on Bob Bergland.
by Kathleen Murphy
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
Incompetence and miscalculation.
by David Goldman
Bankers and think tanks are projecting 1985 oil supplies on the basis of a “catastrophe” in Saudi Arabia.
by Richard Freeman
This year’s profit collapse runs head-on into borrowing problems for cash-strapped business.
by David Goldman
DM revaluation rumors premature.
by Renée Sigerson
World Bank presses “delinkage.”
by Alice Roth
The Laffer plan.
by Susan B. Cohen
Opponents of water development in the region are using the drought as a springboard for ending “expensive” irrigation.
by David Goldman
A blow-by-blow comparison of our LaRouche-Riemann forecasts with those of our competitors, and the divergent reasoning behind them.
A review of recent studies advocating a cut on household incomes to boost productivity.
If current plans proceed, reduced U.S. living standards will boost the economy’s overall profit, briefly. Then the decline sharply resumes.
by Criton Zoakos
Criton Zoakos introduces a special feature on Soviet military, economic, and foreign policy deliberations.
by Rachel Douglas
The pressures on Moscow’s leadership to reverse gears.
by Rachel Douglas
An extensive overview of the foreign-policy battle.
by Clifford Gaddy
Genuinely scientific planning is proposed for the first time.
by Susan Welsh
U.S.S.R. military planners firmly oppose limited nuclear confrontation strategies.
Documentation: excerpts from statements by leading Soviet military officials.
by Cynthia Rush
by Susan Welsh
by Peter Ennis
George Bush was imperiously dictated to during his Peking visit. Will the GOP, and the U.S. as a whole, accept China’s flaunting of the “America card”?
A dossier assembled by the editors of EIR’s special Investigative Leads counterterrorist newsletter. The Iranian student demonstrators, Yippies and Jewish Defense Leaguers surrounding the Democratic convention were ready for assassination attempts if Democratic contender Lyndon LaRouche had been nominated on the convention floor; this report maps their controllers and the controllers’ motivations.