by Vin Berg
Carter Policy Challenged On Breeder Reactor.
by Mary Brannan
Carter rejects famine aid petition.
by Robert Dreyfuss
Power struggle in Iran.
by Josefina Menendez
Behind the business-government spat.
by Paul Gallagher
Review of How Credit Can Be Greatly Expanded Without Adding to Inflation, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by William Engdahl
A victory for mineral development.
by Renée Sigerson
Japan, Saudi Arabia, and France are challenging the ban on Third World financing.
by Kathy Burdman
Heimann’s rationalization plan.
by Richard Freeman
High rates and a cold economy.
by Susan B. Cohen
Behind the food crisis scare.
by David Goldman
“Strong dollar” is really overvalued.
by Alice Roth
Will the GOP victory boost gold?
by Steve Parsons
A short road to the junk heap.
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Susan Welsh
A de facto coalition between Chancellor Schmidt’s partner and the opposition is urging monetarist policies.
by Alice Roth
Basic trends and current problems.
by George Gregory
The European Commission’s cutback plans won a partial victory.
by Mark Burdman
An economic survey.
The new Prime Minister favors a very special kind of business.
by Tim Rush
A report from our correspondent on the scene.
by Konstantin George
How every component of the Democrats’ “Roosevelt coalition” revolted.
by Kathleen Murphy
The GOP factions line up for the transition period.
by L. Wolfe
The media and the pollsters.
by Susan Kokinda
The new Senate committee picture.
by Barbara Dreyfuss
The avalanche against Carter swept out not only liberal Democrats, but traditionalists.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Written Nov. 5 on the potential for a bipartisan Whig effort.