by Robert Dreyfuss
Haig bullies Europe on RDF.
by Josefina Menéndez
The talk of Hermosillo.
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
by William Engdahl
A Canadian blueprint for disaster.
by David Goldman
U.S. allies and competitors thought the Carter funding level was silly. OMB’s Stockman wants less.
by George Gregory
Our Bonn bureau chief reports that they don’t believe in “dependency” cries, and describes how the talks moved ahead.
by Richard Freeman
An overview of the U.S. budget debate.
by David Goldman
No German break from the EMS.
by Renée Sigerson
Let them have Hong Kongs.
by Montresor
An EMS link for the dollar?
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Kathy Burdman
Behind the thrifts’ profit squeeze.
by Robyn Quijano
The interest-rate disarmament conference’ proposal from Bonn’s Foreign Ministry is part of a larger economic development offensive, explains EIR’s associate editor.
Documentation: The full text of the Feb. 6 Franco-German summit communiqué, and excerpts from three interviews with leading European bankers.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
By the man who helped create Phase One of the EMS.
by Vivian Zoakos
by David Goldman
by Dr. Giuseppe Filipponi
Interview with G. Vecchietti, director of the Industrie Siderurgiche Associate (ISA).
by Robert Dreyfuss
The potential for stabilizing Iran.
Documentation: And the counter-potential for overthrowing Iraq’s Sadam Hussein and cutting off oil flows once more.
by Garance Upham Phau
In an exclusive interview, the former Prime Minister states that a new monetary system can end unemployment and inflation.
by Ramtanu Maitra
A report on the ASEAN tour.
by Richard Katz
by Carlos Cota Mesa and Valerie Rush
Documentation: The advent of another Friedmanite finance czar.
by Valerie Rush
by Lonnie Wolfe
A dossier on the State Department officials, think tankers, congressmen, and bankers who plan to wipe out billions of human beings.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
And how they relate to the Federal Reserve fight.
by Marsha Freeman
The budget question and the spinoff potential.
Documentation: An exclusive interview with Rep. Donald Fuqua, chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee.
by Anita Gallagher
Part Two of an exclusive interview with the new chairman of the Association of Democratic State Chairs.
by Scott Thompson