by Marsha Freeman
Europe protests U.S. space budget cuts.
by Josefina Menéndez
What is the “Monterrey Group?”—Part 1.
by Robert Dreyfuss
The plot to install a Syrian ayatollah.
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
by William Engdahl
Regulating America’s nuclear future.
by David Goldman
by Dr. Steven Bardwell
A leading U.S. plasma physicist develops the implications.
by Richard Freeman
by Richard Freeman
A close look at unemployment.
by Renée Sigerson
Supply-siders ship to Third World.
by David Goldman
Can the dollar join the EMS?
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman on Seagram and other U.S. corporate grabbers.
by Laurent Murawiec
by Criton Zoakos
Criton Zoakos outlines the Franco-German counteroffensive against British-style policy.
Documentation: Statements by Giscard, Schmidt, banking spokesmen, and monetary officials.
by Dana Sloan
by Susan Welsh
Europe’s East-West relations, and its recommendations to Reagan.
by Christopher White
Most important is deluding Mr. Reagan that her policies can work.
by Dennis Small
The trip to Monterrey and Mexico City this month by EIR’s founder was a policy initiative that hit “critical mass.”
Documentation: LaRouche’s proposals for industrialization, energy, and trade policy, plus a grid of press coverage.
by Timothy Rush
The LaRouche call to exchange “20th-century” oil for “21st-century” nuclear technology had a sharp effect.
by Paul Zykofsky
A report from New Delhi on the State Department’s push to arm Zia.
by Judith Wyer
Mobil is in the middle of both pipeline re-routing and RDF buildup.
by Douglas DeGroot
by Laurence Hecht
An ad hoc committee lobbied (and grilled) Pennsylvania congressmen, while House Majority Leader Jim Wright said Democrats must challenge the Fed’s policy.
by Lonnie Wolfe
The effort to convince U.S. business that Maoist population control and bans on technology are the strategy of the future.
by George Canning
The first article in EIR’s expanded coverage of legal and constitutional questions.
The questions behind a bomb explosion.