by William Engdahl
Another WPPSS plant bites the dust?
by Robert Dreyfuss
The partition of Jordan.
by Josefina Menéndez
A parliamentary system?
by Stanley Ezrol
by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda
Will the U.S. remain powerless?
by David Goldman
Economics Editor David Goldman reports from West Germany.
by Dennis Small
A survey based on Latin America Editor Dennis Small’s recent trip to Caracas.
In Venezuela.
by Richard Freeman
A plan from Chase Manhattan and Pentagon policy planner Fred Iklé.
by Renée Sigerson
Central banks’ “hit list” expands.
by Montresor
A Swiss dictatorship?
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Criton Zoakos
by Lonnie Wolfe
Documentation: Excerpts from the spring Foreign Affairs proposal on “no first use” of nuclear arms; interviews with Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Carroll Wilson, and others; “Who’s Who” in the ESECS group and the Atlantic Council; Excerpts from the Atlantic Council policy paper The Credibility of the NATO Deterrent.
by Lonnie Wolfe
by Robyn Quijano
by Judith Wyer
Saudi Arabia can finance Iraq’s war effort further but cannot withstand a military attack on the oilfields.
by Ramtanu Maitra
Malaysia and Indonesia want industrial inputs, not resource grabs.
by William Engdahl
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Scott Thompson and Charles Tate
Tom Bolan, Roy Cohn, William Buckley, Maxwell Rabb, et al. not only have unsavory business habits and links to the drug lobby, but also intersect the Propaganda-2 conspiracy.
by Freyda Greenberg
The Democratic National Committee first established “fruitcake pluralism;” the next stage: control of the Presidential nominating process by the Committee and anti-constituency officials.