Volume 9, Number 25, June 29, 1982




by Dana Sloan

Alain Juppé, financial director of the city of Paris and adviser to Jacques Chirac.


by Philip Golub

Jean-Marie Rausch, Mayor of the city of Metz in Lorraine, France.

Investigative Leads

by Vin Berg

Former Nazis control “green-peace” groups.

Energy Insider

by William Engdahl

The elements of a new oil-supply crisis.

Dateline Mexico

by Josefina Menéndez

Tourism mafia raises its voice again.


Development is the name for peace.


No Recovery Is In Sight for the U.S. Economy

by David Goldman

Brock: ‘Japan Must Hike Interest Rates’

Creditors Plan the Chile Treatment After Mexico’s Presidential Elections

by Timothy Rush

Bankers’ Demands on Mexico Are Intolerable: The Import Question

by David Goldman

Why the “import substitution economy” is so vulnerable to an import clampdown.

The Group of Five Devalues the Franc

by George Gregory

The Problem with the French Opposition

by Dana Sloan

The Falkland Islands Company: Who Runs It

by Renée Sigerson

The Fight To Realize Nigeria’s Potential

by Cynthia Parsons

Documentation: An interview with AID.

Currency Rates

Corporate Strategy

by Leif Johnson

Real-estate crash has already begun.

Trade Review

by Mark Sonnenblick

Business Briefs

Special Report

Will Moscow Pick Up Lost U.S. Influence in the Middle East?

by Robert Dreyfuss

The Politics of the Double-Cross: The Players Outsmart Themselves

by Robert Dreyfuss

Habib Shuttling for Ditchley Foundation

by Barbara Dreyfuss

Soviets Bid To Become the Sole Superpower in the Middle East

by Rachel Douglas

Why Israel Fights Britain’s Wars of Extermination

by Mark Burdman

Documentation: The carnage in Lebanon | Nancy Coker


After the Malvinas War: Latin America’s Options

by Robyn Quijano

How the United States turned the battle against Argentina; the new Junta in Buenos Aires; and statements by continental leaders on new policy directions.

Documentation: Excerpts from a June 14 speech by Panamanian President Aristides Royo.

The NATO Summit Endorses ‘Out-of-Area’ Deployments

by Mary Lalevée

Mary Lalevée’s first-hand report from Bonn on the rubber-stamping of Britain’s neo-colonial policy against the Third World.

What Will Happen If Schmidt Falls?

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

An interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairman of the European Labor Party.

International Intelligence


Harrimanites Reveal Their Plans To Crush Mexico

by Barbara Dreyfuss

What’s behind Lester Thurow’s Newsweek announcement that the United States may seize the oilfields.

The Evidence of Computer Vote Fraud in the California Primary Elections

Excerpts from a grid prepared by the legal staff of the Wertz for Senate campaign. After computers went haywire statewide on election night, the National Democratic Policy Committee-backed Wertz, who opposed Gov. Jerry Brown’s senatorial nomination bid, has taken the case to court.

Speer Documentary: An Evil Soap Opera

by Molly Kronberg

Our readers have asked for critiques of the U.S. broadcast media.

Eye on Washington

by Stanley Ezrol

Congressional Closeup

by Barbara Dreyfuss and Susan Kokinda

National News
