by Katherine Kanter and Elisabeth Hellenbroich
The president of the Ibero-American Cooperation Institution of Spain talks about EIR founder LaRouche’s proposals for ending the Central America crisis.
In New Delhi, the Saudi Foreign Minister stated that more cooperation and funds for development will meet Third World needs, as IMF conditionalities cannot.
by Marsha Freeman
Lasers will reduce the risks in surgery and aid cancer treatment.
by Nancy Coker
Khomeinism flourishes at Georgetown.
by Josefina Menéndez
The Fuerte-Mayo canal is on.
by Ronald Kokinda and Susan Kokinda
Turning point in Central America policy.
by Mark Sonnenblick and Josefina Menéndez
The barter deal between Ibero-America’s two biggest debtors will guarantee trade even in the face of credit cutoffs, putting both nations in a much stronger position.
by Renée Sigerson
by Kathy Burdman
A report from the meeting of Third World leaders in Washington.
by Konstantin George
The “Poland treatment” is prepared for Romania as Ceausescu advocates joint debt renegotiation.
by Timothy Rush
A report prepared for the U.S. Congress details how the Jesuits are deploying to involve the Reagan Administration in a Vietnam-style crisis.
Documentation: EIR founder Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal for ending the slaughter.
by Timothy Rush and Michele Steinberg
The training and deployment of members of the Jesuit order—noted for its history of political assassinations—to intensify the conflict in Central America.
by Timothy Rush
Pseudo-Protestant sects proliferate as a “right-wing” opposition to Jesuit “Theology of Liberation”: a dossier.
Documentation: Interviews with the Jesuits’ Father François Houtart and a source close to the Reagan Administration.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
A move to provoke an international crisis in response to the U.S. proposal for development of antimissile defense systems?
by Edith Vitali
An instructive examination of how the U.K. and U.S.S.R. have voiced their common interest in suppressing U.S. advanced military defense efforts.
Documentation: Statements by Yuri Andropov, David Watt of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Anglo-Soviet Roundtable participant Philip Hanson.
by Paolo Raimondi
Documentation: Italy’s top Trilateral Commission members call for a coup d’état against the Republic.
by Rainer Apel
François Genoud’s Nazi International is running the radical-left terrorist wing of the peace movement.
by Nancy Coker
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Richard Cohen
The tactical compromises that could add up to huge problems.
by Anita Gallagher
by Caspar W. Weinberger
by Ronald Reagan
The two speeches blacked out in national and local news media.
by Jon Gilbertson
by Frank Bell