Volume 11, Number 22, June 5, 1984



Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

The strike wave threatens social chaos.

Labor in Focus

by Stephen Parsons

Union-busting and violence in Toledo.

Dateline Mexico

by Josefina Menéndez

Government stops debt-for-equity.

Report from Italy

by Ettore Tovo

Decoupling steps up in Italy.

Middle East Report

by Thierry Lalevée

Will Syria become another Iran?

Book Review

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Entitling his review “Jack Anderson’s tongue-in-cheek puff of the spoon-benders,” Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. examines Mind Wars to show how the KGB uses cults to penetrate top-level security agencies.


The LaRouche solution or bust.


The Banking Crisis Is Out of Control

by David Goldman

Economics Editor David Goldman reports on the credit cut-off to U.S. banks since the Continental Illinois bail-out, and the threat of a domino effect in the American banking system.

Debtors’ Cartel Launched by Ibero-American Presidents

by Robyn Quijano

What is behind the historic step of Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia, and the fight erupting over the policy-content of joint action on the debt.

The Communiqué: ‘We Cannot Accept Continued Stagnation’

An Open Letter to the Presidents: ‘Now Is the Time for Operation Juárez.’

Monetary Decoupling To Be Set at Basel

by Laurent Murawiec

The Central European oligarchy prepares to integrate with the Soviet bloc through the European Currency Unit.

Currency Rates

French Foreign Debt Soars as Asset-Stripping of the Economy Begins

by Laurent Murawiec

Foreign Exchange

by David Goldman

Dollar crisis returns with a vengeance.

Business Briefs

Special Report

D-Day Anniversary: The Second Liberation of Europe

by Philip Golub

Focusing on the real historical significance of the event that saved Western civilization from Nazi barbarism, Philip Golub in Wiesbaden develops the only basis for revitalizing the threatened NATO alliance.

‘Beam Weapons Will Assure the Defense of Europe’

An interview with French Resistance leader Marie-Madeleine Fourcade.

‘The Soviets’ Peace Movement Is an Act of War against the West’

An interview with French Gen. Revault d’Allones.

The Second Front in Europe and the Russians Today

by Webster Griffin Tarpley

Webster Tarpley’s analysis of Soviet hypocrisy in the claim that they alone really fought Hitler.


‘Balance of Power’ Spells Gulf Humiliation

by Linda de Hoyos

The United States is walking into a repeat of the debacle in Lebanon, where the failure to act decisively meant an untenable military position and loss of credibility worldwide.

Iran’s Mullahs Plan Global Religious Terrorism War

by Thierry Lalevée

Soviets Rattle Missiles at U.S., Germany

by Nancy Spannaus

German Social Democrats Join the Warsaw Pact—on Orders from the U.S. Establishment

by Rainer Apel and Susan Welsh

Internationally Isolated, Libyan Dictator Qaddafi Prepares New Provocations

by Thierry Lalevée

International Intelligence


Soviet Penetration of U.S. Policy Elites Exposed

by Christopher White

Christopher White reports on the emerging scandal that could blow Walter Mondale out of the water.

The KGB Mata Haris Deployed Against Beam Weapons

by Kathleen Klenetsky

How Carol Rosin has pulled it off.

The Legislation Drawn Up by the Soviet Embassy in Washington

by Kathleen Klenetsky

The Pugwash Traitors Who Front for Soviets in the United States

by Mark Burdman

U.S. Complicity in Iranian Terror Revealed in Gun-Runner’s Arrest

by Edward Spannaus

Congressional Closeup

by Ronald Kokinda and Susan Kokinda

National News
