The former president of the Swedish Transport Workers Union discusses his country’s shift toward Soviet-dominated totalitarianism, but reports, “the opposition to Palme is growing.”
by Sara Madueño de Vásquez
Peru’s President gets EIR study.
by Dr. S.B. Idso
CO<sub>2</sub>, greenhouse effect: boon or bane? S.B. Idso, a research physicist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, reports bothersome facts which upset conventional wisdom.
by Thierry Lalevée
Moscow’s “mullahs” launch terror wave.
by Sandro Bellati
The Farnesina, Mata Hari, and the KGB.
by Susan Maitra
War declared against Tamils.
by Josefina Menéndez
Private banking again?
by Thierry Lalevée
Israel hostage to extremists?
Who will fight for Europe?
by David Goldman
The Fed chairman is right in thinking the debt crisis can be put off until 1985—provided the debtor-countries accept current levels of looting. After which their economies will give out from exhaustion.
by Christopher White
Christopher White compares the Agriculture Department’s wheat harvest claims to what farmers tell EIR is the real harvest—and explains why the department is lying again.
by Mark Burdman
Report from the Second United Nations Conference on Population in Mexico City.
by Mary Lalevée
Documentation: excerpts from the speech by Dr. Abd-El Rahman Khane, executive director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
by Kathy Burdman
“Let Continental be a lesson.”
by David Goldman
Profit ruse buoys stocks.
by Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman’s study for EIR’s June Quarterly Economic Report is condensed: One day, if lack of “big government spending” on infrastructure continues, the economy must collapse on its shattered foundations: despite the size of the present infrastructure deficit, however, there is a way to meet the costs in the next 20 years.
by Richard Freeman
by Richard Freeman
by Uwe Parpart
Analysis of Russian behavior and purposes in their escalating military pressure on Europe.
Documentation: Excerpts from analyses by West German military specialists Adalbert Weinstein and Rüdiger Moniac; excerpt from the Soviets’ Kommunist.
by Linda de Hoyos
Analysis of the command shifts and provocations.
by Nora Hamerman
Report on the startling discoveries turned up by the investigation into the “Patty Hearst”-style attempted brainwashing of anti-drug fighter Patricia Paredes de Londoño.
by Rachel Douglas and Carlos Potes
An excerpt from the dossier.
by Konstantin George
by Criton Zoakos
Far from the highly predictable and boring event most anticipate, the Republican convention could bring some very dramatic occurrences determining whether the United States will survive as a nation. Editor-in-Chief Criton Zoakos reports.
by M.T. Upharson
An endorsement from the East.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Eagleton replay? — Bottomless pit — Smut queen.
by Ronald Kokinda and Susan Kokinda