The Democratic senator from Montana, an outspoken critic of current U.S. policy toward the government of Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos, accuses the State Department and the IMF of “meddling” in the Philippines.
by Laurent Murawiec
A review of Moscow Rules, the latest novel by British spook Robert Moss.
by Charles B. Stevens
Soviets Flaunt Beam-Weapon Lead.
by Aurora Borealis
“See Moscow and Die.”
by Valerie Rush
A Movement Above Parties.
by Georges Bosquet
Who Wants France out of the Pacific?
by Rainer Apel
An “Open Door” for Eastern Spies.
by Liliana Gorini
Andreotti’s “Brutta Figura” in Erice.
by Susan Maitra
A Birthday Present for the Nation.
Another Rotten Anglo-Soviet Deal
by Luis Vásquez and Sara Madueño
The “citizens above suspicion” are getting nervous, as President Garcia’s anti-drug war strikes higher and higher.
by Sara Madueño
by Josefina Menéndez
by Thierry Lalevée
by Carol Cleary
by Geraldo Luis Zaraiva Lino
by Stephen Pepper
Maryland Crisis Shakes Wall Street.
The Colombian government has mandated the construction of an Atlantic-to-Pacific canal, the first sea-level canal ever. Now, at a conference in Bogota, a citizens’ action committee has been formed to organize the implementation of the mammoth project.
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Maj. (ret.) Rafael Convers
by Jorge Carrillo Rojas
by Guillermo Silva
by Luba George and Mary McCourt
Reverend Moon’s Professors’ World Peace Academy spent millions to bring “the experts” to Geneva to “prove” that world peace and pluralism would be served if “Russian nationalism,” triumphed over “a-national communism.”
Documentation: Excerpts from the conference presentations.
by Criton Zoakos
Soviet spies are defecting in droves, Soviet diplomats are seemingly disappearing from the face of the earth. What does this have to do with the intelligence shakeups in Paris and Bonn? Or with the circulation of the EIR’s “Global Showdown” report?
by Linda de Hoyos
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Phocion
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Some members of the Reagan administration have begun to publicly reassert their commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative, rejecting demands by Moscow that America’s national security be sacrificed on the altar of "arms control
Documentation: Excerpts from the White House announcement that the United States will proceed with ASAT testing.
by Joseph Brewda
by Susan Kokinda
What’s on the agenda in the U.S. Congress?
by Melvin Klenetsky
by M.T. Upharson
Under Attack in Geneva and Milan — Attack on the Money-Changers.