by Ortrun Cramer and Hartmut Cramer
The wife of the late German conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler recounts her husband’s battle to uphold the best of German classical culture, the heritage of Beethoven—despite the horrors of the Nazi period and a slander campaign run by the U.S. East Coast music mafia after the war.
by Nicholas F. Benton
The exiled founder of the liberation movement in the Republic of South Africa discusses the prospects for a nonviolent solution to his nation’s crisis.
by Josefina Menéndez
Who Is Really Sinking Pemex?
by Susan Maitra
Zia Lifts Martial Law in Pakistan.
by Mark Burdman
Will a New France Emerge?
by Rainer Apel
Politician Gives Moscow a Hard Time.
A Simple Little Test.
by David Goldman
by William Engdahl
by Donald Baier
First Fidelity Bank’s Links to Crime.
by Marianna Wertz
Gramm-Rudman Will Hit the Dakotas.
by Renato Tosatto
IMF Demands Cuts in Health Care.
by Marsha Freeman
Reports on the “maglev” trains which will be able to travel from New York to San Francisco in 21 minutes.
by William Engdahl
Describes the electromagnetic trains in West Germany which are nearing readiness for commercial use.
by Criton Zoakos and Mark Burdman
A powerful faction inside the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence organization, has deployed, in coordination with the Russian KGB, a formidable terror and assassination capability against the United States. Editor-in-chief Criton Zoakos and Mark Burdman analyze the development of this faction and its origins in the Russian port city of Odessa.
by Paul Goldstein
The historical roots of the Sharon faction in the Mossad.
by Scott Thompson
When President Reagan called for a boycott against the Libyan economy, did he realize who runs that economy? It certainly is not Qaddafi.
by Thierry Lalevée
by Linda de Hoyos
As of the middle of January, the State Department has displayed its full-fledged support for the opposition ticket. If its strategy succeeds, the United States will be forced to withdraw its military bases.
by Mark Sonnenblick
Did Henry Kissinger buy the 1978 World Soccer Cup for Argentina? A tale of bribes, drugs, and false-bottomed suitcases.
by Leonardo Servadio
by Laurent Murawiec
by Gretchen Small
by Leo Scanlon
A Pentagon-sponsored conference on Low Intensity Warfare highlighted two distinct trends of thought battling to shape U.S. policy in the area: the traditional American approach versus the Spartan model.
Speech by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger at Fort McNair.
by Sanford Roberts and John Chambless
The Congress has abdicated its own responsibility to govern and has violated the separation of powers—but the real crime goes deeper than the current critics are willing to recognize.
by Anton Chaitkin
The author of Treason in America traces the historical roots of today’s American budget maniacs.