by David Cherry
Dr. Meade, in charge of Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) experiments at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
by Susan Maitra
Kicking the Sacred Cow.
by Augustinus
False Pacifists March on Assisi.
by Valerie Rush
No to “Narco-Tolerance.”
by William Jones
AIDS Debate Breaks Out in Norway.
by Rainer Apel
A United Ticket for the Conservatives?
Il Gran Rifiuto.
by David Goldman
The new tax bill is not a “free-market” bill, but a governmental attack on investment in new plant and equipment.
by Mary Lalevée
by Ramtanu Maitra and Susan Maitra
Ramtanu and Susan Maitra, writing from New Delhi, explain why the Rajiv Gandhi government’s “new economic policy” is failing to get the proper results.
by Marcia Merry
Where’s the Beef?
by David Goldman
Commerce Dept. Has It Backwards.
Bonn, Tokyo Won’t Prop Up Dollar.
by Carol White
Fusion research results are exceeding original estimates.
by Prof. Marshall N. Rosenbluth
Excerpts from the speech by Professor Marshall N. Rosenbluth upon receiving the Department of Energy’s Fermi Award on Feb. 6, 1986.
Interview with Dr. Dale Meade of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
by Valerie Rush
The IMF declared his country “ineligible” for further credits—but García declared the IMF “ineligible” to impose its will on sovereign nations, and support for him is growing.
by Jorge Carrillo Rojas
A speech by the former Colombian Labor Minister.
by President Alan García
The President’s historic reply to the IMF’s financial warfare against Peru.
by Jorge Carrillo Rojas
Jorge Carrillo’s address at a Bogotá meeting to organize a new labor federation.
by Giuseppe Filipponi
At the VI Seminar on Nuclear Warfare in Erice, Italy, on Aug. 18-21, the American delegation officially proposed to the Soviets that they collaborate to develop SDI systems.
Why have Western governments have covered it up for so long?
A Soviet cultural weekly attacks Lyndon LaRouche for credit card fraud!
by Konstantin George
by Thierry Lalevée
by Mary McCourt and Linda de Hoyos
by Gretchen Small
by Scott Thompson
by Criton Zoakos
And in turn, the President has declared war on Congress over the issue of national defense.
Documentation: President Reagan’s Aug. 16 radio address.
by John Scot
Last week, EIR presented National Democratic Policy Committee chairman Warren Hamerman’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Here is the addendum, the questions concerning areas of investigation the NDPC wishes to see pursued.
by Warren J. Hamerman
by Frank Bell
by Nicholas F. Benton
Recess Witnesses the Purging of Heretics.