by Kathleen Klenetsky
A review of How NATO Weakens the West, by Melvyn Krauss.
Resuming our exclusive serialization of the Schiller Institute’s book, Ibero-American Integration: 100 Million New Jobs by the Year 2000!, this installment takes up building a real continental railway grid.
by Marsha Freeman
What does magnetically levitated train technology have to do with the industrial development of the Moon? A scientific conference in New Jersey presented a most unusual discussion of space development.
by Valerie Rush
Confrontation ahead in Colombia.
by Rachel Douglas
Behind the Release of Sakharov.
by Rainer Apel
Heads To Roll over Libya Arms Deals.
by Thierry Lalevée
Can Qaddafi Win in Chad?
by Sophie Tanapura
Support Grows for Kra Canal.
The Year of the Constitution.
by Warren J. Hamerman
A leading American AIDS researcher is advocating a Manhattan Project-style crash program to combat AIDS, the policy heretofore campaigned for exclusively, by EIR.
by Mark Burdman
by Muriel Mirak
Ironically, the best hope for Israel’s development perspective, is the “Irangate” scandal now rocking Washington.
by Marcia Merry
Food Trade Warfare Is Food Reduction.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Explosive new evidence is coming to light on the Soviet role in the international drug traffic; but the only way to effectively combat this threat, is for the United States to smash the political power of the Western shareholders in the Dope, Inc. condominium.
by Gretchen Small
by Dr. Ricardo F. Martín
by Valerie Rush
by Valerie Rush
by Mary McCourt
The retreat of the United States on the international arena has led Japan to break some taboos of the postwar period, expanding their national defense commitment and extending their influence throughout the Pacific.
by Susan Maitra
by Konstantin George
Observations by a British Watcher on the Threshold.
by Leonardo Servadio
by Thierry Lalevée
by Paul Goldstein
The political warfare over the Iranian arms deal has become a question of which political groupings—the patriotic forces within the Reagan Administration, or the bankers’ faction—will emerge as the dominant force for the next two years.
by Ira Liebowitz
by Dennis Speed
He was former Borough President of Manhattan and a co-founder of the National Democratic Policy Committee and Schiller Institute.
by M.T. Upharson
A Coup Threat to the Dominican Republic?
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Mr. Hart Goes to Moscow — Red Carpet Treatment.
by Nicholas F. Benton
U.S. Kicks Off Trade War against Europe — Oil Producers Send Danger Signals.