Volume 16, Number 12, March 17, 1989



Gen. Ezer Weizman

The founder of the Israeli Air Force and current minister of science, discusses why he would talk to the PLO.

Gen. Mordechai Gur

Israel’s former Chief of Staff talks about the Palestinian issue, and the role of Henry Kissinger.

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

How societies change their cultural choices, the near-term collapse of the Bush Administration in its present form, and whether the Soviets are speaking on the malthusian issue “with forked tongue, or with two heads.”

Joseph DiGenova

The former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia sees the “Colombianization” of U.S. cities.


Dateline Mexico

by Héctor Apolinar

Kissinger in Mexico.

Report from Rome

by Leonardo Servadio

Russians Eye Takeover of Italy.

Andean Report

by Valerie Rush

“Peace”: New Soviet Weapon of War.


An Opposition to the Malthusians.

Eyewitness Report

The Middle East Needs Many General de Gaulles

In two exclusive interviews with the European newsletter Middle East Insider, Israel’s Gen. Ezer Weizman, whose political and military record is impressive, has some very clear suggestions to make, both on how to deal with the PLO and the kind of in-depth political reforms needed in Israel, while former Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur follows with some most useful remarks on the role of Henry Kissinger.


Brady’s ‘New’ Debt Plan: Old Wine in Old Bottles

by Christopher White

The Treasury Secretary will no doubt explain that he is just trying to buy time, but the coming weeks will probably show that is exactly what has run out.

Greenhouse Gang Hits Rough Weather

by Susan Maitra

Proponents of the “global warming crisis” met with a lot of questions at their meeting in New Delhi.

Currency Rates

California Faces Third Drought Year

by Nicholas F. Benton

Labor in Focus

by Philip Valenti

Call for End to Airline Deregulation.

Energy Insider

by William Engdahl

New Anglo-American Oil Shock?


by Suzanne Rose and Sue Atkinson

The Farmer Mac Swindle.

Business Briefs


Venezuela Obeys the IMF, Pays the Debt with Cadavers

by Mark Sonnenblick

Neither that country nor Ibero-America as a whole “will ever go back to normal; what happened is irreversible,” Lyndon LaRouche told a Rio de Janeiro daily. The upcoming elections in Argentina and Brazil, and everything else going on in the continent, will be shaped by the perception that IMF means “Inflation, Murder, and Famine.”

PLV Demands Ouster of Rockefeller’s Man Tinoco

IMF: Political Factors Stand in Way of Austerity

How Debt and Capital Flight Looted Venezuela

by the Venezuelan Labor Party

Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Moratorium and Exchange Controls

by the Venezuelan Labor Party

From the solution proposed by the Venezuelan Labor Party.


Western Leaders Endorse ‘Ozone’ Insanity in London

by John Sigerson

Whether they care to admit it or not, the leaders who joined Prince Charles at this conference are giving their blessing to the murder of millions.

Gorbachov’s Troop ‘Withdrawals’ a Fraud

by Konstantin George

Austro-Hungarian Empire Haunts Europe

by Rachel Douglas

More International Figures Deplore Jailing of Lyndon LaRouche

The statements of Brazilian congressman Luiz Salomão, Brigadier General Paul Albert Scherer, Gen. Jean-Gabriel Revault d’Allonnes, Dr. Friedrich Weinberger, Ravi Atroley, and Amelia Boynton Robinson.

Is LaRouche Frame-Up Linked to a World Depopulation Plan?

by Samuel L. Evans

An open letter to members of Congress by Samuel L. Evans, chairman of the National Council of Public Auditors.

Barco Defies Colombian Constitution, Seeks To Eliminate Military Justice

by Javier Almario

The NPA’s Infiltration of Europe

Part IV of a series on “financing a revolution” in the Philippines, by an EIR investigative team.

Henry Kissinger’s Sell-Out of the Republic of China

by Mary McCourt Burdman

International Intelligence


Tower Debacle Opens Crisis of the Bush Presidency

by Webster G. Tarpley

George Bush and his handlers are finding out why bonapartism never worked before, and it won’t work now.

American Lawmakers Seek End of NATO

by Kathleen Klenetsky

What’s behind troop reduction proposals like the Schroeder-Ireland resolution.

DoJ in New Assault on Military Science

by Leo Scanlon

Aberdeen case sets dangerous precedent.

Cultural Questions Define a Strategic Branching Point

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

An interview with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

LaRouche Denounces Reagan-Bush ‘Black Operation’ behind His Jailing

by Jeffrey Steinberg

More on the Iran-Contra connection, and C. Boyden Gray.

Breakdown of Civil Order in U.S. Cities

The case of Washington, D.C.

Eye on Washington

by Nicholas F. Benton

Urgency To Defuse Debt Bomb.

Congressional Closeup

by William Jones

National News
