by Irene Beaudry
The son-in-law of John Demjanjuk describes the battle for justice in the case of a Soviet target.
by Rainer Apel
Peak of East German Crisis Lies Ahead.
by Göran Haglund
The Condominium’s Little Errand Boy.
by Luis Ernesto Vásquez
Peru Doesn’t Want To Fight Drugs.
Mrs. Thatcher’s “I Love Gorby” Movement.
by Hal Fox
Solid-state fusion—“cold” fusion—is the most important discovery in this century and merits our best thinking, planning, and cooperation. Unfortunately, the idea was promulgated that the Fleischmann-Pons Effect was simple to replicate. Fusion Facts editor Hal Fox explains why such is not the case.
by Hal Fox
Remarks from the Oct. 18 press conference on the Workshop on Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Materials sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Electric Power Research Institute.
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Eulogizes a great man whom we shall greatly miss.
by Christopher White
With the new drop in interest rates, Greenspan is edging crabwise toward the full-blown hyperinflationary explosion that jailed economist Lyndon LaRouche warned of in September.
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
by Héctor Apolinar
Since September, numerous bankers have rejected Bush’s pleadings, insisting that Brady’s offer to reduce other nations’ foreign debts is like betting at poker with someone else’s hand.
by Lorenzo Carrasco Bazúa
On Nov. 15, when 82 million Brazilians voted in the first direct Presidential election in 29 years, their republic was exactly 100 years old.
by Marcia Merry
by Stephen Parsons
by John Hoefle
Wall Street Discovers the “Recession.”
by Robert L. Baker
“Big Brother” Hawks Zero Growth.
by Anton Chaitkin
Back on the agenda: the ideas of economist Friedrich List, the leading continental European foe of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, whose notion of national economy was based on the American System, and whose 200th birthday occurs this year.
by Laurent Murawiec
Speech to the June 10 conference on Friedrich List sponsored by the Patriots for Germany.
by Rainer Apel
by Konstantin George and John Sigerson
Fidel Castro’s military offensives in El Salvador demonstrate that the hardliners may force a drastic shift in Moscow between now and mid-January.
by Paolo Raimondi
Anyone who has witnessed the collapse of the “free market” economy in the U.S. knows such policies have no place in a serious revival of Europe’s physical economy.
by Mark Burdman and Konstantin George
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Ramtanu Maitra and Susan Maitra
by Luba George
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Documentation: A letter to the Lebanese throughout the world, by Prime Minister Gen. Michel Aoun.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
The kinds of cuts being demanded will render the U.S. military capable only of “special operations,” such as those envisaged by the infamous Wohlstetter Report of 1988.
by Scott Thompson
Not only are the Anti-Defamation League’s top funders and controllers not Jewish—they are all set to trade the fate of persecuted Jewish refuseniks for fat profits in Soviet trade.
by William Jones