Iran’s first President says that the Anglo-American military deployment is not directed against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, but is a vast maneuver against the entire region, and Europe as well.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche compares a recent live broadcast of Schubert’s Ninth Symphony (“The Great”) in C Major to Bruno Walter’s 1950 recording with the Stockholm Symphony and his 1959 recording with the Columbia Symphony.
by Nora Hamerman
The Genius of Jacopo Bellini: The Complete Paintings and Drawings, by Colin Eisler.
by José Restrepo
Colombia Becoming a Money Laundry.
by Susan Maitra
Caste Conflict Boils Over.
by Silvia Palacios
For Thirty Pieces of Silver.
by Ralf Schauerhammer
The second part of a series on how the European Productive Triangle, as proposed by Lyndon LaRouche, can save the collapsing world economy through generating huge rates of technological progress and potential population density.
The next in EIR’s series of data which are indispensable for constructing an accurate picture of the world economy according to the LaRouche-Riemann model.
by Anthony K. Wikrent
Like the emperors of the collapsing Roman Empire, the U.S. Administration has been duped by the British into believing it can coerce other nations to foot the bill for their Mideast adventure. But no amount of mere cash can bail out the bankrupt U.S. economy at this point.
by Linda Everett
Administration scuttles a report that shows how to reduce the appalling U.S. infant death rate.
by Marcia Merry
World Bread Crisis Worsens.
by John Hoefle
The Brink of Financial Meltdown.
by Warren J. Hamerman
Many people who may know LaRouche only as a man with the courage to face life imprisonment for his principles, may not be aware that until January 1989, for 15 years he had been traveling the globe, discussing his proposals for a fundamental reform of the international monetary system with world political leaders. Warren Hamerman reviews the genesis and unfolding of LaRouche’s economic ideas and activities in an address to the recent ICLC conference near the U.S. capital city.
by Konstantin George
Smiles and friendly handshakes at the Sept. 9 summit between U.S. President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachov, will not alter the fact that a permanent Anglo-American presence in the Persian Gulf is a dire threat to Soviet imperial interests.
by Ortrun Cramer and Hartmut Cramer
by Mark Burdman
by Mary McCourt Burdman
by Susan Maitra
by Mary McCourt Burdman
by Uwe Henke v. Parpart
by José Restrepo
by Carlos Wesley
by John Carroll
Glasgow lawyer John Carroll on the collapse of the legal aid system in Scotland.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
A new anti-war movement is in the making, as calls are being heard from such diverse figures as Lyndon LaRouche, Ramsey Clark, and conservative spokesmen, along with black and Hispanic groups who rightly see the war as genocide against the world’s darker-skinned peoples.
by John Sigerson
The International Caucus of Labor Committees gathered for three days of policy deliberation in Arlington, Virginia.
Federal Judge Albert V. Bryan of the Alexandria, Virginia “rocket docket,” was a key operative of the world’s biggest gun running outfit, Interarms.
by Jeffrey Steinberg