Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States says that an Anglo-American effort to crush Iraq was already being prepared after the Iran-Iraq War failed to destroy the country.
by Mark Burdman
The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia, by Peter Hopkirk.
by Marianna Wertz
Glimpses of World History; An Autobiography; and The Discovery of India; by Jawaharlal Nehru.
by Nora Hamerman
Rembrandt’s Landscapes, by Cynthia P. Schneider.
by Silvia Palacios
Technology Noose Tightens.
by Carlos Cota Meza
Mexico, the “Perfect Dictatorship.”
by Carlos Wesley
A Lesson in Hypocrisy.
by Lotta-Stina Thronell
Stopping the Satanic Youth Culture.
by Susan Maitra
Resurgent Rajiv.
Lest We Forget.
by William Engdahl
In September-October 1989, the U.S. underwent a sharp contraction in bank lending as dramatic as the loosening of risk criteria which typified the “roaring ’80s.” But, unlike 1930-32, today the solvency of the U.S. government itself is in question.
by Volcker Hassmann
by Marsha Freeman and Anthony K. Wikrent
by Stephen Parsons
by Mary Burdman
by Jacques Cheminade
by Lorenzo Carrasco
by Peter Rush
by Prof. Dario Composta
The second half of an exposé by Prof. Dario Composta of the Urbaniana University in Rome, Italy.
by John Hoefle
“Take or be taken.”
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
All talk of “limited water resources” is bunk. If we decide to, we can turn deserts green by producing unlimited supplies of water, even with present technologies. Jonathan Tennenbaum of the European Fusion Energy Forum shows how nature can be humanized in the Middle East and Africa, just as it has been over the centuries in Europe.
by Marcia Merry
An economic geography of the region.
by Marcia Merry
A rundown of the leading projects, some proposed, others actually begun and then sabotaged by ecology fanatics.
by Michael Liebig
The nations of continental Europe have so far allowed themselves to be coerced into helping the Anglo-American drive toward war, but the point of no return is fast approaching. Will Europe have the courage to say “no” to Bush and Thatcher?
by Fernando Quijano and Joseph Brewda
Interview with Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
A profile of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad.
by Maria Cristina Fiocchi
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Valerie Rush
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Those industrialized countries which have dared to place production and growth above “free market” usury, are being targeted as enemies by the decaying Anglo-American empire.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Documentation: Text of the resolution introduced by Rep. Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.).
Columnist Patrick Buchanan, smeared as an “anti-Semite” by the same Anglophile, drug-pushing Anti-Defamation League which targeted Lyndon LaRouche, is fighting back.
by William Jones