Volume 18, Number 23, June 14, 1991



Benedita da Silva

by Silvia Palacios and Lorenzo Carrasco

This Brazilian congresswoman has created a Commission of Inquiry to look into charges that millions of Brazilian women have been sterilized at the initiative of international maithusian agencies.

Dr. Herbert Abrams

by Kathleen Klenetsky

A professor of radiology at Stanford University and co-founder of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War discusses the controversy around President Bush’s thyroid condition.



by Rosa Tennenbaum

Soviet Agrarian Crisis Deepens.


by John Hoefle

Insurance Giant Bites the Dust.

Panama Report

by Carlos Wesley

Sell the Economy To Pay the Debt.

Dateline Mexico

by Carlos Cota Meza

“One Big Maquiladora.”

Report from Paris

by Christine Schier and Jacques Cheminade

Edith Cresson Becomes New Premier.

Andean Report

by José Restrepo

Gaviria’s Surrender to Narcos Exposed.


A Grave Disease.


LaRouche Warns, G-7 Summit Bodes Catastrophe for World

What the Group of Seven will attempt to do, is to create the illusion that the power of the United States and of the London financial market is somehow supported at the expense of the rest of the world.

LaRouche’s ‘Triangle’ Plan for Europe Reaches Prague

by Nora Hamerman

Currency Rates

The Campaign against Centesimus Annus

by Nancy Spannaus

Soviets Show Interest in Papal Encyclical

Australia Group Backs Technical Apartheid

by Kathleen Klenetsky

Medicare ‘Reform’ Will Hit the Elderly

by Stephen Parsons

Free Trade Pushes Australian Economy into a Free Fall

by Marcia Merry

Spotted Owl Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by H. Graham Lowry

The Third World: Casualty of the Persian Gulf War

by Kevin Dunion

New Scientific Theory Waiting in the Wings

by Carol White

Harvard Study: Iraq Faces Public Health Catastrophe

Business Briefs


Uproar in Brazil Against Bush’s Genocide Policy

by Silvia Palacios

Word of EIR’s revelations on the Kissinger-Bush policy of curbing Third World population growth is spreading like wildfire. As many as 25 million Brazilian women may already have been sterilized as a result of this policy.

Brazil’s Congress Investigates Mass Sterilization of Poor Women

by Silvia Palacios and Lorenzo Carrasco

Interview with Benedita da Silva.

Outrage Spreads to Mexico and Colombia

by Carlos Wesley

EIR, LaRouche’s War with the Malthusians

Ratzinger Proposes Doctrinal Document on Threats to Life

by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

The Church Speaks Out


Baltic Showdown a Test for East-West Relations

by Hartmut Cramer

Soviets on KAL 007: LaRouche Was Right

by Jeffrey Steinberg

NATO To Be Extended into the Mideast

by Joseph Brewda

Future Role for NATO under Debate

by Dean Andromidas

Will Argentine Military Accept ‘Condor’ Demise?

by Cynthia R. Rush

‘Anti-Drug’ Accord Buries Economic and Military Sovereignty of Peru

by Luis Vásquez Medina

‘Ibero-America’s Corrupt Democracies Are Politically in Question’

No Proof of Tigers’ Role in Gandhi Death

by Ramtanu Maitra

Sabotage Charged at Pakistan Ammo Dump

by Susan Maitra and Ramtanu Maitra

International Intelligence


‘Operation Thyroid Storm’ Could Drive Bush from Office

by Webster G. Tarpley and Kathleen Klenetsky

George Bush is throwing increasingly paranoid, rage-obsessed fits, and evidence is mounting that the Eastern Establishment is preparing its post-Bush era.

Hyperthroidism Often Impairs Mental Ability

by Kathleen Klenetsky

An interview with Dr. Herbert Abrams.

Opposition Rises to Bush’s ‘New Order’

by Patricia Salisbury

Thornburgh Runs for Senate; Aides Jailed

by Jeffrey Steinberg and Steve Komm

Man Fights Hospital’s Duty-To-Die Policy

by Linda Everett

Supreme Court Decides Sixth Amendment Dead

by Leo Scanlon

Congressional Closeup

by William Jones

National News
