by Anno Hellenbroich and Michael Vitt
A professor of political economy at the Cultural Institute of Kiev, also chairman of the Center for Market Economy, discusses the need to base Ukraine’s economic recovery on the ideas of Friedrich List—precisely the model promoted by the Schiller Institute.
by Lorenza Maria Saini
University Reopens to Nuclear Debate.
by Rainer Apel
Berlin Is Again the Capital.
by Susan Maitra
Rao Cabinet Affirms Continuity.
by Carlos Cota Meza
Kissinger’s Depopulation Plan Exposed.
by Carlos Wesley
U.S. Agents Are Tied to Drugs.
by Geraldo Lino
The Brazil That Can Say Yes.
Development on the Table Internationally.
by Stephen Parsons
May’s deficit came in at an all-time record $53.35 billion, even though the Treasury received that month most of the balance of Gulf war tribute money from the erstwhile allies.
In our June 21 issue, on page 57, the great Russian icon painter Rublyov’s name was incorrectly spelled “Rubleyev.” On page 6 of the same issue, in the opening of Paolo Raimondi’s speech in Prague, “Friedrich List: The Economist of Industrial Capitalism,” the citation from List should open with the very first paragraph of the speech, and continue through the third paragraph. Due to an editorial error, the quote marks only opened with the third paragraph. The actual words of List begin with the phrase, “I shall confine my remarks to the refutation of the theory of Adam Smith.” We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.
by Angelika Beyreuther-Raimondi
A conference of the Schiller Institute in Bratislava was the scene of heated debates.
by Anno Hellenbroich and Michael Vitt
Interview with Prof. V. Sikora.
by Luis Ernesto Vásquez
by Michael Billington
by Lonnie Wolfe
by Harley Schlanger
by Lydia Cherry
by Michael Billington
by H. Graham Lowry
by Robert D. Sweet
by John Hoefle
House Seeks To Curb Bush Bailout.
by Laurence Hecht
The real levels of unemployment are far higher than the government and media report. President Bush and other officials may keep on using the fraudulent statistics, but they can no longer claim they didn’t know what the real numbers are.
by Konstantin George
The West deliberately failed to foster a peaceful compromise this spring; but the die was really cast two years ago, when the IMF forced Belgrade to take Jeffrey Sachs as an economic advisor.
by Robyn Quijano
Pablo Escobar is now ensconced in his luxury “prison.” The Gaviria government’s capitulation can be traced to the U.S. refusal to help Colombia’s war on drugs in 1989.
Documentation: From a statement by former Colombian Justice Minister Enrique Parejo González.
by Gretchen Small
Documentation: From a speech by Gen. Carlos Julio Peñaloza, outgoing commander of the Army.
by Linda de Hoyos
by Ulf Sandmark
by Joseph Brewda
by Webster Tarpley
Whether or not it is desirable to have a civil war in the U.S.S.R. is the issue: Humanity and reason say no.
by Joseph Brewda
It was the reason for the war, and it is the reason for continuing the sanctions now.
by Leo Scanlon
The Court is expanding the power of police agencies over the individual, while limiting the power of the Federal courts to enforce the Constitution. Dissenting Justice Thurgood Marshall (who has now resigned from the bench) quoted a Florida judge: “This is not Hitler’s Berlin, nor Stalin’s Moscow”—at least not yet.
by Jeffrey Steinberg and Steve Komm
by Alan Ogden
by William Jones