Volume 18, Number 28, July 26, 1991



Madame Fatuma Isak Bihi

The former ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Somalia to the European headquarters of the U.N. and international organizations in Geneva discusses the worsening crisis in her country.

Dr. R.A. Tikriti and Dr. M.A. Fala Al-Ravi

Dr. Tikriti, the chairman of the Iraqi medical association, and his colleague Dr. Fala Al-Ravi, spoke with EIR at a conference of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, held in Stockholm in June.



by John Hoefle

The RTC Is Out of Control.

Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

What “Breakthrough”?

Dateline Mexico

by Carlos Cota Meza

Reprivatization of the Banks Begins.


by Marcia Merry

Less Wheat, Greater Need.

Andean Report

by Cynthia R. Rush

Bolivia Seeks To Expel U.S. Agents.


The U.S. banking system is



Group of 7: George Bush’s Delusions Are Contagious

by Christopher White

Lyndon LaRouche warned back in May that the summit was going to be “a catastrophe.” The apparent agreement on GATT was the cornerstone for a package of one-worldist imperial plans regarding control over technology transfers, credit, and the environment—whose intent is genocide.

London Takes Aim at Japan, Inc.

by Kathy Wolfe

Concluding a two-part series.

Will South Africa Choose Regional Development or IMF Austerity?

by Lydia Cherry and Linda de Hoyos

Either it will become a driver for great projects, or it will collapse into a Third World country.

Emergency in China: More Than the Floods

by Michael Billington

Food Irradiation Starts Up in Florida

by Marjorie Mazel Hecht

For the first time in the U.S., a company begins commercial operation of this invaluable technology.

Bankers Looted a Half Trillion from Ibero-America in the ’80s

by Dennis Small and Peter Rush

Shows that some $478 billion in capital was exported in the “Decade of Death”—a rate of looting averaging nearly $50 billion per year.

Currency Rates

IMF Wants Military Cuts in Third World

by Gretchen Small

Business Briefs


Horn of Africa in the Cross-Hairs of ‘New World Order’

by Marcia Merry

Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia are in acute crisis, with millions of refugees living in misery—a situation which has gotten much worse since the Persian Gulf war. Will the nations of the world learn the lessons of 1898, when France’s surrender to the British at Fashoda began the march to World War I?

Sudan’s Economic Agenda: Food and Oil Self-Sufficiency

by Marcia Merry

Assesses the country’s vast development potential, in light of data presented at a conference in Washington hosted by the Sudanese embassy.

A Campaign of Lies and Slander against Sudan

Situation in Somalia Is ‘Catastrophic’

by Christine Bierre

An interview with Madame Fatuma Isak Bihi.

Spain-Morocco Tunnel: A Project to Connect the Pillars of Hercules

by Mohamed Larbi Messan

Morocco’s ambassador to Brazil describes a key infrastructural project for unlocking Africa’s economic potential.


U.S. Readies Pretext To Bomb Iraq again

by Joseph Brewda

The Bush Administration has plans to carry out air strikes against up to 100 “nuclear-related targets,” even though the International Atomic Energy Agency’s inspection team now reports that Iraq has no weapons-grade uranium.

Relief Mission Arrives in Baghdad

by Michael Weissbach

‘We Will Not Change the Government Under Threat of Killing Our Children’

by Ulf Sandmark

Interview with Dr. R.A. Tikriti and Dr. M.A. Fala Al-Ravi.

Human Toll Mounts in Yugoslav War

by Konstantin George

Croatian Democrat Appeals to CSCE

A call by former political prisoner and Croatian Democratic Party leader Marko Veselica.

Stone-Age Indians Are Used for New Plot against Brazilian Nation

by Silvia Palacios

‘Hauptstadt’ Berlin Can Help All Nations

by Renée Sigerson

Colombia’s New Constitution Eliminates Rule of Natural Law

by Javier Almario

Documentation: Comments to EIR by Foreign Minister Luis Fernando Jaramillo, former minister Carlos Lemos Simmonds, former minister Alfonso Palacio Rudas, and amnestied M-19 leader Antonio Navarro Wolf.

U.S.-Rome Axis Plan Is No Longer Secret

by Paolo Raimondi

International Intelligence


The Ghost of Irangate Stalks the Bush Presidency

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Even the best-informed Irangate specialists have generally overlooked George Bush’s most important role during the Reagan years: his chairmanship of the Special Situation Group and the Crisis Pre-Planning Group. What does that have to do with the current confirmation hearings on Bush appointees? Just watch.

Bush Nominee Kimmitt Tied to Iran-Contra

by Scott Thompson

Cult Network Attacks LaRouche Campaign

by Bruce Director

Bush, ADL Thwarted at NAACP Convention

by Harley Schlanger

Debate on Thomas Ignores Natural Law

by Edward Spannaus

On the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Congressional Closeup

by William Jones

National News
