by Don Veitch
Bush Bashes Aussies.
by Carlos Cota Meza
How Deep Is Mexico’s Recession?
by Rainer Apel
Terrorism and the Stasi Heritage.
by Carlos Wesley
White House, Israeli, Drug Lord Triangle.
by Geraldo Luis Zaraiva Lino
Collor Looks for Escape Hatch.
by Emmanuel Grenier
Wasted Words on Europe, Environment.
by Kathy Wolfe
Mozart’s “Haydn” String Quartets.
Defeat NAFTA.
by Dr. James W. Frazer
Part 2 of Dr. Frazer’s proposal for curriculum reform. In this “hands on” approach, the greatest demand will be on training of teachers, particularly for shop- and laboratory-oriented activities. Every high school class is to build a piano or harp, and to rebuild an automobile—among other ambitious projects.
by Denise Henderson
Boris Yeltsin, A Political Biography, by Vladimir Solovyov and Elena Kiepikova.
by Carlos Cota
The official summary of the draft North American Free Trade Agreement is out, and it spells out in detail exactly what EIR has warned of: the vicious looting of Mexico, and the destruction of the labor forces of Mexico, the United State, and Canada. For starters.
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
LaRouche responds to questions from an EIR correspondent.
by Marcia Merry
Bush Offers Farm Export Credits.
by John Hoefle
Citicorp’s Mortgage Unit Is Bankrupt.
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses a conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees in Virginia. “We have nothing less to do, than to bring the political and economic order in this world into cohesion with the laws of the universe, with the laws of God’s Creation. If we don’t do this, then the outcome of this human tragedy will be the end of civilization, at least in any shape or form as we have known it.”
by Nora Hamerman
As French voters go to the polls to decide whether to join the suicidal Maastricht Treaty on European Union, the Anglo-American oligarchs are scrambling to prepare contingency plans in case of an increasingly likely “no” vote.
by Jacques Cheminade
by Mark Burdman
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Laith Shubeilat has rejected the usurious practices of the International Monetary Fund, and called for orderly debt moratoria, as part of a policy to implement a just, new world economic order.
Documentation: A statement by Mrs. Rima Laith Shubeilat.
by Konstantin George
by Christine Bierre
by Konstantin George and Kathy Wolfe
by Lydia Cherry and Ramtanu Maitra
by Andrea Olivieri
by Nancy Spannaus
The International Caucus of Labor Committees met in Virginia, joining forces with veterans of the civil rights movement. Rev. James Bevel set the tone in a keynote address: “The Confederate forces have three candidates to choose from, all claiming that man is a beast of burden. The Union has one candidate, Lyndon LaRouche, who says man is made in the image and likeness of God.”
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The speech delivered by LaRouche to the conference of the ICLC and Schiller Institute.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Herbert Quinde