An economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of Wharton Econometric Forecasting at the university’s Wharton School, Klein is a top economic adviser to the Chinese communist regime.
by Lorenzo Carrasco and Silvia Palacios
The governor of the state of Amazonas, Brazil, explains why the Amazon has been targeted by an international array of ecologists, royal pooh-bahs, and cartel companies.
From a radio interview with the economist and political prisoner, discussing the events in former Yugoslavia.
by Umberto Pascali
The cousin of the assassinated Bosnian Deputy Prime Minister, Mrs. Veledar-Campara is vice president of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Information Center and the Bosnia-Hercegovina Medical Relief Fund in Ottawa, Canada.
Das RAF-Phantom—Wozu Politik und Wirtschaft Terroristen brauchen, (The RAF Phantom—Why Politics and Economics Needs Terrorists), by Gerhard Wisnewski, Wolfgang Landgräber, and Ekkehard Sicker.
by Ray Wei
The Century of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang Wai-Kam Ho, edited by Judith Smith.
by Rainer Apel
Confrontationists Arrive in Bonn.
by Ramtanu Maitra
Political Failures Stir More Violence.
by Hugo López Ochoa
The End of the Dinosaurs.
by Silvia Palacios
Soap Operas and Satanism.
by Kathy Wolfe
Dvorak and the Creation of America.
Operation Desert Storm Two Years Later.
LaRouche explains how a real national bank should work.
by Ray Wei
Part 2 of an interview with Lawrence Klein.
by Cal Valentine
by Pope John Paul II
by Rosa Tennenbaum
German Farmers Form New Association.
by John Hoefle
Worst Year Ever for U.S. Insurance Sector.
by Silvia Palacios and Lorenzo Carrasco
Rio correspondents Silvia Palacios and Lorenzo Carrasco report on a visit to the Amazon region. “The Amazon is not Brazilian, it is Brazil,” one high-level military officer told them.
by Lorenzo Carrasco and Silvia Palacios
An interview with Gilberto Mestrinho.
by Geraldo Luis Zaraiva Lino
by Umberto Pascali
An interview with Lyndon LaRouche.
by Umberto Pascali
An interview with Djenana Veledar-Campara.
by Lawrence Eagleburger
by Alija Izetbegovic
by Ortrun Cramer
by Kathleen Klenetsky
by Henryk Jankowsky
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by Cynthia R. Rush
At press conferences around the world, editors of EIR released an explosive new book, The Ugly Truth About the ADL. Now, watch the fur begin to fly.
by H. Graham Lowry
by Carlos Wesley
A corrupt judge let the “Kidnappers, Inc.” conspirators off the hook, but the evidence is all here, in tapes released during the trial.
by Linda Everett
Doctor Death continues on the rampage, but some specialists are beginning to ask the obvious question: Is he crazy?
Documentation: Kevorkian lays out his plan for training doctors to kill.
by François Lepine
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Clinton Team Preaches Pain and Agony.
by William Jones