Volume 20, Number 15, April 16, 1993



Francis Boyle

by Umberto Pascali

The legal representative of Bosnia-Hercegovina in its suit for genocide against Serbia at the International Court in The Hague, Boyle is professor of international law at the University of Illinois.

Vera Vebel Tatic

by Umberto Pascali

Mrs. Vebel, a Serbian citizen living in Vojvodina, is a leading member of the Center for Anti-War Action.


Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

Wanted: A Science Driver.

Andean Report

by Ana M. Mendoza-Phau

Venezuela’s Battle of the Courts.


A Time for Great Concepts.


Distortion of China’s Past Threatens Reformers Today

by Michael Billington

Dragon Lady, The Life and Legend of the Last Empress of China by Sterling Seagrave, and Immobile Empire by Alain Peyrefitte.

A. Hammer: ‘Agent Vliyana’ for the Trust’s New World Order

by Denise Henderson

The Dark Side of Power: The Real Armand Hammer, by Carl Blumay with Henry Edwards.

Entertainment and the Darwinian ‘Roots’ of Multiculturalism

by Denise Henderson

Ota Benga: The Pygmy in the Zoo, by Phillips Verner Bradford and Harvey Blume.


The Standard Deviation That Will Kill Us All

by Anthony K. Wikrent

Without naming names, major business publications are taking potshots at LaRouche’s proposed tax on derivatives sales.

Dieter Bock: Front Man for the Stasi?

by William Engdahl

Secret documents from East German files link the Lonrho conglomerate with the former East German secret service.

Currency Rates

India Cancels World Bank Loan, Continues Narmada Dam Construction

by Ramtanu Maitra

Will India Avoid Environmentalist Traps of the Montreal Protocol?

by Siddharth Singh

Bad News for Menem: IMF Plan Is Failing

by Gerardo Terán Canal


by Marcia Merry

Hollywood to the Rescue?

Business Briefs


Geopolitics: The Root of Bush’s Tantrum in November 1989

by Michael Liebig

Why was George Bush in such a morose frame of mind when the Berlin Wall came down, and communist domination over eastern Germany was ended? “I am not an emotional man,” he said. “I will not dance on the Wall.” Michael Liebig analyzes the axioms of geopolitics, dating back to Sir Halford Mackinder and Karl Haushofer.


Russian ‘SDI’ Proposal Points to LaRouche

by Paul Gallagher

The Russian offer at the Vancouver summit for joint development of anti-missile “plasma weapons,” reflects Lyndon LaRouche’s original design for the Strategic Defense Initiative, which Moscow rejected ten years ago.

Documentation: Izvestia’s report on the Russian offer.

Italian Parliamentarians Call on President Clinton To Free LaRouche

LaRouche Is ‘Dissident in the American Gulag’

Prominent International Figures Sign Petition to Clinton: ‘Free LaRouche’

by Carlos Wesley

U.S. Hypocrisy Condemned

Italian Party Demands Probe of ‘Conspiracy’

by Claudio Celani

International Court in The Hague Orders Serbia To Halt Genocide

UN Embargo Gives Serbia License To Kill

by Sven Rustempasic

From Serbia: ‘Stop These Terrible Crimes’

Pakistan in Iron Grip of Ghulam Ishaq Khan

by Linda de Hoyos

Brazil’s President Itamar Franco: A Small Man in a Big Crisis

by Lorenzo Carrasco and Silvia Palacios

International Intelligence


Clinton’s Hairsbreadth Chance for Survival

by Webster G. Tarpley

Four policy divergences have opened between President Clinton and the Anglo-American financial oligarchy. If these hairline fractures expand, the Administration may survive.

Trilaterals Promote One-World Government

by Scott Thompson

New Court Evidence Confirms Innocence of John Demjanjuk

by Jeffrey Steinberg

‘Docu-Trial’ Acquits Ray in MLK Shooting

by Scott Thompson

Oregon Health Care Rationing Plan Is a Dangerous Precedent

by Linda Everett

Congressional Closeup

by William Jones and Carl Osgood

National News
