by David Hammer
The director of South Africa’s AIDS Training and Outreach Program, Dr. Sher was formerly chief collector of data for the South African Institute for Medical Research. The political crisis means that the government is in no position to deal with the growing AIDS crisis.
by Mark Wilsey
Dr. Murakami is the director of Division VII at the Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC, in Tokyo, Japan. He describes his laboratory’s research in high-temperature superconductors.
Mr. Cheminade is the leader of the New Solidarity political movement, which ran candidates in the March regional elections in a number of places in France.
by Liliana Celani
Mr. Formigoni was Vice President of the European Parliament, president for many years of the biggest Catholic youth organization in Italy, the Popular Movement, and is now a member of the new Italian Parliament.
by Tore Fredin
Sweden Drowns in Debt.
by Carlos Cota Meza
The Secret Is Out.
by Rainer Apel
Haunted by the Ghosts of the 1980s.
Henry Kissinger Was Nixon’s Iago.
by Mark Wilsey
Reports on some of the latest results in research on achieving superconductivity at high temperatures.
by Mark Wilsey
by Mark Wilsey
An interview with Dr. Masato Murakami.
by Ramtanu Maitra
The first of EIR’s “Science Policy” commentaries.
by John Hoefle
While U.S. regulators are muttering about the need to develop “standards for derivatives products,” European bankers are more bluntly warning of a financial shock like the stock market crash of October 1987.
by David Hammer
An interview with Dr. Ruben Sher.
by Lawrence Eyong-Echaw
by Mary Burdman
The International Institute of Strategic Studies in London publishes a paper by Gerald Segal on the theme of “opening and dividing China”—and Beijing retaliates by banning Segal from making a trip to China.
by Mark Burdman
by Scott Thompson
by Valerie Rush
The Rockefeller crowd is conducting financial warfare against Venezuela at the same time that its minions inside the country are trying to make a bloody example of Alejandro Peña Esclusa, a friend and associate of Lyndon LaRouche.
The full text of the outrageous court document, subject of ridicule in the Venezuelan press for its illiteracy and blatant illegality.
A timeline of destabilization.
by Mark Burdman
From Prince Philip on down, the British oligarchy is mobilized to get the UN’s Cairo ’94 conference to stop the reproduction of the black and yellow races.
by Linda de Hoyos
by Nora Hamerman and Warren J. Hamerman
by Patricio Ricketts Rey de Castro
by Kathy Wolfe
by Bruce Jacobs
An interview with Jacques Cheminade.
by Mel Klenetsky
Although Nixon was one of the first of the establishment political figures to criticize the shock therapy policies of the IMF in Russia, he never understood the British geopolitical design against the United States.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Jerry Pyenson
by Liliana Celani
An interview With Roberto Formigoni.
by M.T. Upharsin
British Promote Henry To “Help Out” Clinton.
by William Jones