Volume 24, Number 21, May 16, 1997


Book Reviews

Robert Reich: liberated from the cabinet

by Marianna Wertz

Locked in the Cabinet, by Robert B. Reich.


Andean Report

by David Ramonet

Extradition battle heats up in Venezuela.

Dateline Mexico

by Carlos Cota Meza

Sir Jimmy and the break-up of Mexico.


Clip George Soros’s wings.

Science & Technology

Orbital cycles, not CO2, determine Earth’s climate

by Rogelio Maduro

The long-term trends in climate are determined by the changing relation of our Earth to its Sun, and hence the amount of radiation that causes heating or cooling-global warming or ice ages. This study debunks the environmentalist conceit that man’s predation against Mother Earth is causing a global warming catastrophe. In fact, we are about to enter a new ice age.


Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock’s Martin Bryant

by Allen Douglas and Michael J. Sharp

The 28-year-old Tasmanian, who butchered nearly three dozen people in broad daylight, was well known to some of the top Tavistock brainwashers. Such killings are not the actions of “lone nuts,” but are programmed by the Tavistock Institute’s “psychiatric shock troops.”


Russia’s free trade fanatics target natural monopolies

by Rachel Douglas

A new round of asset-stripping is being set in motion, to provide an income stream for the bankrupt international financial system.

Brits target Korean, Chinese banks, Japan

by Kathy Wolfe

City of London and New York investors are dubbing troubled Asian banking systems as “risky” investments—ignoring the beam in their own eyes.

Business Briefs


Toward China’s 21st-Century economy

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Cooperation between the U.S. Presidency and China, is now virtually the only basis for preventing a general economic collapse worldwide. The form of economic policy emerging from such cooperation would be similar, in many respects, to that which existed among the states of the “first world” during 1946-1965. “However,” LaRouche writes, “certain additional improvements must be included if the economic recovery is to be general and durable.” Such “improvements” constitute the secret of the economy of a civilized 21st Century, toward which China is presently reaching.


Blair landslide signals new British fascist offensive

by Mark Burdman

Lest anyone think the neo-liberal reign of terror of Iron Lady Thatcher is ended, Blair, like his Tory predecessors, will continue the policies dictated by the Queen’s Privy Council.

London’s Kabila gang closes in on Zaire

by Linda de Hoyos

Documentation: A Rwandan group, the Rally for the Return of Refugees and Democracy in Rwanda, condemns the world’s inaction on the refugee crisis.

Africa needs ‘peace through development’

A report on the April 26-27 seminar co-sponsored by EIR, the Forum for Peace and Democracy, and the Schiller Institute.

Germany’s BüSo party meets to plan strategy

by Rainer Apel

Helga Zepp-LaRouche told party members and international guests that she would be the “Candidate for Chancellor for a New, Just World Economic Order.”

London’s terrorists set sites on Saudis

by Omar Abdul Aziz

New dirty tricks from the terrorist capital of the world.

International Intelligence


Clinton visit to Mexico defuses British confrontation scenario

by Valerie Rush

Both Presidents deftly sidestepped the pitfalls set up around drug interdiction and illegal immigration, to reaffirm their two nations’ partnership.

Documentation: From the statement of Baltazar Valadez Montoya, chairman of the Mexico Democratic Party, and the Excélsior column by José Neme Salum, both urging President Clinton to convene a New Bretton Woods Conference and to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche.

In Memoriam: Susan P. Johnson

by Leif Johnson

We say farewell to a former editor, whose humor, patient persistence, and towering intellect marked her as a truly Schillerian “beautiful soul.”

Pilots expose Pat Robertson’s ‘charity’ operations in Zaire

by Anton Chaitkin

Diamonds, as the song goes, are a televangelist’s best friend.

Bush League liars orchestrated Clinton’s 1993 bombing of Iraq

by Mary Jane Freeman

Behind the lie that Iraq was the author of an alleged plot to kill Bush in Kuwait.

Ted Turner funds Earth First! eco-vandals

by Frederick Greene

The Canadian press has exposed Turner’s financing of training camps for offshoots of the terrorist Earth First! gang.

Congressional Closeup

by Carl Osgood

National News
