Volume 24, Number 33, August 15, 1997



Gregory D. Blaska

A dairy farmer and board member of the National Dairy Board explains what happened to dairy after parity protection was undermined.

Gösta Söderström

The first policemen to arrive at the scene of Olof Palme’s murder discusses the official coverup.

Richard Dieter

The executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center is the author of a report on “Innocence and the Death Penalty.”

Book Reviews

Ford Foundation operative promotes fascist ‘alternative’ to globalization

by Mark Burdman

When Corporations Rule the World, by David C. Korten.


Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

An army that wins the peace.

From New Delhi

by Ramtanu Maitra

India and ASEAN oppose U.S. on Myanmar.

Australia Dossier

by Robert Barwick

Heroin “trial program” approved.

Labor in Focus

by Marianna Wertz

Strikers reject “post-industrial” economy.


Either justice, or war.


Asian leaders expose George Soros’s crimes

by Michael O. Billington and Gail G. Billington

After the British-owned speculator battered their currencies, Malaysia’s foreign minister told his associates at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, “It is time that we recognize these actions for what they really are, namely, villainous acts of sabotage.”

Danish infrastructure projects complement Eurasian Land-Bridge

by Poul Rasmussen

Three projects are getting under way: linking Denmark’s east and west, bridging the strait to Sweden, and crossing the Baltic Sea to northern Germany.

Parity pricing for dairy farming ‘built a beautiful industry’

An interview with Gregory D. Blaska.

Currency Rates

Business Briefs


Global financial crisis: The cookie crumbles

by Marcia Merry Baker

Finally, some parts of the establishment in Europe and the United States are admitting there’s a problem. “Okay, tell the suckers to get out of the market,” they say, “because if we don’t tell them to get out of the market, when it blows, they’re going to go running to LaRouche and say, ‘He was right, and these guys are wrong.’”

The robust Dow Jones: A closer look at the ‘fantasy index’

by John Hoefle

John Hoefle addresses an EIR seminar on “How to Save the Economy.”

How the suckers lost it all the last time around

by William Engdahl

What the Bretton Woods system really was designed to do

by William Engdahl

The objective of the Washington group working on proposals for Bretton Woods, was to create a treaty among sovereign nations to facilitate “the reconstruction of a multilateral system of world trade.” The U.S. view at the conference was not the “free trade” view of Lord Keynes and the British delegation.


Iran and its new President face an historic challenge

by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

The Eurasian Land-Bridge has put Iran in a strategically crucial location, geographically, economically, and politically.

The Palme assassination: Swedish political ‘gatekeepers’ are losing their grip

by Torbjörn Jerlerup

New evidence in the murder of an investigative journalist who was uncovering Swedish arms deals with East Germany, Iran, and African nations, peels another layer from the coverup of the Palme assassination. As Edgar Allan Poe proved in “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the hand behind the coverup, is the hand behind the deed.

‘The Palme investigation was initiated to protect the assassin’

An interview with Gösta Söderström.

International Intelligence


It’s time to cancel the Weld nomination

by Jeffrey Steinberg

As ambassador to Mexico, William Weld, who continues the 18th century traditions of his New England opium-trading family, would ill-serve the President and the country.

Tulsa trial adds twist to Oklahoma bomb plot

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Terrorism probes should target London

by Edward Spannaus

A fruitful investigation into “Islamic” terrorism in the U.S. would scrutinize the London networks of Afghansi moneybags Osama bin Laden.

Appeal is filed in LaRouche Voting Rights Act case

by Mary Jane Freeman

The same rotten party leadership around then-DNC chairman Don Fowler and the salacious Dick Morris, who prevented the Democratic Party from retaking Congress in 1996, ordered state parties to “ignore” the primary votes to send LaRouche delegates to the national convention.

America is killing innocent people

by Marianna Wertz

A report on “Innocence and the Death Penalty.”

Congressional Closeup

by Carl Osgood

National News
