Dr. Machar is president of the Coordinating Council of the South of Sudan and vice-president of the Sudan National Congress. He was the leader of the South Sudan Independence Movement, which signed the peace accord with the Sudan government in 1997.
Dr. Akol is Sudan’s Minister of Transportation.
Mr. Grossman is an Army psychologist (ret.) and author of “Why Are Kids Shooting Their Classmates?” published in the magazine Christianity Today.
Mr. Powell has known Al Gore for more than a decade. He is now British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Chief of Staff.
Lord Renwick is a former British Ambassador to the United States, and is now with Fleming Bank in London.
by Elke Fimmen
The mass deportation of ethnic minorities, the bombing and destruction of lives and economic infrastructure—all this could have been prevented, had policy proposals presented by Lyndon LaRouche and the Schiller Institute been acted upon at the opening of this decade. The Schiller Institute presents its record.
Documentation: From a 1997 presentation by Lyndon LaRouche on the roots of the Balkans war.
by Allen Douglas
Unions are being decimated.
by Rainer Apel
The strains of war, and of depression.
Even wilder lies about China.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Sudan and Eritrea have signed an agreement to end hostilities. That, and meetings with the opposition, mark an important step forward in the process of national reconciliation, and a potentially fatal setback to the British-backed war against the government.
An interview with Dr. Riak Machar.
An interview with Dr. Lam Akol.
by Linda de Hoyos
John Prendergast outlined his policy for a U.S. diplomatic offensive against Sudan.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
A Special Feature by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. “If anyone tells you that a rising Dow-Jones stock-market index proves that the U.S. economy is growing, your reply ought to be: ‘Oh, you mean that the cancer is growing. Tell me, Doctor: How is the patient doing?,’” LaRouche writes, in this piece designed to help the sane citizen determine whether an economy is actually growing, or not.
by Marcia Merry Baker
by William Engdahl
U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin presented the report of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. He’s says he’s ready for more radical measures if these don’t work—and they won’t.
by Claudio Celani
by Lorenzo Carrasco and Gretchen Small
by Gerardo Terán Canal and Gonzalo Huertas
by Rainer Apel
President Clinton’s May 6 visit to Bonn and the simultaneous conference of the G-8 foreign ministers, gives reason for hope that the threatening catastrophe can be averted.
A declaration being circulated for signatures internationally by the Schiller Institute.
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Bonnie James
At a seminar entitled “After the NATO Summit, What Next? The Post-Balkan War Perspective,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that at this moment, we are offered the chance to create a new, just world economic order out of the horror unleashed by NATO’s air war.
by Anton Chaitkin and Jeffrey Steinberg
The methods employed by military trainers to help soldiers overcome their inhibitions to killing fellow human beings are the common fare of children’s video games.
An interview with David Grossman.
by Nancy Spannaus
The currency of the coming election is going to be ideas, for dealing with the most devastating financial and strategic crisis in history. By this standard, Lyndon LaRouche is the only qualified candidate.
by Scott Thompson
Interviews with Johnathon Powell and Robin Renwick.
by Carl Osgood
by Carl Osgood