Volume 26, Number 25, June 18, 1999



Roberto Formigoni

The president of the Lombardy region in Italy speaks about his recent visit to Iraq.

Hrant Khachatrian

The president of the Union of Constitutional Rights, a longtime friend of the LaRouche movement, has been elected to the Parliament of Armenia.


Australia Dossier

by Robert Barwick

The bubble will soon pop.

Report from Bonn

by Rainer Apel

German diplomacy pays off.

Africa Report

by Linda de Hoyos

More massacres in the Kivus.


Even the BIS is worried.


If you get sick, will you have a hospital?

by Richard Freeman

Under the parasitic “managed care” insurance system, the Hill-Burton Act’s high standard of health care, established in 1946, is being replaced with Auschwitz methods of cost-accounting.

‘Managed care’ and nursing: Back to the 19th century

by Linda Everett

Market-driven “reforms” have forced hospitals to replace registered nurses with untrained “aides.” Are you feeling better, now?

Specific cases of illness and death

Ecuador banking: IMF demands euthanasia

by Manuel Hidalgo

How the British oligarchy controls Brussels EU policy

by William Engdahl

Most of the 360 million people within the European Union are unaware that the tiny handful of people who ultimately determine policy concerning their economic well-being, do so with no accountability to the citizenry.

Business Briefs


Balkan peace and world economy: The case for a ‘New Marshall Plan’  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

“The British monarchy and that monarchy’s American lackeys ... were prepared to go to extremes to launch this war, and are prepared, if permitted, to go to extremes in their efforts to prevent U.S. President Bill Clinton from bringing it to the truly peaceful conclusion which he proposed in his San Francisco address,” LaRouche writes. “My subject in this report, is the issues of global economic policy posed by any serious effort to conduct ‘A New Marshall Plan’ of economic reconstruction in the region of southeastern Europe.”


The battle for peace in the Balkans has just begun

by Jeffrey Steinberg

The peace accords are resting on a very fragile foundation, and the key now is to move swiftly with a reconstruction program—and to outflank the inevitable geopolitical counterattack by the British oligarchy.

Macedonian President Gligorov calls for Balkans reconstruction

by Mark Burdman

European elections: BüSo makes reconstruction the campaign focus

by Ortrun Cramer

LaRouche’s co-thinkers are the only party talking about the opportunity for hope after the Balkans war.

Peace through development for the Balkans

New signers on the Schiller Institute’s call for a “Marshall Plan” for the Balkans.

‘Hawk’ Blair exposes British aims to China

by Mary Burdman

The assault on Iraq, and Blair’s bloodthirsty pursuit of the bombing against Yugoslavia, and his relentless demands for a ground invasion, have done much to expose London’s strategic aims to China’s leaders.

Al Gore and his Wall Street cronies are out to sink Russia  

by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey Steinberg

The ouster of Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov was the product of a secret meeting at New York’s Four Seasons restaurant.

PKK leader: British run Kurdish terrorism

by Joseph Brewda

End the embargo against Iraq

An interview with Roberto Formigoni.

Elections in Armenia signal a political shift

An interview with Hrant Khachatrian.

New Nigerian President challenged by economic crisis, IMF blackmail

by Uwe Friesecke

Olusegun Obasanjo has been sworn in as the new President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

International Intelligence


The U.S. political battle over Balkan reconstruction

by Nancy Spannaus

The Republican-controlled Congress has passed two resolutions toeing the British line against reconstruction. But policy has not yet been decided, and, as the LaRouche movement has been emphasizing, a Marshall Plan-style program for the Balkans must become the catalyst for shifting the world away from the momentum toward World War III, and toward building a new world monetary system, based on infrastructure development.

Opposition grows to Cox Committee hoax

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Demands for better U.S. relations with China dominated a seminar in Washington hosted by the Cato Institute.

Chinese press covers LaRouche on Cox Report

Scotland tells Pat Robertson: ‘No deal’

by Mark Calney

Robertson’s plans to establish a U.S. telephone-based bank with the Bank of Scotland have fallen through.

National News
