by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“Two economic systems have collapsed,” he writes. “Russia is now struggling to rebuild itself out of the wreckage left by the collapsed and carpet-bagger-looted Soviet system; the Anglo-American system is now at its fag-end.” The crisis has now reached the point that, under President George W. Bush, the world system could not be saved in its present form, even for a relatively short period. “So, today, we are assembled here, under the auspices of the written word, to consider, not whether the continued existence of the United States is still possible; the question is, whether it is possible that the United States might choose the available road to survival. Classical philosophy, properly defined, is the only branch of science in which possible solutions to such a crisis in decision-making can be rationally discussed.”
by Marsha Freeman
The popularly held belief, that the price increase is a function of the law of supply and demand, is hogwash.
by Linda Everett
What happens if you’re having surgery, and the lights go out?
by Dean Andromidas
The fuse is lit for religious war, that could light a conflagration spreading from the Middle East, deep into Central Asia.
by Michael Liebig
Michael Liebig analyzes how a Euro-Atlantic/Eurasian cooperative ballistic missile defense could be a realistic proposition.
The U.S. bombing of Baghdad is seen in Moscow as directed at Russia, threatening it with “a small hot war accompanied by a new Cold War.”
by Ulf Sandmark
The assassinated Swedish Prime Minister is exposed in a book making headlines in Stockholm.
by Molly Kronberg
Resolutions for reorganizing the bankrupt global financial system, as advocated by Lyndon LaRouche, have been introduced in the state legislatures of Kentucky, Virginia, and Maryland, with similar bills in preparation in Pennsylvania and other states.
by Anton Chaitkin
A profile of William Stamps Farish III.
by Scott Thompson
A profile of Richard Armitage, nominated to be Deputy Secretary of State.
by Edward Spannaus
The scandal has seriously weakened Clinton’s position in the Democratic Party, vs. the influence of Gore and his cronies, who openly advocate abandoning the traditional FDR constituencies on which the modern Democratic Party was built.
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Excerpts from the report prepared under the leadership of V.I. Ishayev, member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
Stopping George Bush’s End-Game.