The Africa panel from the Schiller Institute’s conference in Bad Schwalbach, Germany: Representatives of 40 nations discussed the relation of Eurasian development, to reversing Africa’s humanitarian catastrophe.
by Prof. Sam Aluko
Prof. Aluko is a professor of economics who served in the Economics Ministry of the Nigerian government for four years during the early 1980s.
by Jean Gahururu
Jean Gahururu is a representative of the Rally for Democracy in Rwanda, in charge of foreign relations.
by Leonce Ndarubagiye
Leonce Ndarubagiye is a representative of the National Committee for the Defense of Democracy in Burundi.
by Prof. Abdalla A. Abdalla
Prof. Abdalla is Sudan’s former Minister of Agriculture and former Ambassador to the United States.
by Rachel Douglas
The creation of a Eurasian Transport Union, announced May 15 by Russian Minister of Transport Sergei Frank, provides an institutional venue for deliberations among the nations of Eurasia, and any others, interested in building great infrastructure projects as a road out of economic depression.
by Richard Freeman
by Mary Jane Freeman
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“From this awful blend of cupidity, stupidity, arrogance, and incompetence” of the Bush Administration, “nothing could save the U.S.A., except its return to those underlying principles of law, upon which our sovereign constitutional republic’s existence was originally premised. What, then, shall we identify as those principles of law? What is, really, that constitutional principle of the general welfare, on which the renewal and durability of our republic’s constitutional freedoms depends?”
by Lawrence K. Freeman
An interview with the Ambassador to the U.S. of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dr. Faida Mitifu.
by Lawrence K. Freeman
A review of two reports, one by the International Rescue Committee and one by the United Nations, on the physical destruction of the Congo as a result of the years-long succession of wars perpetrated by Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.
by Suzanne Rose
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by Marsha Freeman
The Bush Administration has released its National Energy Policy, and nowhere does it provide remedy for the actual energy crisis that is threatening the health, safety, and economy of the United States—the destruction of a reliable, affordable supply of electricity, brought about by deregulation.
by John Hoefle
A profile of Houston’s Reliant Energy.
by Jeffrey Steinberg and Art Ticknor
by Edward Spannaus
by Carl Osgood
Dr. Mitifu, Ph.D., is Ambassador to the United States of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
A Damning Admission, Late in the Game.