Volume 30, Number 18, May 9, 2003


LaRouche Youth Movement: ‘A Second American Revolution’  

At the Schiller Institute’s conference in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, LaRouche Youth Movement leaders presented a panel on the intellectual discoveries required to stop the world’s plunge into a Dark Age, and to create, instead, a new Renaissance. Intertwined themes included the historic role of the sublime Joan of Arc, the axiom-busting discoveries of Carl Gauss, and the physical economy of Friedrich List.

Pedagogical Exercises in a Russian Classroom

by Dr. Nina V. Gromyko

Reconstruction Through Multicultural Education

by Areti Demosthenous


Vernadsky and the Biogeochemical Development of N. America’s Desert

by Dennis Small and Richard Freeman

To reconstruct U.S.-Mexican relations on a sane basis, this in-depth economic study proposes the two countries jointly develop the Great American Desert, with water projects, high-speed rail lines and other transportation systems, and power. The conceptual framework for such an ambitious enterprise was provided by the Russian biogeochemist V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945).

Nuclear Desalination

by Marcia Merry Baker

LaRouche Posed U.S./Mexico Task of Blooming the Desert in Visit Last Year

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

LaRouche was interviewed by Hipatia magazine of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, during a visit to Mexico in November 2002.


Dick Cheney Has a French Connection—To Fascism  

by Jeffrey Steinberg, Tony Papert, and Barbara Boyd

The “Straussian cabal” of warhawks in and around the Bush Administration is linked to a network of World War II and postwar Nazi collaborators. The central figure in EIR’s investigation is the lifetime collaborator of neo-conservative “godfather” Leo Strauss—the Paris-based Russian emigré, Alexandre Kojève.

Where the Chicken-Hawks Got Their Love of War  

by Tony Papert

Palestinian-Israeli Peace Road Map Under Pantheo-Cons’ Attack

by Dean Andromidas

Indonesia and Russia Launch ‘New Beginning in Relations

by Gail G. Billington

LaRouche Movement Intervening into Germany’s Economic, Political Crises

by Rainer Apel

India, Pakistan Pressed To Hold Kashmir Talks

by Ramtanu Maitra


LaRouche Campaign, Leading in Contributors, Breaks Blackout  

by Paul Gallagher

News of the Federal Election Commission’s April report, showing Lyndon LaRouche with more campaign contributors than any of the nine other Democratic Presidential candidates, has “put the fox among the chickens” in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Indecent Exposure: Newt and New McCarthyites

by Michele Steinberg

Ritter: Iraq War Like Nazis’ Poland Invasion

by Carl Osgood

Intelligence Vets Ask: Probe Iraq ‘WMD’ Fraud

by Edward Spannaus



The Economic Question First.
