by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“My subject ... is politics for a time of crisis; the real, no longer postponable political issues facing our nation’s approach to the 2004 general election today. That subject is one which could never be understood competently, except from the vantage-point of a deep insight into the essential role of Classical art in the education of the modern statesman. The contemporary, even urgent relevance of these references to Shakespeare, will be emphasized in the course of ... this report.”
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
A speech to the International Caucus of Labor Committees/Schiller Institute Labor Day conference in Reston, Virginia on Aug. 31.
by Dennis Small
Argentina’s effort to restructure its foreign debt, on which it defaulted in 2001, has led to renewed attacks by the international “vulture funds.”
An interview with Joern Kristensen.
by Marcia Merry Baker
by Lothar Komp
The latest power blackouts have made it manifest, that by 2020, more than 200 Gigawatts of electricity capacity must be replaced in the European Union countries, simply due to the aging of existing power facilities; other demands, for growth, make the “energy gap” nearly as large as the entire power grid of the United States.
by Rainer Apel
by Karl-Michael Vitt
Conference on China Lyndon LaRouche addressed the 14th Conference on “China, Chinese Civilization and the World: Past, Present and Future,” whose main subject was: “China in the 21st Century—Chances and Challenges of Globalization.”
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
From LaRouche’s speech to the Moscow conference.
by Michael Billington
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
A commentary written for the October issue of the Turkish magazine of political economy, Yarin.
by Gretchen Small
Including a statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by V.B.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Significant U.S. policy institutions have joined the drive to expose and depose Vice President Cheney and the entire neo-conservative gang that hijacked American foreign policy, beginning with Sept. 11, 2001.
Documentation: LaRouche’s record shows why Cheney must be removed.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
LaRouche comments on the tragic idiocy of the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
by Anton Chaitkin and Scott Thompson
by Carl Osgood
by Carl Osgood
by Stuart Lewis
The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Master of the Senate, by Robert A. Caro.
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom, Volume IV, edited by William F. Wertz, Jr.
by Rainer Apel
Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste [The CIA and September 11: International Terror and the Role of Secret Intelligence Services], by Andreas von Bülow; and Operation 9/11. Angriff auf den Globus [Operation 9/11: Attack on the World], by Gerhard Wisnewski.
Mr. Kristensen is the Chief Executive of the Mekong River Commission, which was created in 1995 by the governments of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand to deal with matters of the economic and related development of the Mekong River Basin.
Europe’s $87 Billion.