Volume 31, Number 16, April 23, 2004


LaRouche: It’s Time To Get Out of Iraq  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Underlying this urgency are more profound issues. The armed services have never been so far removed from the idea of the citizen soldier, and strategic defense.

Return to Classical Military Policies

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

From an interview with Lyndon LaRouche conducted by Arkansas radio talk show host Lee Tibler.

Eisenhower on Strategic Defense

by Gail G. Billington

Lessons of De Gaulle’s Algerian Exit Strategy

by Pierre Beaudry

9/11 Probe Exposes Neo-Con ‘War on Terror’ Strategy That Creates Terrorism  

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Principles of Westphalia

Rumsfeld’s Killing Obsession

by Edward Spannaus


Shocks Still Spreading From Bush April 2 Jobs Fakery

by Paul Gallagher

The global plunge in bond markets, since the Bush White House’s April 2 manic celebration of a blatantly faked March jobs report, drove U.S. long-term bond interest rates three-quarters of a point higher in less than two weeks, while Fed officials talk about raising interest rates.

Rate Hikes Will Blow Out Ibero-American Debt

by Gretchen Small

Who Will Oversee the Death of the IMF?

by Michael Billington

Promoting himself as a cult hero for the “Third World,” former World Bank economist Joseph Stiglitz wants Brazil’s Arminio Fraga to be the new managing director of the IMF. Fraga, like Stiglitz himself, is a partisan of billionaire speculator and drug legalizer George Soros.

Death of Detroit: Harbinger of Collapse of Deindustrialized America  

by Richard Freeman

The transformation of Detroit from America’s greatest manufacturing city, to a blighted and depopulated wasteland, is a microcosm of the effects of globalization and deindustrialization on the United States as a whole.


LaRouche To Russian Academy, Youth: Give Humanity a Future  

by Rachel Douglas

Lyndon LaRouche was the lead-off speaker at the “Science and Our Future: Ideas To Change the World” conference in Moscow at the Vernadsky State Geological Museum. He also spoke at the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law, and was the guest of the “Student Evenings” program at Moscow State University.

Entering the Economy of the Noösphere  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

LaRouche’s speech at the Vernadsky State Geological Museum on April 14.

‘The U.S. Economy Has Become a Scandal’

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

An interview with LaRouche in The Moscow financial monthly Valyutny Spekulyant (Currency Dealer).

‘A Very Special Quality of the Mexican Patriot’: LaRouche on Monterrey TV

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Architect Héctor Benavides conducted this interview with Lyndon LaRouche during the candidate’s visit to Mexico in March.

Where Are Castañeda’s Checkstubs from Soros?

by Rubén Cota Meza

Iraq ‘Exit Strategy’ Means: Announce an Exit

by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

Worldwide Banking Turbulence Slams Peru

by Manuel Hidalgo


Bush and Me-Too Kerry Campaign To Beat Themselves

by Nancy Spannaus

The only way to break the rotten “consensus” being enforced by both the Republican and Democratic parties, in which the vital strategic realities are being ignored, is to bring LaRouche into the equation. He has offered to hold debates on the strategic and economic crisis with Senator Kerry.

Bush-Sharon Summit Will ‘Ignite a Fire’ Throughout Middle East

by Dean Andromidas

Sharon and Bush ‘Will Fry in Hell’

An interview with Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg.

A Zionist Fights for Mideast Peace

Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg: A Jew in America

by Marjorie Mazel Hecht

Delegate Harold James’ Endorsement of LaRouche Inspires Fight To Save the Party

by Nancy Spannaus

Has ‘Daddy Warbucks’ Soros Double-Crossed the Democrats?

Congressional Closeup

by Carl Osgood


Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg

Rabbi Hertzberg is former president of the American Jewish Congress and former vice president of the World Jewish Congress.

Book Reviews

Rumsfeld’s Killing Obsession

Rumsfeld’s War: The Untold Story of America’s Anti-Terrorist Commander, by Rowan Scarborough.

A Zionist Fights For Mideast Peace

The Fate of Zionism: A Secular Future for Israel & Palestine, by Arthur Hertzberg.



‘Conscience of the United States.’


In “Terror’s Legacy: Hjalmar Schacht, Otto Skorzeny, and Allen Dulles,” Part 2, EIR, April 16, 2004, p. 46, the name of the group Freundeskreis Reichsführer-SS was mistranslated. It means “Friends of the Reichsführer-SS,” which was Heinrich Himmler’s title.
