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Published: Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2005
Today is:
*paid for by LaRouche PAC
December 19, 2004
This relatively fulsome report is required by the importance and urgency of addressing what has been a poorly understood, but now immediately onrushing threat to civilization as a whole. My purpose here is chiefly to correct a menacing lack of general awareness of certain among the most urgent, and potentially deadly of the practical implications at issue in current, probably failed efforts to conduct a needed dialogue of cultures. That need is indicated by the great likelihood that the effort on behalf of that dialogue would turn out to be a catastrophic failure for mankind today, unless certain relevant, wrong, but presently popular assumptions about that dialogue were pinpointed, and some among those errors corrected by aid of some painstaking attention to detail, as I do here.
Our plan of attack in this report, must be to define the origins and nature of the present mortal threat to civilization on this entire planet, and then provide this critical assessment of the errors and options in the currently attempted use of a dialogue of cultures as an optional remedy for the present threat.
However, participation in this dialogue can not be limited to representatives of that largely failed generation which has played an increasing role, in steering the world and its respective nations into the deadly present, cultural mess produced by developments of the recent four decades. We would fail our purpose unless we also said what needs to be said, specifically, to the presently emerging adult generation, especially those of the age-interval 18-25, to whom we are implicitly entrusting the future of mankind. We must tell this young adult generation all that they need to know, and must always say these things to one another in the hearing of that entire generation of young adults into whose hands we are intending to dump the execution of the solution of this problem now looming before us.
...more . . . pdf link
This Week in History
When President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his annual message to Congress on Jan. 3, 1936, the threat of war being launched by fascist regimes was already looming in Europe and Asia. In the United States, the complex of investment firms and banks that had monetarily supported those fascist takeovers was now regrouping to attack Roosevelt's New Deal. The particular targets were those measures which defended the general welfare of America's citizens.
President Roosevelt began his message to Congress by citing his Inaugural Address in 1933, where he spent only one paragraph on world affairs, and the rest on the economic crisis facing America. Now, in 1936, he talked of the happy results of his Good Neighbor Policy in the "mutual understanding" and "common helpfulness" that existed between the nations of North and South America. Then he added, "The rest of the worldAh! There is the rub."
"Were I today to deliver an Inaugural Address to the people of the United States, I could not limit my comments on world affairs to one paragraph. With much regret I should be compelled to devote the greater part to world affairs. Since the summer of that same year of 1933, the temper and purposes of the rulers of many of the great populations in Europe and in Asia have not pointed the way either to peace or to goodwill among men. Not only have peace and goodwill among men grown more remote in those areas of the Earth during this period, but a point has been reached where the people of the Americas must take cognizance of growing ill-will, of marked trends toward aggression, of increasing armaments, of shortening tempersa situation which has in it many of the elements that lead to the tragedy of general war....
"I realize that I have emphasized to you the gravity of the situation which confronts the people of the world. This emphasis is justified because of its importance to civilization and therefore to the United States. Peace is jeopardized by the few and not by the many. Peace is threatened by those who seek selfish power. The world has witnessed similar erasas in the days when petty kings and feudal barons were changing the map of Europe every fortnight, or when great emperors and great kings were engaged in a mad scramble for colonial empire."
President Roosevelt then made the connection between the fascist takeovers abroad and those who were planning a similar fate for the Americas. "The evidence before us clearly proves that autocracy in world affairs endangers peace and that such threats do not spring from those Nations devoted to the democratic ideal. If this be true in world affairs, it should have the greatest weight in the determination of domestic policies.
"Within democratic Nations the chief concern of the people is to prevent the continuance or the rise of autocratic institutions that beget slavery at home and aggression abroad. Within our borders, as in the world at large, popular opinion is at war with a power-seeking minority.... That is no new thing. It was fought out in the Constitutional Convention of 1787....
"In these latter years we have witnessed the domination of government by financial and industrial groups, numerically small but politically dominant in the twelve years that succeeded the World War. The present group of which I speak is indeed numerically small and, while it exercises a large influence and has much to say in the world of business, it does not, I am confident, speak the true sentiments of the less articulate but more important elements that constitute real American business.
"In March, 1933, I appealed to the Congress of the United States and to the people of the United States in a new effort to restore power to those to whom it rightfully belonged. The response to that appeal resulted in the writing of a new chapter in the history of popular government. You, the members of the Legislative branch, and I, the Executive, contended for and established a new relationship between Government and people.
"What were the terms of that new relationship? They were an appeal from the clamor of many private and selfish interests, yes, an appeal from the clamor of partisan interest, to the ideal of the public interest. Government became the representative and the trustee of the public interest. Our aim was to build upon essentially democratic institutions, seeking all the while the adjustment of burdens, the help of the needy, the protection of the weak, the liberation of the exploited and the genuine protection of the people's property....
"To be sure, in so doing, we have invited battle. We have earned the hatred of entrenched greed. The very nature of the problem that we faced made it necessary to drive some people from power and strictly to regulate others. I made that plain when I took the oath of office in March, 1933. I spoke of the practices of the unscrupulous money-changers who stood indicted in the court of public opinion. I spoke of the rulers of the exchanges of mankind's goods, who failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence ... but now with the passing of danger ... they seek the restoration of their selfish power.
"Yes, there are still determined groups that are intent upon that very thing. Rigorously held up to popular examination, their true character presents itself. They steal the livery of great national constitutional ideals to serve discredited special interests. As guardians and trustees for great groups of individual stockholders they wrongfully seek to carry the property and the interests entrusted to them into the arena of partisan politics. They seekthis minority in business and industryto control and often do control and use for their own purposes legitimate and highly honored business associations; they engage in vast propaganda to spread fear and discord among the peoplethey would 'gang up' against the people's liberties...."
Earth's Next Fifty Years
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
December 19, 2004
This relatively fulsome report is required by the importance and urgency of addressing what has been a poorly understood, but now immediately onrushing threat to civilization as a whole. My purpose here is chiefly to correct a menacing lack of general awareness of certain among the most urgent, and potentially deadly of the practical implications at issue in current, probably failed efforts to conduct a needed dialogue of cultures.
Bush's Social Security Privatization: A Foot in the Door for Fascism
In Dec. 16, 2004, Lyndon LaRouche, former candidate for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination, and the recent founder of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, gave an interview to WVKO radio in Columbus, Ohio, in which he warned the American people about the imminent danger of a further fascist coup d'etat, if the Bush Administration is allowed to get away with its plans to loot the entire Social Security Trust Fund, under the guise of the Pinochet Chilean Model of 'privatization.' |
- Who's Looting Peru's Privatized Pensions?
by Manuel Hidalgo
Peru's privatized pension system is a case study of what's wrong with U.S. President George Bush's proposed privatization of Social Security. Peru in 1992 became the second Ibero- American country to privatize its pensions, following Pinochet's Chile in 1981.
Flood Catastrophe Shows Need For New, Just Economic System
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The following statement was issued by Helga Zepp- LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, on Dec. 29, 2004.
The biggest aid operation of all times is now beginning, to face up to a gigantic task: to recover over 100,000 bodies, in order to prevent the spread of diseases that would multiply the number of victims; to supply about 2 million homeless; and to reconstruct 60,000 villages, infrastructure, and agricultural areas. Just to restore the conditions existing before the flood, will require minimally billions of dollars in the double digit range. The initiative of German Chancellor Schro¨der for a debt moratorium for Indonesia and Somalia is a step in the right direction.
- Tsunami Hits a Stupefied Washington
by Laurence Hecht
As the worst natural disaster in our lifetimes, perhaps in all human history, struck the Indian Ocean Basin Dec. 26, no one in the government of the world's largest superpower was able to give effective warning to the nations lying in the path of the deadly tsunami. How is it possible that a nation which is capable of conducting a remote-controlled assassination of its enemies by drone aircraft from a military command center in Florida, 6,000 miles from the target, was not capable of warning its friends of this looming disaster?
- Warning Systems Cost Peanuts
'It wouldn't take much' to set up a tsunami warning center in the Indian Ocean basin, like the one for the Pacific, said Dr. Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist at the University of Hawaii, and Tsunami Advisor to the State of Hawaii.
Swiss Think-Tank Exposes 'NATO's Secret Army'
by Claudio Celani
On Dec. 15, the Swiss daily Neue Zu¨rcher Zeitung published an extraordinary article on 'TheNATOSecret Army,' covering in detail the secret organization called 'Gladio,' discovered in 1990 in Italy, which had been built by Anglo-American intelligence at the beginning of the Cold War, as the core of a potential guerrilla force able to operate behind enemy linesreferred to as a 'stay behind' forcein case of a threatened invasion and occupation of Western Europe by Warsaw Pact military forces. However, as it was discovered, Gladio also performed another function, that of supplying special forces-type of capabilities and weapons, in a strategy of maintaining political control of NATO member countries, on behalf of certain political networks.
Rabbi, Prosecuted by Sharon, Tours U.S.
by M. Woodward
Rabbi Arik Ascherman, currently on trial with co-defendants Ori Omer and Shai Eliezer Tzvi, in Israel, for standing in front of bulldozers about to demolish Palestinian homes in April 2003, recently met with hundreds of friends during a recent multi-city U.S. fundraising tour. Ascherman is the Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), founded in 1988.
Alberto Gonzales: Bush's 'Nazi Lawyer'
by Edward Spannaus
Much can, and will, be said, during the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings for the post of Attorney General, about Alberto Gonzales's promotion of indefinite detentions and torture of prisoners, and his dismissal of the Geneva Conventions, while he served as Counsel to President George W. Bush, as well as his dishonest and unethical facilitation of executions when he was serving as counsel to then-Gov. George W. Bush in Texas.
More Election Crimes Surface in Ohio
by Edward Spannaus
Evidence of a criminal conspiracy to prevent legitimate votes from being cast, and counted, continues to mount in the state of Ohio. Ohio will be the primary focus of the anticipated challenge to Electors when the Congress meets in Joint Session on Jan. 6, but questions may be raised about other states as well.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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