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Published: Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005
Today is:
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., addressed an international webcast conference on Jan. 5, 2005, speaking by video hook-up from Germany to an audience in Washington, D.C. The event was sponsored by the LaRouche Political Action Committee. LaRouche's opening keynote is published here. A lengthy discussion followed, which can be found archived at www.larouchepac.com.
Lyndon LaRouche: At a meeting with some of my associates here in Germany, on the 4th of January, the question was asked of me as to whether, in an article which I had written and which was published in EIR on the 17th of December, whether I had actually prophesied, in a sense, the coming of this tsunami. Let me just read the paragraph in question, the opening paragraph of that article, to you. It will go up on the screen, but I'll read it to you in my own voice at the same time, and then come back and explain to you what this is all about.
The article begins as such, in the first paragraph:
"Let such caricatures of poor King Canute, as President George W. Bush, Jr., howl their denials, while they can still be heard. Let him shriek in futile rage against those thunderous winds of chaos...
...more . . . . ...pdf version
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Fahri Hassan of Radio 786, in Cape Town, South Africa, on Dec. 28, 2004. Here is an excerpt.
Host: Welcome to Radio 786.... We have the pleasure of having an individual that is a giant in his own right. He was imprisoned in America for having dared to take on the establishment clique, that included the likes of Henry Kissinger and George Bush, Sr. He's renowned as an outspoken critic of the present American regime, led by the neo-conservative cabal of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, and ranks as one of the most controversial political figures of our time. He's a renowned economist, and was a Presidential candidate in the recent primaries, under the Democratic banner....
This Week in History
January 10 - 16, 1588
How John Winthrop Organized a Republic In the Wilderness
In 1629, the governing body of the Massachusetts Bay Company elected John Winthrop as Governor of their projected settlement in New England. Winthrop (b. Jan. 12, 1588), had developed such a firm commitment to the good, that the Company's founders were reluctant to send settlers to the New World without his energetic leadership. Governor Winthrop did not disappoint them.
The outbreak of the Thirty Years War in 1618, and the virtual dictatorship of King Charles I of England after he disbanded Parliament in 1629, had taken a heavy toll on the well-being of Europe's population. Winthrop summed up the situation which had led to the decision to found a republic in New England, in a paper he wrote called "Reasons to be considered for justifying the plantation in New England." Among the reasons he cited, was the fact that, "This land grows weary of her inhabitants, so as man who is the most precious of all creatures is here more vile & base than the earth we tread upon, and of less price among us, than a horse or a sheep, masters are forced by authority to entertain servants, parents to maintain their own children, all towns complain of the burden of their poor though we have taken up many unnecessary, yea unlawful trades to maintain them.
"And we use the authority of the law to hinder the increase of people as urging the execution of the state against cottages and inmates & thus it is come to pass that children, servants & neighbors (especially if they be poor) are counted the greatest burden which if things were right it would be the chiefest earthly blessing." And the children of England, said Winthrop, were either going without education or being cruelly miseducated: "The fountains of learning and religion are so corrupted (as beside the unsupportable charge of the education) most children (even the best wits and fairest hopes) are perverted, corrupted, and utterly overthrown, by the multitude of evil examples and the licentious government of those seminaries, where men strain at gnats, and swallow camels, use all severity for maintenance of caps, and other accomplishments but suffer all ruffian-like fashion and disorder in manners to pass uncontrolled."
What it would take to reestablish a sane view of the precious potential of human creativity, was the subject of a lay sermon which Winthrop preached to his shipmates, as they neared the coast of New England in June of 1630. It was entitled "A Modell of Christian Charity," and recommended that the settlers "follow the counsel of Micah, 'to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God.' For this end, we must be knit together, in this work, as one man. We must entertain each other in brotherly affection, We must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of other's necessities. We must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience, and liberality. We must delight in each other; make other's condition our own; rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work, as members of the same body. So shall we keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us."
Although several hundred people had been sent out by the company during the 1620's to set up the infrastructure for the larger migration to come, sickness and lack of leadership had produced few concrete results. Captain John Smith, who had mapped the New England coast for the projected settlement, described the conditions which prevailed when Winthrop and the Massachusetts company arrived: "It is true that Master John Wynthrop, their new Governour, a worthy gentleman both in estate and esteeme, went so well provided (for six or seven hundred people went with him) as could be devised: but at Sea, such an extraordinarie Storme encountered his Fleet, continuing ten daies, that of two hundred Cattell which were so tossed and bruised, three-score and ten died, many of their people fell sicke; and in this perplexed estate, after ten weekes, they arrived in New England at severall times, where they found threescore of their people dead, the rest sicke, nothing done, but all complaining, and all things so contrary to their expectation, that now every monstrous humor began to shew itselfe.
"Notwithstanding all this, the noble Governour was no way disanimated, neither repents him of his enterprise for all those mistakes, but did order all things with that temperance and discretion, and so releeved those that wanted with his owne provision, that there is six or seven hundred remained with him, and more than 1600 English in all the Country, with three or foure hundred head of Cattell."
A hand-written "Narrative concerning the Settlement of New England," of 1629, reports that: "Now so soone as Mr. Winthrop was landed, perceiving what misery was like to ensewe through theire Idleness, he presently fell to worke with his owne hands, & thereby soe encouradged the rest that there was not an Idle person then to be found in the whole Plantation, & whereas the Indians said they would shortly retorne as fast as they came, now they admired to see in what short time they had all housed themselves and planted Corne sufficient for theire subsistence."
Another letter from Thomas Wiggin, an early settler, to a member of the Privy Council, in 1632, describes the Massachusetts pioneers as "having in three yeares done more in buyldinge and plantinge than others have done in seaven tumes that space, and with at least ten tymes lesse expence. Besides, I have observed the planters there, and by theire loving just and kind dealinge with the Indians, have gotten theire love and respect, and drawne them to an outward conforming to the English, soe that the Indians repaire to the English Governor there and his deputies for justice.
"And for the Governor himselfe, I have observed him to be a discreete and sober man, giving good example to all the planters, wearinge plaine apparel, such as may well beseeme a meane man, drinking ordinarily water, and when he is not conversant about matters of justice, putting his hand to any ordinarye labour with his servants."
Confronting the Deadly Crisis of International Relations
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., addressed a webcast conference on Jan. 5, 2005, speaking by video hook-up from Germany to an audience in Washington, D.C. The event was sponsored by the LaRouche Political Action Committee.Wepublish here his opening remarks, introduced by his spokeswoman, Debra Hanania Freeman. A lengthy discussion followed, which can be found archived at www.larouchepac.com.
Dems Meet LaRouche's Challenge; Debate Wipes Out Bush 'Mandate'
by Jeffrey Steinberg
For the first time since 1877, the two houses of the U.S. Congress went into separate sessions on Jan. 6, to debate a challenge to the outcome of the Electoral College vote for the Presidency of the United States. Unlike the 2000 elections, when leading members of the House of Representatives challenged the Florida outcome, but failed to win the needed endorsement of a U.S. Senator, this time, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) joined with Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D) in challenging the Electoral College vote in Ohio, on the grounds of massive evidence of voter suppression and other forms of willful fraud.
White House and Gonzales Stonewall At Senate Confirmation Hearing
by Edward Spannaus
In a Nixon-style stonewall, the Bush White House refused to release to the Senate Judiciary Committee, at least a dozen key documents which are expected to shed light on the role of White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales in developing the Bush Administration's torture policies.
Retired Military Leaders Question Gonzales's Beliefs
The following 'Open Letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee' was released at a press conference in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 4, by 12 distinguished retired flag officers.
"Dear Senator:
We, the undersigned, are retired professional military leaders of the U.S. Armed Forces. We write to express our deep concern about the nomination of Alberto R. Gonzales to be Attorney General, and to urge you to explore in detail his views concerning the role of the Geneva Conventions in U.S. detention and interrogation policy and practice...."
Interview: Gen. Joseph Hoar (USMC, ret.)
Gonzales's Policies Put American Soldiers at Risk
Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (USMC, ret.), a four-star general, was Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command (1991-94), commanding the U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf after the 1991 war. He also served in the Vietnam War, as a battalion and brigade advisor with the Vietnamese Marines. He is one of a group of senior flag officers who on Jan. 3 released an extraordinary statement of opposition to the nomination of Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, which came before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Jan. 6. General Hoar was interviewed on Jan. 1 by Jeffrey Steinberg. A previous interview with General Hoar by Steinberg appeared in the May 21, 2004 EIR.
Testimony to the Senate
Gonzales Opposed for Nazi-Like Doctrines
The testimony of Dr. Debra Hanania Freeman, spokesperson for Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in opposition to the nomination of Alberto R. Gonzales for Attorney General of the United States, was presented to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, on Jan. 6, 2005.
Bush Loses Battle In War To Loot Social Security
by Paul Gallagher
George W. Bush's all-out drive to 'go the Pinochet way with Social Security' lost its first battle in the first week of January, when some of the grim facts of his plan became known to the Congress, and were leaked to the press. Democrats across the board have gone into opposition to Bush's swindle, rather than foolishly accept the White House's 'crisis in Social Security' clap-trap and start offering competing plans. Burned, the White House on Jan. 5 retreated to Bush's 'I won't negotiate with myself' mantra in which he denies his swindle has any details or any consequences.
'Privatizer' Draculas Are From a Common Crypt
by Richard Freeman
On Jan. 1, Stephen Moore, head of the Club for Growth, speaking for the bankers who seek to steal Social Security's multitrillion-dollar cash flow by 'privatizing' it, told the Washington Post that a major campaign is being mounted. 'It could easily be a $50-100-million cost to convince people this is legislation that needs to be enacted. It's going to be expensive, because it's the most significant public policy fight in 25 years,' Moore said.
Schwarzenegger to Californians: Help Me Become a Dictator
by Harley Schlanger
With Phase I of George Shultz's plan for a total restructuring of the state of California completed, his Golem, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, used his State of the State address on Jan. 5 to announce that he is ready to move to Phase II. 'Last year, we stopped the bleeding,' he lied. 'This year, we must heal the patient. . . . Last year, we worked together to avert a crisis. This year we must address its causes.'
Bush Sharpens Budget Axe To Strike Medicaid
by Linda Everett and Mary Jane Freeman
Medicare and Medicaid represent, in the words of the Wall Street Journal of Dec. 4, 'juicy targets' for the Bush Administration's plans for Congressional budget cuts this coming year; together, the programs make up about one-fourth of all Federal spending. Since President Bush wants to make his tax cuts permanent, and since his Social Security privatization swindle would cost trillions, it appears that Bush will include cuts to the Medicaid program in his proposed Fiscal 2006 budget to be released in February.
Astounding Growth of Derivative Side Bets
by John Hoefle
While much of the world continues to crash around us, the virtual economy continues to expand like mad, with J.P. Morgan Chase leading the pack, as usual. As of Sept. 30, J.P. Morgan Chase had $43 trillion (and a few hundred billion as loose change) in derivatives, an amount roughly equal to the annual gross world product (also known as the world GDP), and about four times U.S. GDP.
British TV: Derivatives Bring Down the System
by Mary Burdman
First impressions of the BBC2 film 'The Man Who Broke Britain' are that this will be an attempt to create a scenario in which terrorists can be blamed for the looming meltdown of the world financial system. However, the film, first aired on Dec. 9, reviews just such a scenario and rejects it, to focus on the real 'weapons of mass destruction' threatening international finance: the vast, unregulated, private derivatives market.
Report From Germany
Progress in German-Russian Ties: The Gottorf Summit.
by Rainer Apel
Whereas Russian relations to the European Union as a whole are, 13 years after the end of the Soviet Union, rather nascent, with economic cooperation potential still far from being tapped, bilateral relations to some EU members states, such as France, Germany, and Italy, are developing positively. Russia has established a sound understanding on strategic matters especially with France and Germany, notably on the basis of the three governments' strong opposition to the Anglo-American war on Iraq.
Debt Moratorium Supported For Tsunami Victim Nations
by Ramtanu Maitra and Rainer Apel
At a hastily organized conference on Jan. 6 in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, to help the 11 tsunami-hit nations in Asia and Africa, the wealthy nations issued a draft declaration on debt moratoria. The declaration welcomed proposals to reduce the debt of tsunami-hit nations 'to augment their national capacity to carry out the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts.'
Timor Leste's Xanana Gusmao: Justice Is Not Revenge
by Mike Billington
There are many who doubt that the tiny nation now known as Timor Leste (East Timor) should ever have attempted the risky business of becoming a mini-state, especially in the hostile and endangered world we are living in today. With barely 1 million citizens, Timor Leste is the poorest nation in Asia, and one of the poorest ten in the world. It has few resources, poor infrastructure, and a poorly educated population.
No End to Iraqi Resistance Without End to Occupation
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
If the continuing attacks against forces of the U.S. occupation in the bombed-out city of Fallujah have become the symbol of intransigent Iraqi resistance, the suicide bombing attack in an American mess hall in Mosul, shortly before Christmas, has documented the alarming level of insurgent infiltration into U.S. ranks. Mitch Mitchell, an analyst at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the U.S.'s National Defense University, called it an 'incredible occurrence, that someone could have come in undetected with some kind of bomb. It blows my mind that force protection on the base is that poor.'
China and India Make Military Breakthrough
by Ramtanu Maitra
The month of December was the occasion for some highpowered diplomatic maneuvering in New Delhi and Beijing, as U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited the Indian capital on Dec. 9, and Indian Army Chief Gen. Nirmal Chandra Vij was given the red-carpet treatment in Beijing on Dec. 23-29.
Economic Hit Men:
How Nuclear Energy's Promise Was Nearly Destroyed
by Marsha Freeman
Editor's Note: The key to the success of the 'economic hit men' recently exposed by John Perkins' book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, over the last 30 years, lies in the cultural transformation of the industrialized nations, whose post-war populations were turned from people determined they could, and would, eliminate poverty and build prosperity, into populations enmired in pessimism and fear about the very inventions which could accomplish those tasks. Technology Editor Marsha Freeman documents how this radical shift occurred in the area of nuclear energy, and was enforced both economically and politically.
The Many Applications Of Nuclear Energy
by Marsha Freeman
When access to U.S. nuclear technology was declassified under Atoms for Peace, most nations had neither the industrial infrastructure, nor the scientific and engineering manpower, to begin building nuclear power plants. But beside the more efficient production of electricity from nuclear reactions, fission offered the near-term possibility of qualitative improvements in agriculture, medicine, biology, and industry. Unlike energy created from the burning of fossil fuels, nuclear reactions produced not only higher-quality heat, but radioactivity.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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