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Published: Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005
Today is:
This Week You Need to Know:
Wall Street May Lose Bet on Bush To Loot Social Security
by Paul Gallagher
In an unprecedented mobilization of the kind which did not occur during the 2004 Presidential election, virtually all Democratic Senators and Representatives are holding town meetings in their districts during February, against President George W. Bush's scheme to loot Social Security. In Michigan, 15 town meetings are being held by Representatives Sander Levin, Debbie Stabenow, John Dingell, Carolyn Kilpatrick, and state constituency groups; five Ohio Representatives are holding another dozen. One said, "I think we're going to beat Bush on this; we've gotten 2,700 letters against it, and one phone call for it."
The unified mission of all these Democrats is cleardefeat Bush's Social Security theft, the top-priority mission Lyndon LaRouche laid out for the Democrats last Dec. 16. Their town meetings' open-debate character contrasts with the careful pre-screening of audiences for Bush's Social Security privatization meetings. Congressman Jim Moran's Feb. 7 public meeting in Alexandria, Virginia, for example, was attended by nearly 400, including some who supported Bush's privatization scheme, while most backed Moran's strong opposition. When Moran raised the key question"Why is Bush trying to dismantle Social Security?"LaRouche Political Action Committee activists were able to answer it: Because in a dollar crash, Wall Street is demanding that markets be propped up by the world's largest cash flow.
The Democrats' united mobilization has been overcoming the President's. Bush's first barnstorm tour, right after his State of the Union speech, tried to target "vulnerable" Democrats to support him.
This Week in History
February 14 - 20, 1777
Franklin Skewers the British Ideology: 'The Sale of the Hessians'
Benjamin Franklin was a master of satire, and well he might have been, seeing that he was trained by the circles of the great satirist, Jonathan Swift. When Franklin was sent to France by the Continental Congress after the outbreak of the American Revolution, part of the work which he took upon himself, was to counter the well-financed British propaganda machine which was pouring out disinformation, trying to convince the Europeans that the Americans were in the wrong, and would soon re-enter the British Empire. Franklin wrote to acquaint Europeans both with the higher purpose of America's drive for independence, and with the real face of the evil which the Americans were trying to eliminate.
In October of 1775, King George III had sent a message to the British Parliament characterizing the disturbances in the American colonies as a "desperate conspiracy" to establish "an independent Empire." Britain needed a greatly expanded army and navy to maintain its hold on America, but recruiters were unable to obtain the required cannon fodder. So royal agents had been sent to various German rulers to hire whole chunks of their standing armies to send to America under British command. This action by the King hit Americans like a thunderbolt, and the Declaration of Independence attacked George III for an action "unworthy the head of a civilized nation."
A British treaty with the Duke of Brunswick produced 4,300 soldiers, in return for more than 11,000 pounds sterling, and twice that much each year for two years thereafter. In addition, the Duke received a payment of "head money" for each man who was sent, with a similar payment of seven pounds for each man killed. And according to the custom of hiring mercenaries, three wounded soldiers counted as one dead man.
Six German statesBrunswick, Hesse-Casel, Hesse-Hanau, Waldeck, Anspach-Bayreuth, and Anhalt-Zerbstsent almost 30,000 men to America, of whom 12,000 never returned home. Almost 5,000 of them deserted to stay in the New World, encouraged to do so by American descriptions of the kind of life which would be available to them in America, which were printed on small pieces of paper and stuffed into tobacco pouches. These were left in strategic places where the Americans knew the pipe-smoking German soldiers would find them.
More than half of the mercenaries came from the principality of Hesse-Cassel, and thus all the German soldiers came to be known as "Hessians." The ruler of Hesse-Cassel was so in love with money that he stripped his own kingdom of one out of every four able-bodied men. But Franklin turned the British blood money against itself, demonstrating how the oligarchs' total disregard for human life led them not only to blatant killing, but also to numerous varieties of indirect murder. And all this they did while mouthing pious sentiments of "morality."
Franklin crafted a satirical letter, known as "The Sale of the Hessians," which laid bare not only the evil practiced by the German princes, but also the Satanic outlook of the British Empire, which followed the doctrine of "Every man has his price." Franklin's letter was dated Feb. 18, 1777, and was supposedly written by a Count de Schaumbergh to a certain Baron Hohendorf, the putative commander of the Hessian troops in America. The Count opens his missive by saluting the Baron and then continues: "On my return from Naples, I received at Rome your letter of the 27th December of last year. I have learned with unspeakable pleasure the courage our troops exhibited at Trenton, and you cannot imagine my joy on being told that of the 1,950 Hessians engaged in the fight, but 345 escaped.
"There were just 1,605 killed, and I cannot sufficiently commend your prudence in sending an exact list of the dead to my minister in London. This precaution was the more necessary, as the report sent to the English ministry does not give but 1,455 dead. This would make 483,450 florins instead of 643,500 which I am entitled to demand under our convention. You will comprehend the prejudice which such an error would work in my finances, and I do not doubt you will take the necessary pains to prove that Lord North's list is false and yours correct.
"The court of London objects that there were a hundred wounded who ought not to be included in the list, nor paid for as dead; but I trust you will not overlook my instructions to you on quitting Cassel, and that you will not have tried by human succor to recall the life of the unfortunates whose days could not be lengthened but by the loss of a leg or an arm. That would be making them a pernicious present, and I am sure they would rather die than live in a condition no longer fit for my service. I do not mean by this that you should assassinate them; we should be humane, my dear Baron, but you may insinuate to the surgeons with entire propriety that a crippled man is a reproach to their profession, and that there is no wiser course than to let every one of them die when he ceases to be fit to fight.
"I am about to send to you some new recruits. Don't economize them. Remember glory before all things. Glory is true wealth. There is nothing degrades the soldier like the love of money. He must care only for honour and reputation, but this reputation must be acquired in the midst of dangers. A battle gained without costing the conqueror any blood is an inglorious success, while the conquered cover themselves with glory by perishing with their arms in their hands. Do you remember that of the 300 Lacedaemonians who defended the defile of Thermopylae, not one returned? How happy should I be could I say the same of my brave Hessians!
"It is true that their king, Leonidas, perished with them: but things have changed, and it is no longer the custom for princes of the empire to go and fight in America for a cause with which they have no concern. And besides, to whom should they pay the thirty guineas per man if I did not stay in Europe to receive them? Then, it is necessary also that I be ready to sent recruits to replace the men you lose. For this purpose I must return to Hesse. It is true, grown men are becoming scarce there, but I will send you boys. Besides, the scarcer the commodity the higher the price. I am assured that the women and little girls have begun to till our lands, and they get on not badly.
"You did right to send back to Europe that Dr. Crumerus who was so successful in curing dysentery. Don't bother with a man who is subject to looseness of the bowels. That disease makes bad soldiers. One coward will do more mischief in an engagement than ten brave men will do good. Better that they burst in their barracks than fly in a battle, and tarnish the glory of our arms. Besides, you know that they pay me as killed for all who die from disease, and I don't get a farthing for runaways.
"My trip to Italy, which has cost me enormously, makes it desirable that there should be a great mortality among them. You will therefore promise promotion to all who expose themselves; you will exhort them to seek glory in the midst of dangers; you will say to Major Maundorff that I am not at all content with his saving the 345 men who escaped the massacre of Trenton. Through the whole campaign he has not had ten men killed in consequence of his orders.
"Finally, let it be your principal object to prolong the war and avoid a decisive engagement on either side, for I have made arrangements for a grand Italian opera, and I do not wish to be obliged to give it up. Meantime I pray God, my dear Baron de Hohendorf, to have you in his holy and gracious keeping."
Using the Vernadsky Principle To Save The World Economy
by Nancy Spannaus
To those policymakers and statesmen not deluded by the self-consoling press releases and fraudulent statistical reports put out by economic 'experts' in the Bush Administration, and in the main international financial institutions, the current condition of the world financial system has reached the stage of 'red alert.' Even public statements about the unsustainability of the United States' current account deficit and budget deficit, such as that given by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin at a London banking conference on Feb. 4, are sufficient to push a panic button for the banking community. Under these conditions, discussion of abandoning the floating-exchange-rate system which replaced the Bretton Woods arrangement back in 1971, has begun to surface.
Current Strategic Studies: The Vernadsky Strategy
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 26, 2001
As I have stressed repeatedly, there are only three present cases of national cultures which are capable of conceptualizing the initiation of global solutions for such current global problems as the presently accelerating collapse of the world's present financial system. Once again, these are the U.S.A., Russia, and the British monarchy. Given that Olympian tragedy popularly known as the U.S. Bush Administration, only some combination of cooperating states of Eurasia which includes Russia and western continental Europe, is presently capable of cultivating the kind of initiative urgently needed today.
Principles of Physical Economy
Eurasian Infrastructure And the Noo¨sphere
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The following speech was given by Dr. Tennenbaum, Schiller Institute science advisor, to a conference sponsored by the Vernadsky State Geological Museum and the Schiller Institute in November 2001, in Moscow. The title of the conference was 'The Realization of the Concept of the Noo¨sphere in the 21st Century: Russia's Mission in the World Today.'
- Appendix: Vernadsky and the Future of Biophysics
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
We here publish an English translation of a little-known article by the great Russian-Ukrainian naturalist and founder of the science of the biosphere, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945), which was printed in 21st Century Science & Technology, Winter 2001-02. Written in 1938, the article addresses one of the most central issues in natural science, and one of immediate relevance to potentially revolutionary research now going on in biophysics and related areas today.
The Biosphere and The Noösphere
by Vladimir I. Vernadsky
The following is excerpted from an article written in December 1943, and published in English in the American Scientist, January 1945. It is reprinted here by permission from the publisher. The article was translated from the Russian in the main by Dr. George Vernadsky of Yale University, with interpolations provided here by Rachel Douglas of EIR, translated from the Russian edition contained in Vernadsky's book Biosfera (Moscow: Mysl Publishing House, 1967). Footnotes have been omitted.
Living and Nonliving Bodies of the Biosphere
by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
The following is the opening section of a 1938 article by Vernadsky. The full title is 'Problems of Biogeochemistry II: Onthe Fundamental Material-Energetic Distinction Between Living and Nonliving Natural Bodies of The Biosphere.' Parts II and III can be found in the Winter 2000-01 issue of 21st Century Science & Technology. See www.21stcenturysciencetech.com.
LaRouche Youth Campaign To Reindustrialize Germany
The dynamic political force which led to the restarting of 'Monday Demonstrations' against economic tyranny in Germany in the Fall of 2004, has gone into action again. When Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the LaRouche Youth Movement started up weekly demonstrations in July 2004, the point of mobilization was the government's pending program for drastic cuts in unemployment insurance, called Hartz IV. The failure of the Social Democrats to take up Zepp-LaRouche's call for creating 8 million new jobs, and restarting the economy with government credit, resulted in the Hartz IV plan going ahead in January 2005.
Interview: Nino Galloni
The Pension System Must Be Tied to the Productive Economy
Nino Galloni is a well-known Italian economist, who served as a high-ranking official in several government ministries, dealing with economics and labor issues. He is currently the auditor of INPDAP, the main institute coordinating pension funds for public-sector retirees in Italy. Mr. Galloni took part in EIR's Jan. 12-13 seminar in Berlin. He was interviewed in Rome by Paolo Raimondi, and the discussion has been translated from Italian. Galloni began with some introductory remarks.
- Mexican Trade Unionists Support LaRouche Effort
On the final stop of his three-city tour of Mexico, EIR's Will Wertz addressed a breakfast meeting in Queretaro, Feb. 2, organized by the LaRouche movement in Mexico, which included about 35 trade unionists and other state leaders. At the conclusion of the meeting, many of the trade unionists and others signed the following open letter, addressed to the LaRouche Political Action Committee...
Australia Dossier: Australia Ravages Timor-Leste
by Robert Barwick
In stealing oil and gas revenues, Australia commits genocide against the world's poorest nation. The Australia-based energy company Woodside Petroleum, 34% owned by Royal Dutch Shell, announced on Jan. 13 that it had stopped work on the Greater Sunrise natural gas project in the Timor Sea, citing 'legal and fiscal uncertainty.' This followed the refusal of the Government of Timor-Leste (East Timor) to ratify a 2003 agreement with Australia, signed under duress, which divided revenue from Great Sunrise, 80 to 20 in Australia's favor. By international law, the field lies entirely in Timor-Leste's territory. (See EIR, Jan. 14, 2005.) The stakes are huge: Greater Sunrise has reserves of 300 million barrels
Sharm el-Sheikh Summit:: The Calm Before a New War?
by Dean Andromidas
If the conference of Middle Eastern leaders held at Sharm elSheikh on the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula on Feb. 7 does not herald the dawning of a new era of peace, it could be the calm before a new war. Statements by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) vowing an end to violence, do not make for a peace conference.
Iran Is Not, Must Not, Be Another Iraq
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
If the Bush-Cheney Administration wants to target Iran as the next 'outpost of tyranny' to be 'liberated,' as President Bush reiterated in his State of the Union address, it will have to fly in the face of the opposition of the rest of the world (with the exception of Israel).
China and India Aim To Extend Cooperation
by Ramtanu Maitra
The first-ever strategic talks between India and China, which took place in New Delhi on Jan. 24-25, were the outcome of years of efforts by these two largest Asian nations 'to take bilateral engagements into a long-term and strategic relationship.' Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Dawei, who is also involved in the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program, and Indian Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran raised hopes that the two would begin to position their bilateral relations in the context of broader regional and global perspectives.
Outflank the Push for Colombia-Venezuela War
by Maximiliano Londoño Penilla
This statement was issued by the president of the Lyndon LaRouche Association in Colombia.
The recent conflict between Colombia and Venezuela, is a typical example of a border conflict manipulated from abroad, which could set off an absurd and fratricidal war. This conflict was triggered by the capture of Rodrigo Granda, a high-level member of the anti-government and pro-drug-production guerrilla group, Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), who reportedly was handed over to Colombian authorities by Venezuelans who pocketed a bounty that had been offered by the Colombian government. The Venezuelans, on the other hand, charged that he was kidnapped by Colombians operating inside Venezuela, wth the collaboration of bribed Venezuelan national guardsmen.
Russian Diplomat On FDR Post-War Design
by Mary Burdman
The Feb. 11, 1945 Yalta summit among President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill 'could have become a new chance for the world,' Russian Professor of History Valentin Falin said, in an interview with RIA Novosti on the 60th anniversary of the summit. Speaking with Novosti military commentator Viktor Litovkin, Falin emphasized Roosevelt's commitment to work with Stalin and the Soviet Union, which was closer than his commitment to Winston Churchill. Falin's conclusions are based, he said, on the memoirs of FDR's Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius, Jr., an influential industrialist, who was at Yalta.
Berlin Seminar Debates UN Role in 'Westphalian' Community of Nations
by EIR Staff
In Berlin on Jan. 12-13, some forty participants from Eurasia, the United States, and Africa met at an EIR-sponsored seminar, on the theme 'Dialogue of Civilizations: Earth's Next Fifty Years.' The meeting was keynoted by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who called for a revived 'Peace of Westphalia' a dialogue of civilizations that would place a perspective for 50 years of Eurasian economic development at the center of efforts for world peace. Like the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia which ended Europe's Thirty Years' War, the approach today to ethnic, religious, and regional strife must be based on the principle of each party enhancing 'the advantage of the other': wiping the slate clean of the cycles of revenge and counter-revenge that plague the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the wars in Africa and the Balkans, and many other locations.
Wall Street May Lose Bet On Bush To Loot Social Security
by Paul Gallagher
In an unprecedented mobilization of the kind which did not occur during the 2004 Presidential election, virtually all Democratic Senators and Representatives are holding town meetings in their districts during February, against President George W. Bush's scheme to loot Social Security. In Michigan, 15 town meetings are being held by Representatives Sander Levin, Debbie Stabenow, John Dingell, Carolyn Kilpatrick, and state constituency groups; five Ohio Representatives are holding another dozen. One said, 'I think we're going to beat Bush on this; we've gotten 2,700 letters against it, and one phone call for it.'
Bush Budget Proves Greenspan Is a Liar
by Carl Osgood
Just days before the Bush Administration released its Fiscal 2006 budget, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, from London Feb. 6, told the world's financial markets that the United States has found the definitive solution to its twin deficitstrade and the Federal budget. He hailed the supposed effect of the declining dollar on U.S. exports, and intoned that 'market pressures appear poised to stabilize, and over the longer run possibly to decrease the U.S. current account deficit.' That, with the new fiscal restraint which has supposedly emerged in the Bush Administration, made the budget deficit as good as under control, spoke Sir Alan.
Dems Demand: Give Veterans Healthcare; Cancel Bush's Cuts
by Marcia Merry Baker and Judy DeMarco
In May 2004, the Bush Administration, through the Office of the Secretary of Veterans' Affairs (VA), released plans for downsizing the already over-loaded national Veterans Affairs medical system, despite the dramatic need for just the opposite its major expansion. In particular, as of 2004, the VA was bearing the triple burden of the war-wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan, the growing number of untreated and uninsured veterans from Vietnamand Gulf War-era service, and the growing ranks of homeless vets as the economy worsens.
As Torture Accounts Proliferate, Senators Seek Independent Commission
by Edward Spannaus
A group of twelve Democratic Senators has introduced legislation which would require the United States to adhere to the minimal standards of treatment defined in the Geneva Conventions, for all persons detained in the war on terrorism. The bill would also create an Independent Commission to investigate how the Administration's policies on treatment and interrogation of detainees were developed.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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