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Published: Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2005
Today is:
Volume 4, Issue Number 13

Richard Nixon meets with George Shultz (far right) and other Cabinet members, May 4, 1971.
March 8, 2005
Back during 1981, then as part of my effort to clean up the mess associated with an attempted 1978-1980 credit-scam swindle against my associates, a swindle some recall as the Gus & Andy Show, I prescribed an emergency mathematical-physics educational program. This program, supplied to educate my associates in relevant principles of economic forecasting, included assigned classes which were intended to show our associates the nature and cure of that hoax, by Augustin Cauchy, on which the teaching of the usual first course in the differential calculus is pivotted.
Unfortunately, in accord with the ironies of our times, the designated instructor, a "Baby Boomer" holding a respected doctoral degree in plasma physics, based his assigned course, not on Leibniz, but on the fraudulent axiomatic doctrine of hoaxster Cauchy.
Now, more than two decades later, the intention of my 1981 physical-science initiative in physical economy is being realized, through the prompting of my design for the self-education program of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM). On this occasion, I apply the physical-science implications of that ongoing LYM program, to remedy the prevalent incompetence of the practice of, and thinking about economics, an incompetence among putative professionals, IMF officials, the current President of the U.S.A., relevant members of Congress, and laymen alike. This is a specific kind of incompetence which is the most important, immediate threat to the present security and future well-being of the U.S.A., and other nations, threatened by a general monetary-financial crisis which threatens to set off a chain-reaction physical-economic collapse in the very near future.
This Week in History
March 28 - April 3, 1824
Lafayette Revives the Memory of the American Revolution
In the late summer of 1824, Gen. Gilbert Lafayette returned to America as the "Guest of the Nation," and embarked on an exhaustive and exhausting tour of all 24 states in the union. No longer known as "Marquis," for he had renounced his title during the battle for a French constitutional republic, Lafayette and his American collaborators, planned to rekindle the ideas of the American Revolution both at home and abroad. In America the progress of his tour was followed avidly, while in Europe, despite complete censorship in monarchist France, any news from Lafayette's tour gave hope to those who wanted to follow America's example.
Within a week of landing at New York City in August, Lafayette had set off for New England, and then, the Mid-Atlantic states. He visited Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon, and took part in the anniversary celebration of the British surrender at Yorktown, where he and Alexander Hamilton had led the successful night attacks on two redoubts which were located so close to General Cornwallis's lines that the British were forced to surrender.
Lafayette spent the winter in Washington City, but made frequent side trips to meet with friends from the days of the American Revolution. Then, at the first sign of early spring, he embarked on a 4,000-mile journey by carriage and steamboat in order to visit every southern and western state. His schedule was arranged so that he would reach Boston by June 17, where he was to lay the cornerstone for the Bunker Hill Monument on the 50th anniversary of the battle. He had always stated that it was the brave American challenge to the British Army at Bunker Hill in 1775 which became the "polestar" by which he had steered his course, and which had inspired him to come to America and offer his services to the Continental Army.
Lafayette took with him his son, George Washington Lafayette; his secretary, Auguste Levasseur; and Bastien, his valet and indispensable helper. With the aid of his son, who had been sent to safety in America during the Terror in France, and General Bernard of the Coastal Survey, Lafayette mapped out a daunting journey through the Carolinas to Raleigh, Charleston, and Savannah, and then, overland into the wilderness of western Georgia and Alabama, to Mobile and New Orleans. The tour continued up the Mississippi to St. Louis, then east on the Ohio River, and up through Pennsylvania and New York State to the Erie Canal, which would take him to Albany, and from there, overland to Boston.
Lafayette's party boarded a Potomac River steamship on Feb. 23, arrived in Norfolk, Va., three days later, and transferred to carriages for the journey through the Carolinas. Although his party was met at each town by an escort of local militia, they encountered such bad roads that their horses often became mired in mud, and in South Carolina, at one point, they became lost in the swamps. But each town they entered had been illuminated to greet him, and there were welcoming speeches, banquets, and balls. Continental Army veterans travelled for many miles to reach the towns where Lafayette would be staying, in order to see him again, and reminisce about the dangers and triumphs they had shared.
Cauchy's Infamous Fraud
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 8, 2005
Back during 1981, then as part of my effort to clean up the mess associated with an attempted 1978-1980 credit-scam swindle against my associates, a swindle some recall as the Gus & Andy Show, I prescribed an emergency mathematical-physics educational program. This program, supplied to educate my associates in relevant principles of economic forecasting, included assigned classes which were intended to show our associates the nature and cure of that hoax, by Augustin Cauchy, on which the teaching of the usual first course in the differential calculus is pivotted.
World News:
Conyers At LaRouche PAC Event Opens New Dialogue among Dems
by Nancy Spannaus
The process of discussion and debate within the Democratic Party entered a new phase on March 23, when MichiganDemocratic Congressman John Conyers participated in a town meeting sponsored by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) in the city of Detroit. Rep. Conyers, who spoke on a panel with Midwest LPAC coordinator Robert Bowen, localUAWpresident Eugene Morey, and Nick Feden of the LaRouche Youth Movement, had a specific message to deliver.
- We Can Turn This Economic Crisis Around
Here is the address of U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to the LaRouche PAC Town Hall Meeting in Detroit, on March 23, 2005. Thank you very much. Good evening. "Thanks Dennis; to our speakers, Bob Bowen, Eugene Morey, the president of UAW local 849, and Nick Feden: I want to express my appreciation for being invited here to be on this panel...."
Lebanon Resists Bush Civil War Provocations
by Michele Steinberg
The legitimate leaders of Lebanon from the Christian, Sunni, Shi'ite, and other communities are carrying out an heroic effort for peace inside their country against almost unsurmountable obstacles that include two terrorist bombings carried out in Christian neighborhoods on March 18 and March 23, provocations by a 'democracy mafia' from the United States, black propaganda from Israeli outlets, and a new crop of Lebanese fraudsters, who are puppets of the U.S. neoconservative warmongers, along the model of Iraqi exile and convicted crook, Ahmed Chalabi.
The Growing GM Crisis Requires That National Policy Change Course
by Richard Freeman
General Motors Vice chairman Bob Lutz's alarming speculation on March 24 that GM may shut down one or more of its 'brand' production divisionsstarting with Pontiac or Buickunderscores the reality that General Motors' credit ratingmaysoon be reduced to junk, which would be accompanied shortly thereafter, by its filing for bankruptcy. Each new plunge of GM's credit rating, occurring in full public view in recent weeks, has sent shock waves through the world's bond and stock markets, threatening the world financial system.
Bipartisans Stop Bush Electricity Price Hike
by Franklin Bell
While the U.S. Northwest is suffering under its worst drought since 1977, a bi-partisan Congressional bloc has quashed a classic Bush/Cheney energy policy scheme for radical 'market-based' electricity price hikes, which would have hastened the destruction of the remnants of the region's economy. The needed follow-on move would be to relaunch the projects nuclear power plants, and new inter-basin water transfers that were shelved decades ago. These infrastructure improvements would permanently do away with the worst ravages of recurring droughts in the Northwest, and throughout the Great American Desert.
LaRouche PAC to Senate Water Meeting: 'Create' New Natural Water Resources
On April 5, a Water Policy Conference will be hosted on Capitol Hill, by the New Mexican Senators Pete Domenici (R) and Jeff Bingaman (D), to consider new proposals for what should be done to deal with water shortages in the American West. In response to a call for submissions for the Conference, the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee provided a policy document on March 9...
Strategic Studies:
Torquemada, the Inquisition, And the Expulsion of the Jews
by Timothy Rush
Even after 1492, when the Jews were expelled from Spain, there was no anti-Semitism. It was not a religious question. It was not a racial question. Their expulsion from Spain in 1492 had been a military questionthe Jews had allied with the Moors, and for military reasons of state security, the Hapsburgs could no longer have the Jews in Spain.
Fernando Quijano, 'Black Legend hides the truth about America's Discovery,' speech delivered Sept. 2, 1990 (EIR, Oct. 19, 1990).
To understand the modern Venetian and later Anglo-Dutch Liberal operations against Islam, we must study the way in which Grand Inquisitor Torquemada's 1492 decrees (dictated to the Spanish monarch) set into motion the internal religious warfare, led by the Habsburgs, in Europe, which continued until the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.
Lyndon LaRouche, e-mail reply to a correspondent, Jan. 7, 2005.
From Our Archives
Napoleon at the Gates of Baghdad
by Steve Douglas
In the Summer of 1807, on the eve of his military onslaught into the Iberian Peninsula, Napoleon was arguably at the zenith of his power. The provisions of the Treaty of Tilsit had ended the War of the Third Coalition, and accorded him virtually total control over continental Europe. Russia, Prussia, and Austria all made their 'peace' with Napoleon. Prussia was largely dismembered, deprived of all but a token army, and saddled with a huge indemnity to France, while Russia was brought into a series of agreements and understandings, both public and secret, which committed it to support Napoleon in his continuing conflict with Great Britain.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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