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Published: Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Today is:
Volume 4, Issue Number 18
April 30
Executive Intelligence Review and the LaRouche Political Action Committee have been informed by several extremely reliable Washington, D.C. sources that in the past several days, a prominent Republican United States Senator has been confronted by Karl Rove and other White House officials on his alleged "connections with Lyndon LaRouche." The Senator (who is not, in fact, in any way associated with LaRouche) denied the charges, but his denials were not believed by the White House officials. He was pressed by Rove, according to the sources, to issue a public statement denouncing LaRouche, to "prove" his denials. EIR has cross-checked the initial incident report with several other well-informed Washington, D.C. sources, and is satisfied that the essential features of the report are accurate and can be further documented.
Upon being informed of the incident today, April 30, Lyndon LaRouche observed that this account of the confrontation with the U.S. Senator, combined with President Bush's public performance on Thursday evening, April 29, makes it clear that the entire White House inner circle has gone stark-raving mad. This insanity and apparent flight-forward reaction to the growing political influence of Lyndon LaRouche and his associates, pose a serious national security threat. At a moment when the United States is facing a global disintegration of the post-Bretton Woods floating-exchange-rate, dollar-based monetary system, and is also facing an imminent loss of the combined physical productive capabilities of the U.S.A. aerospace/airline and auto industries, such insanity at the top of the Executive Branch of the Federal government is a matter of grave concern. Emergency remedial action is going to be forced upon a reluctant Executive Branch and U.S. Congress by the imminent bankruptcies of both General Motors and Ford. Yet the White House leadership is apparently losing all touch with reality.
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Salt Lake City DJ Jack Stockwell on April 22. He was first scheduled for an interview with Stockwell on Sept. 11, 2001an exchange which became a two-hour, historic analysis of that day's events as they were occurring. Today's interview, originally scheduled for one-hour, consumed the entire final two hours of Stockwell's broadcast.
This Week in History
May 2-8
Lafayette Reaches America's Western Settlements and Survives a Shipwreck on the Ohio River
As Gilbert de Lafayette continued his daunting 1825 tour through all of the states of America, he and his party survived a rough trip across the Gulf of Mexico from Mobil, and reached New Orleans during the second week of April. The city provided him with a week of lavish spectacles, balls, and banquets, but Lafayette was disturbed at the existence of black slavery in the country whose freedom he had helped to win. Therefore, he went out of his way to greet a delegation of Negroes who had fought under Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. He also received a delegation of 100 Choctaws, who had come from their savannahs to greet "the Great Warrior, brother of the Great Father Washington."
On April 15 Lafayette boarded the steamboat Natchez and set off up the Mississippi River, stopping for receptions at Baton Rouge and Natchez. Then, for ten days, the passengers saw only wilderness, broken occasionally by a settler's log cabin. When the steamboat required wood for fuel, the captain would steer to shore and send out a woodcutting party. He would sign a paper which told how many cords he had taken, the name of the boat and the captain's place of residence and affix it to a tree. Then, at some point, the owner of the land could send a bill to the captain. This was how the refueling of all the river steamboats was conducted.
At last, on April 28, the mouth of the Ohio River came into view, and the steamboat anchored at the village of Carondelet. The French settlers on this part of the Mississippi had come from France in the time of Louis XIV, and had become American citizens during the Revolutionary War. The backwoods area was poor, and so the settlers brought tame geese, a young doe, shells and petrified wood as their gifts to Lafayette.
The next day, the governors of Missouri and Illinois came aboard the steamer, and the party proceeded up the Mississippi to St. Louis. Lafayette dined with Auguste Chouteau, the founder of the city, and had the great pleasure of greeting the son of Alexander Hamilton, his old Continental Army comrade. That evening, a ball was held that was called "the most brilliant social event that had ever been seen upon the western shore of the Mississippi." Lafayette's secretary, Auguste Levasseur, wrote in his journal that "the splendid decorations of the room and the beauty of the ladies made us completely forget that we were on the confines of a wilderness which the savages themselves consider as insufficient for the supply of simple wants, since they only frequent it occasionally."
Leaving St. Louis, the steamer dropped down the Mississippi and entered the Ohio, where Lafayette had to transfer to another steamboat. This was the Mechanic, a much narrower boat which had been built to navigate the waters of the comparatively shallow Cumberland River. On the Cumberland, progress was slow, as the steamer stopped to allow people who had come down to its banks to board the ship and pay their respects to Lafayette. Finally, the pealing of bells was heard, the signal to Nashville that Lafayette's boat had been sighted.
Lafayette was greeted by General Andrew Jackson, who later conducted him to his home, the Hermitage. There, Lafayette was astounded to find the pistols which he himself had presented to George Washington during the Revolution. It was never explained how Jackson had obtained them, but with his usual courtesy, Lafayette said that he was delighted that they were now in the hands of so worthy a soldier.
When the steamboat Mechanic again reached the Ohio River, Lafayette spent a day in Shawneetown, Illinois, a busy river port and commercial center that had only been laid out in 1808. It contained the first bank founded in Illinois, and that bank's directors were busy planning for the construction of the City of Chicago far to the north on Lake Michigan. Here, Lafayette also received more mailbringing his total to around 500 lettersfrom Americans congratulating him and inviting him to visit their towns. During the day of May 8, he and Levasseur tried desperately to answer some of the correspondence.
Then, that night, after Lafayette had gone to bed, disaster struck.
At midnight the steamboat jolted violently as it hit a snag of submerged branches in the river. A large hole in the hull was filling with water, and the boat started tipping to the side. Levasseur and Lafayette's son George grabbed Lafayette's arms and dragged him from the cabin. Lafayette insisted on going back for a snuffbox, which was ornamented with a picture of George Washington, and Levasseur retrieved it. The captain's lifeboat had been held for Lafayette and he was lowered into it. Later, Levasseur recalled that the people on deck were crying out for Lafayette as if they could not think of saving themselves until the Revolutionary War veteran was safely off the boat.
Fortunately, the boat rolled on its side but did not sink, and all aboard were saved. However, Lafayette's dog, a present given to him in Washington, D.C., went down to the cabin to find his master and was drowned. The passengers, marooned on the Kentucky side of the river with no habitations in sight, made the best of it by lighting large bonfires and eating food saved from the wreck. The next day, two steamboats were spotted on the river. By luck, the owner of one of the boats was one of the shipwrecked passengers. He signaled his boat, the Paragon, and ordered it to abandon its trip to New Orleans in order to carry Lafayette and the other passengers eastward.
By this time, Lafayette began to worry that he would not make the June 17 dedication of the Bunker Hill Monument in Boston, so he cut back the number of days he spent in any one city. He shortened the celebrations in Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, and Pittsburgh, but there was one town in upstate New York where he could not ignore the entreaties of its citizens.
Attack on Judiciary Takes Aim at U.S. Constitution
by Edward Spannaus
Listening to House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and his 'faithbased fascist' friends, one would think that the Federal courts are on a crusade to persecute Christians and 'people of faith,' and that only by banishing the filibuster from the U.S. Senate can true Christian government be restored in the United States. The prohibition of the 'filibuster' (the Senate's tradition of extended debate) for judicial nominees, is generally referred to as the 'nuclear option,' although its proponents piously prefer to call it the 'constitutional option.'
- Which Constitution Are They Defending?
When the 'Constitution in Exile' grouping complains that the U.S. Supreme Court, from its 1937 ratification of FDR's New Deal measures forward, is trashing the 'real' Constitution, whose paramount purpose was to protect property rights, they inadvertently raise the question: Which Constitution are they talking about? The only Constitution which did what they claim, is the 1861 Constitution of the Confederate States of America (C.S.A.).
- Why They Hate 1937
by Edward Spannaus
'It should be remembered that of the three fundamental principles which underlie government, and for which government exists, the protection of life, liberty, and property, the chief of these is property.'
Judge Josiah A. Van Orsdel, of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in invalidating the 1918 Minimum Wage Act for the District of Columbia
Whether this was intentionally written as a perverse parody of I Corinthians 13:13, we do not know. But that it is a repudiation of our Declaration of Independence's commitment to 'Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,' in favor of the evil John Locke's substitution of 'property' for the Leibitzian commitment to Happiness, we can be certain.
- Documentation
U.S. Senators Speak Out Against Nuclear Option
More GOP Fractures Emerge As Dems Batter Bush Policy
by Jeffrey Steinberg and Paul Gallagher
After a series of stunning political setbacks in both Houses of Congress, the Bush Administration has launched a no-holdsbarred campaign of intimidation against Republican lawmakers, and against a highly mobilized Democratic Party, in what is increasingly evolving into a desperate effort to prevent George W. Bush from becoming the earliest 'lame duck' second-term President in U.S. history.
LPAC Testimony to Senate Hearings
Congress Needs To Fix The U.S. Economy, Not Social Security
This testimony was delivered to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finances, Hearing on Social Security Solvency on April 26, on behalf of the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee; www.larouchepac.com.
Bolton Nomination: More Than Meets the Eye
by Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern spent 27 years as a CIA analyst, during which time he worked on National Intelligence Estimates, and was involved in preparing materials for, and briefing senior White House officials as part of the President's Daily Brief. He is a founding member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity and now works at Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. This article appeared first on TomPaine.com.
Waxman: Bush's Stand Is Morally Wrong
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Committee on Government Reform, sent an open letter to President Bush on April 28, slamming him for saying that 'there is no trust fund' for Social Security.'
The implication of your statements is breathtaking,' Waxman writes. 'In effect, you are saying that your Administration does not intend to repay the trillions of dollars being borrowed from the Social Security trust funds. Your position is wrong morally and legally, and it breaks a 70-year commitment that the payments Americans make into the Social Security system will be held in trust for Social Security beneficiaries, not diverted to tax cuts for the super rich or to other government expenditures.'
Kirchner Assumes Leadership As Global Crisis Worsens
by Cynthia R. Rush
Argentine President Néstor Kirchner is demonstrating a new quality of leadership and combativeness in response to the accelerating disintegration of the global financial system. The Argentine leader has consistently attacked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the speculative vulture funds for which it speaks, for looting and plunging Argentina into economic devastation and indebtedness in the 1990s. And he has refused their demands to reopen the bond swap to restructure $82 billion in defaulted debt, even though legal action taken by two vulture funds, NMLCapital and EM, Ltd., now threatens to disrupt the restructuring process altogether.
Economic Mission for Congress:
To Save Auto, Build Rail
by Richard Freeman
'Every GM plant in the United States is capable of retooling for whatever is needed to be produced,' said a United Auto Workers (UAW) official at General Motors' Mansfield, Ohio plant, discussing Lyndon LaRouche's call for emergency government action to re-tool the American auto sector which is being dismantled at break-neck speed. Discussion with half a dozen skilled auto workers and engineers during the past month indicates that they understand the necessity of preserving the auto sector's advanced machine-tool capability, and provide an unique insight into how the retooling process actually functions. They also reflected the spirit of progress and willingness to fight, essential to save the auto sector.
Mexican Right Readies Its Own Funeral
by Rubén Cota Meza
President Vicente Fox's crude, even childish, attempt to eliminate Mexico City Mayor Andr´es Manuel Lo´pez Obrador the current front-runner in all the pollsas a contender for the 2006 Presidential elections, through an absurd legal technicality, has triggered a political upheaval not seen in Mexico for years. What seemed to be a heady victory for Fox, when a majority of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies (360 to 126) voted on April 7 to strip López Obrador of his immunity from prosecution as an elected official, and to dismiss him from his post, proved to be a political disaster for Fox by April 24, when between 750,000 and 1.2 million Mexicans joined a 'silent march' to Mexico City's central plaza, to protest the attack on López Obrador.
Lord Dick Taverne
by Gregory B. Murphy
Ex-Greenpeace Activist Backs Nuclear Power Dick Taverne is a member of the House of Lords in Great Britain. A former member of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, he realized that the attitudes of his past associates in the environmental movement are geared toward anti-science. He then wrote a book about environmentalism titled March of Unreason: Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism, published by Oxford University Press in March 2005. He is not the only leading environmentalist to change his mind recently.
Debate Government's Role in Saving Rail
Faced with the Bush Administration's determination to shut down the U.S. national passenger rail system, AMTRAK, U.S. Congressmen and Senators on both sides of the aisle, have plunged into an intensive debate over the role of government in relation to rail infrastructure. Hearings held April 21 in the Surface Transportation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee featured a surprising convergence of views between Committee Chairman and conservative Mississippi Republican Trent Lott, and FDR Democratic Senator from New Jersey, Frank Lautenberg. Both agreed that necessary infrastructure, such as passenger rail, cannot be expected to pay for itself, and must be supported as an essential service by the Federal government.
Germans Debate FDR Model, Defense of Social State
by Rainer Apel
Something highly interesting is happening in Germany:Coming as a big surprise to most, FranzMu¨ntefering, the chairman of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), hinted that his party is considering dropping the 'Third Way' neo-liberal 'new economy' policies named after Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, and addressing instead the growing unemployment crisis and the bankruptcy of the real economy. In a speech in Berlin, April 13,Müntefering presented the ongoing work of the new party programmatic platform, attacking the neo-liberal ideology in words not heard from SPD officials in years...
Anti-Colonial 'Spirit Of Bandung' Revived
by Mike Billington
Fifty years ago, 29 nations of Asia and Africa met in Bandung, Indonesia, for an Asian-African Summit, described by its host, Indonesian President Sukarno, as the first meeting of former colonial peoples without the presence of representatives from the colonial powers. From this meeting, in 1955, emerged the 'Spirit of Bandung,' which contributed to the rapid conclusion of the decolonization of Africa and Asia, and the founding a few years later of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). From April 22-24, 2005, representatives from over 100 nations, including over 50 heads of state, met in Jakarta, and in Bandung, for the first major meeting of Asian and African nations since that famous 1955 Conference.
- Up From Another Kind of Slavery
by Mike Billington
Life After Life: A Story of Rage and Redemption by Evans D. Hopkins New York: Free Press, 2005 287 pages, hardbound, $25
Early in 1994, about four years into the ten-year stretch I served as a political prisoner in Federal and Virginia detention facilities, I met a young man named Evans Derrell Hopkins, known as 'Hop' to all his fellow inmates. Hop was serving a life sentence for an armed robbery, in which no one was hurt. He believed he'd been given the draconian sentence because he had shown contempt for the all-white jury 'of his peers,' who viewed this former member of the Black Panther Party as an enemy of society....
Neo-Cons Throw New Provocations at Iran
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Sensitive talks are going on between Iran and the European Union troikathe 'EU-3' of Great Britain, France, and Germanyregarding Iran's nuclear energy program. Iranian negotiator Hassan Rowhani, head of the Supreme National Security Council and a Presidential candidate in the upcoming elections, said on April 21, that the Geneva talks were proceeding well, and Iran was confident that an agreement could be reached over the crucial issue of Iran's uraniaum enrichment program. Iran, which insists its program is designed solely for civilian energy production, demands that it be allowed to maintain the technological capabilities to enrich uranium, in accordance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the additional protocols it signed with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Japan-China Relations Need 'New Westphalia'
by Kathy Wolfe
Saner heads in Japan and China acted to cool tensions April 22-24 during the Bandung Asian-African Summit in Jakarta, with an eye to the goal of Eurasian-wide economic development. Chinese President Hu Jintao held his first head of state meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Koizumi, after a drubbing by pro-Asian diplomats in Tokyo, issued an apology for World War II in his conference speech. 'In the past, Japan, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries,' Koizumi said. 'With deep remorse and heartfelt apology always engraved in mind, Japan . . . again states its resolve to contribute to world peace and prosperity in future.'
Hanan Ashrawi:
Palestinian Social and Political Expectations
Dr. Ashrawi, a prominent spokesman for the Palestinian cause, is an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). She was the Palestinian Minister of Education and Research (1996-98), and founded the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH), as well as the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights. A Christian, she holds a doctorate in Comparative literature from the University of Virginia. The speech excerpted here was given on April 11 at the Palestine Center in Washington, D.C. Subheads have been added, and some of the questions have been abridged.
True Justice Requires The End of Geopolitics
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Was there an Armenian genocide?
On April 24, this became again a burning political question, as Armenians worldwide commemorated the 90th anniversary of the tragic events. Wherever there are large Armenian communities, such as in the United States and France, as well as, of course, in Armenia, calls were raised for governments to officially recognize the genocide. For its part, Turkey will continue to deny that genocide occurred, and will exert political pressure on governments to prevent any official recognition.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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