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Published: Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 30
On July 22, in a special hearing called by a joint panel of Senate and House Democrats, on the criminal investigation of the White House role in the Valerie Plame case, a packed hearing room of press, Congressional staffers, and other government officials, heard testimony from leading retired intelligence professionals. The hearing, titled, "National Security Consequences of Disclosing the Identity of a Covert Intelligence Agent," was chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).
And while the hearing was taking place, another bombshell was dropped on the White House: Bloomberg news service and the New York Times reported that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who has been investigating the White House leaking of Plame's identity as a covert CIA agent since December 2003, is looking into "perjury" and "obstruction of justice" charges, because of statements coming from the principal figures identified as the leakers: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, which have been contradicted by other witnesses in the investigation.
In 2004, the former counsel to President Richard Nixon, John W. Dean, wrote a book called Worse Than Watergate, about the lies and the liars involved in the faked intelligence used to start the Iraq War. Events in Washington over the last week, confirm that Dean is right....
Latest From LaRouche
Here are Lyndon LaRouche's (slightly abridged) opening remarks to a LaRouche Youth Movement cadre school in Toledo, on July 17, 2005.
Now, there's a fundamental problem in all teaching of political science and psychology, which is rampant in the United States, among other places, today. And that is, that we are so much influenced, in our culture, by the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of thinking, the so-called Lockean-Cartesian system of thinking, that we no longer understand the essential principles of history, in which critical decisions at critical turning points in history, have to be made. People think of things in, as I said, a Lockean, mechanistic way, or in a Cartesian Flatland basis. They don't understand that history itself, is a determining factor in history.
This Week in History
July 26 - August 1, 1932
Hoover Orders Army To Disperse World War I Bonus Marchers
As the Great Depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover funnelled $2 billion into Wall Street banks and firms through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, while refusing to give any relief to the desperate Americans who were losing their jobs, homes, and farms. He finally granted a few million dollars for work relief, but it was a mere drop in the bucket.
Hoover's advisers, who included Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, assured him that a "hands-off" policy would soon solve the Depression. It was a direct application of Charles Darwin's evil theories of natural selectionthe resulting suffering and death might seem difficult, but the outcome would be a healthier economy. Those who survived the time of trial would be the "fittest." Hoover, although dubious about this extreme solution, also disapproved of massive government intervention, especially any relief which might be seen as a "dole."
The veterans of World War I, the former members of General Pershing's American Expeditionary Force to Europe, had been promised by Congress that they would receive payment on their "adjusted compensation certificates" in 1945. Why, wondered the veterans, in their desperate economic situation, could they not receive their bonus payments immediately? In the spring of 1932, a group of World War I veterans from Portland, Ore. decided to travel to Washington, D.C., to lobby Congress to move up the date of their bonus payment.
They were led by Walter W. Waters, a sergeant in the late war, and now an unemployed cannery worker. The group rode freight cars and arrived at East St. Louis on May 21. Officials of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad refused to let them board a freight train for the East, and eventually, the National Guard was called out to load them onto trucks and ship them out of the state. But national coverage of the event attracted other veterans to the march, and by June some 20,000 or so veterans, many with their wives and children, were camped in a "Hooverville" on the Anacostia Flats within sight of the U.S. Capitol.
A delegation of veterans marched to the White House and asked to meet with the President, but Hoover refused. He met with heavyweight wrestling champions and members of the Eta Epsilon Gamma Sorority during that time, but not with the veterans. No member of the administration met with the veterans, but the head of the District of Columbia police, Brig. Gen. Pelham Glassford, tried to make them welcome. He provided them with makeshift housing in empty government buildings, and allowed them to camp on Anacostia Flats. Through the Army, he obtained, presumably with Hoover's approval, tents, cots, and food supplies. He ordered his men to treat the veterans humanely, and made the rounds of their campsites on his motorcycle, offering them encouragement.
Representative Wright Patman (D-Texas), had introduced a bill in the House to authorize immediate payment of the bonuses, and it was passed on June 15. The veterans waited on the Capitol steps on June 17 to hear the results from the Senate, but Hoover lobbied hard for the bill's defeat, and it failed to pass. At this point, many of the dispirited veterans returned home, but a substantial group, estimated between 2,000 and 8,000, stayed on, despite Hoover's offer of railroad fare home. Some of them, in increasingly desperate circumstances, did not have homes to go to.
The veterans who stayed continued to conduct marches around the capital city, some of which were completely silent "dead marches" around federal buildings. On July 11, President Hoover vetoed the Garner-Wagner Relief Bill, which would have provided some aid to the unemployed. On July 23, the veterans picketed the White House. This was too much for Hoover. He told General Glassford of the D.C. Police that if his forces couldn't prevent such "outbreaks", the Army would be called in.
Chains went up at the White House gates, extra guards patrolled the grounds, day and night, and the nearby streets were closed to traffic. Hoover's advisers began to talk about "revolutionary plans" by the supposedly large numbers of Communists and criminal elements within the veterans. In fact, they questioned how many of the bonus marchers were actually veterans.
On July 28, General Glassford reported to the veterans that he had been ordered by "the highest authority" to move them out of the buildings they occupied on Pennsylvania Avenue. Because Glassford had treated them well, the veterans started to move out on their own. Then, one of the D.C. policemen stumbled and his revolver went off as he hit the ground. Another policeman reacted to the shot by thinking the veterans had fired, and he shot into the crowd. Two veterans subsequently died.
The District of Columbia Commissioners then sent a message to President Hoover, saying they could no longer guarantee the peace. Hoover, who was just starting his Presidential campaign against Franklin D. Roosevelt, ordered Gen. Douglas MacArthur to clear the veterans out of the empty government buildings and drive them back to the Anacostia Flats. That afternoon, MacArthur deployed cavalry with drawn sabers and infantry with fixed bayonets up Pennsylvania Ave. Their equipment included tanks, water cannon, and tear-gas cannisters. The troops used both water and tear gas to drive the veterans and their families back to Anacostia Flats. Then, apparently exceeding his orders, MacArthur ordered his men to break up the encampment, sending men, women, and children, some carrying their few possessions, fleeing into the night to take shelter on the roads of Maryland. The encampment subsequently was burned.
The Case of A Vice-President's Mass Insanity
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
July 10-22, 2005
President George W. Bush, Jr.'s stubbornly repeated insistence, that U.S. government bonds are merely 'I.O.U.'s,' is, by itself, a typical, highly relevant, and clearcut example of the President's incompetence to continue to serve in that office. especially under presently onrushing world monetary-financial conditions. Unfortunately, the solution for that actual issue confronting the Congress is not as simple as that premise for the removal of the President might imply. Consider, for example, the shudder which would pass through the ranks of the Senate, and elsewhere, at the thought that the resignation of an ailing President Bush might bring VicePresident Cheney into the Presidency.
Zepp-LaRouche Demands Germany Choose a Sovereign Solution
by Rainer Apel
German President Horst Köhler made it official in a special television address on July 21: Germany will hold Federal elections on Sept. 18. Setting aside the challenges which have been made to the Constitutional Court against Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's orchestration of a vote of no-confidence against his own government, President Köhler dissolved the Bundestag (parliament), and called for the elections to be held.
Last Chance To Save Iraq From Civil War?
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Is there still a chance to prevent civil war in Iraq? That is the question prompted by reports of escalating violence, which reached a new highpoint over the July 16-17 weekend, when multiple attacks by suicide bombers killed more than 110 people and wounded 300. Despite these alarming developments, it is still possible to avert the worst, and to chart a new course which could lead the nation back to independence and sovereignty, under which conditions, it could seek a route towards national reconciliation. Whether or not this will occur, will depend on two factors: the withdrawal of U.S., U.K., and other foreign troops, beginning now; and the establishment of a regional security arrangement, which would include Iraq's neighbors.
'Plamegate' Can Bring Down Cheney
by Michele and Jeffrey Steinberg
On July 22, in a special hearing called by a joint panel of Senate and House Democrats, on the criminal investigation of the White House role in the Valerie Plame case, a packed hearing room of press, Congressional staffers, and other government officials, heard testimony from leading retired intelligence professionals. The hearing, titled, 'National Security Consequences of Disclosing the Identity of a Covert Intelligence Agent,' was chaired by Rep. HenryWaxman(D-Calif.) and Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).
- Documentation
White House Breached Security Eleven Times
The White House has breached Executive Order 12958, its own order on preventing, and punishing, leaks of classified information, especially in the context of the global war on terrorism. The specifics of the White House security breaches involving Valerie Plame Wilson are detailed in a July 22, 2005 fact sheet posted on the website of the House of Representatives' Government Reform Committee, Minority Office, headed by Rep. Henry Waxman(D-Calif). The Fact Sheet was released to a hearing of a joint panel of Senate and House Democrats on the topic of 'National Security Consequences of Disclosing the Identity of a Covert Intelligence Officer,' which was chaired by Waxman on July 22. The Fact Sheet is published here in full.
- Documentation
Adm. John Hutson (ret.): 'We Have a Serious Problem'
This is testimony given to the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, at its July 14 hearing, by retired U.S. Navy Adm. John D. Hutson, former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, and now the president and dean of the Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord, N.H. Admiral Hutson's more extensive prepared testimony is available on the Senate Armed Services Committee website.
What's Behind Bush's Frenzy Over The Supreme Court Nomination?
by Debra Hanania-Freeman
When President Bush nominated Judge John G. Roberts of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, in highly unusual live prime-time remarks on July 19, it brought to a close what is being called one of the most bizarre days in the recent history of the nation's capital.
GOP Senators Assert Congressional Control Over Detainee Policy
by Edward Spannaus
The White House is threatening to veto the Defense Authorization bill, if it contains a provision being drafted by three key Senate Republicans, which would assert Congress's Constitutional role in defining U.S. policy on detainees and interrogations in the war on terrorism. In a statement issued on July 21, the White House insisted that Congress must not legislate on these matters, over which the Executive branch wrongly claims to have exclusive authority.
Federal and State Revenue Rises Much Touted, But All Smoke
by Paul Gallagher and Mary Jane Freeman
Tax revenues of the Federal government in 2005 remain considerably below their level of four years ago, despite the considerable fanfare the George W. Bush Administration gave to its July 13 announcement of a 'shrinking budget surplus' and 'rising Federal tax revenues.' The high-profile announcement by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director Joshua Bolton reflected a number of fraudsincluding the clearly too-high estimate of the FY 2006 deficit that OMB made in February, which made it easy to show a substantially lowered deficit estimate now. Also,OMB used a record Social Security surplus, over $160 billion, to make the deficit estimate 'shrink' to $333 billion. In all, it was basically a fraudulent 'intelligence estimate,' reminiscent of those of Dick Cheney.
Interview: Lourdes Alvarado-Ramos
VA Cuts Would Force Veterans on Medicaid
Ms. Alvarado is Assistant Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington state and the president of the National Association of State Veterans Homes. She was interviewed on July 20 by Patricia Salisbury.
Germany Cannot Survive Under the Euro System
by Lothar Komp
Helga Zepp-LaRouche's call for Germany to return to the deutschemark (see International) has sparked broad debate about the question of national currencies. This article shows how the euro has deliberately destroyed the German economy, which is vital to Europe's well-being.
BRAC's Proposed Northwest Closures Would Gut Defense, Science, and Jobs
by Marcia Merry Baker
At the BRAC hearing in San Antonio, July 10, the protests against base-closing plans focussed primarily on the Texas installations at Red River Army Depot and the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant, both in Texarkana, and the Ingleside Naval Station, near Corpus Christi.
BRAC Targets Another 'National Asset': Army Research Office in North Carolina
by Judy DeMarco
At the June 28 BRAC hearing in Charlotte, N.C., delegations from the Carolinas and West Virginia testified, giving major attention to the great value of the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, in which the Army Research Office (ARO) is central. The BRAC proposal is to relocate the ARO to Bethesda, Md.
Pentagon Base-Closing Plan Takes Down Northeast Submarine Industrial Base
by Carl Osgood
The Pentagon plan to close both the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the New London Submarine Base not only eliminates most of the active Naval presence in New England, but also takes down a sizable chunk of the U.S. submarine industrial infrastructure. Both facilities have played an important role in the development of the U.S. Navy's submarine capability since 1915. In that year New London was founded, and the Navy determined that it needed to start building submarines at Portsmouth. Both facilities are nuclear capable and both, if closed, would result in the loss of not only considerable infrastructure, but also a skilled workforce with institutional knowledge.
Britain Set for A 'Super-Enron'
by Mary Burdman
'The whole financial system is now even more fragile than ever before. . . . The U.S. housing market is the key to the world economy. I am constantly amazed about the 'creativity' of the lenders and the stupidity of the borrowers,' remarked a City of London investor, known for his accurate forecasts of the collapse of financial bubbles. He told EIR July 19: 'Consumerism is down in the U.K., and will be in the U.S. There are all sorts of low-quality lending going on. A lot of people are saying: 'the Fed will have to raise rates,' but this can not stop the problem. It is just a matter of time.
Interview: Yasmir Fariña Morales
Say 'No' to Privatized Pensions, Chilean Unionist Advises U.S.
In this interview, Ms. Fariña, president of the Chilean Public Employees' Group to Redress Social Security Harm, describes a lesser-known aspect of Chile's 1981 social security privatization, the same model that George Bush has tried to ram down the throats of the American people: the brutal way in which tens of thousands of state-sector workers were forced by Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship and 'Chicago Boy' economics team to switch from the U.S.-style state-run 'pay as you go' system to the privatized AFP system, or else face the likelihood of losing their jobs.
Facing the Coming Crash Of the Financial System
EIR's June 28-29 seminar in Berlin brought together distinguished representatives of 15 nations, to discuss what had to be done to address the coming crash of the world financial system. In the keynote to the meeting, Lyndon LaRouche stressed not only the nature of the worldwide reorganization that was required, but made a sharp polemical point about the fact that it is from the United States, despite the character of the current occupants of the White House, that the positive change has to be initiated, and soon.
Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr.
The New American Imperialism: Some Historical Light
Dr. Kiracofe is a former senior professional staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He presented this paper to EIR's Berlin seminar on June 28.
Jeffrey Steinberg
LaRouche's Role in Mobilizing the U.S.
Here are the spoken remarks of EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg to the Berlin seminar, on the afternoon of June 28. He also submitted a written text, which was published in the July 25 New Federalist.
Jacques Cheminade
Give Europe a Vital Mission for the Future Jacques
Cheminade is the chairman of the Solidarity and Progress partry in France, and the long-time leader of the LaRouche movement there. He addressed the Berlin seminar on the afternoon of June 28.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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